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How do you get rid of the live CD mode

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    How do you get rid of the live CD mode

    I just installed Kubuntu. I chose what I think was the third option. Something about install as "run from CD" with option to full install later and with extra stuff to help boot from CD in case the computer can't do it on it's own.

    It got one error message during the install but everything seemed to work fine after the installation finished. When I rebooted it was still looking for the CD, so I put it back in and noticed that Firefox had to be reinstalled and my wireless settings had to be reentered. So I clicked the intall Kubuntu 11.04 icon that is on the desktop hoping that it would now do a full install to hard disk, but it started to go through the same install I had already done. Nothing about "you are already running off CD, do you want to do full disk install." Even worse, now I get some error message about xx-cartman or xx-partman returning error code 141. And this error repeats even after retry or reboot. Except now I can't shut down like I had done before - clicking restart or shutdown does nothing. I have to manually do the power switch to shut down. So the thing is hosed I guess.

    So what do I do now?

    Re: How do you get rid of the CD

    Pretty sure it wasn´t a Kubuntu prob, or some issue with Kubuntu errors, sounds more like a procedure problem...anyway just make a fresh install again..Im sure you will get it this time running perfect...

    Try again cause It must be some mistake you gotten into...just play around with options and learn no install the Kubuntu Cd , Im sure you just need some exp on Installing a Linux OS thats all , anyway one question...are you installing in a separate partition or you got a dual booting going on?

    Cheers Kira.


    Change the title gets a bit confusing is not...what your looking for should be more like a How to install KUBUNTU!...I saw the thread and was going to say "Just throw it to the trash"....hahaha


      Re: How do you get rid of the CD

      How do I start over? Right now it starts up in "run from the CD" mode and when I click on the icon to install Kubuntu 11.04. it fails, telling me that vbi-partman returned 141.

      Personally, I think it is a mistake to combine the live CD with a full install CD.


        Re: How do you get rid of the live CD mode

        Well the Live cd is pretty usefull since it lets you give a try to kubuntu before installing it.

        Anyway, doesnt a menu appears when you put the cd in the tray and restart the computer? right after the Bios POST?? that says Install kubuntu, Try Kubuntu, and other options that I dont remember now..??


          Re: How do you get rid of the live CD mode

          from the live cd first thing you should do is use the check cd for defects option. be sure your cd is correct! if not you need a new cd. look for this option in the first menu that comes up (iirc 3rd option down)

          does this disk(your HD) have any partitions on it ? did u have (and plan to keep) windows? if you have windows on the drive you will before trying to format w/ the live cd want to run checkdisk and defragmenting (the parted tools will mostly refuse to work on dirty ntfs partitions).

          if you don't have any other stuff and want to have a clean disk use the manual mode to partiton and delete all partitions and make 3 partitoions

          say you ahve a 120GB HD..

          1 will be around 30Gb or so type:ext4 and mount as / (system stuff here)
          2 will be about 1.5x your ram (if you want to suspend) or no more then 2GB otherwise type: swap
          3. will be the reming part of the disk type:ext4 mount as /home (personal data saved here)

          why this way ? well all your settings and documents are stored in /home. if you ever need to reinstall you just ahve to format the / partiton and tell the installer to use your /home as ext4 (no format) then you will have all your stuff back almost imedately after installing the system

          one of those two will hopefully work for you.
          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
          (top of thread: thread tools)


            Re: How do you get rid of the live CD mode

            On some mobos the live CD has problems with ACPI; I always use the alt. CD

            and I think it's always a good idea to create a separate /home partition also
            Registered Linux User 545823


              Re: How do you get rid of the live CD mode

              Originally posted by kiraitachi
              Well the Live cd is pretty usefull since it lets you give a try to kubuntu before installing it.
              I have no problem with Live CDs. What I don't like is the new style of combining them with Install-Linux-To-Hard-Disk CDs.

              Originally posted by kiraitachi
              Anyway, doesnt a menu appears when you put the cd in the tray and restart the computer? right after the Bios POST?? that says Install kubuntu, Try Kubuntu, and other options that I dont remember now..??
              No, I don't get a menu when I put the CD in the tray. It has installed something on my hard disk that gives me a choice of Windows 7 or Kubuntu. If I choose Kubuntu it boots up. I did hit escape and got an option to check the CD. The CD checked out OK.

              So I am stuck with booting up Kubuntu in LIVE CD mode. I get an icon on the Kubuntu desktop that says I can install Kubuntu 11.04. However, clicking on that gives a consistent failure - ubi-partman returns error code 141.
              So I am stuck in no man's land. It looks like I am going to have to install another OS to write over what I have now. I don't see how it can be corrected with the Kubuntu 11.04 combined Live CD/Install CD.


                Re: How do you get rid of the live CD mode

                Originally posted by sithlord48
                from the live cd first thing you should do is use the check cd for defects option. be sure your cd is correct! if not you need a new cd. look for this option in the first menu that comes up (iirc 3rd option down)
                I had to hit escape while a counter was ticking down before boot to get the "check CD option". The CD checked out OK.

                Originally posted by sithlord48
                does this disk(your HD) have any partitions on it ? did u have (and plan to keep) windows? if you have windows on the drive you will before trying to format w/ the live cd want to run checkdisk and defragmenting (the parted tools will mostly refuse to work on dirty ntfs partitions).
                When I did the Live CD and/or install thing I let the installer handle partitioning. It chose to make a partition that was 16 or 17 gigabytes. Having said that, when I boot up now, it still wants the CD in the drive or it won't work. So I have no idea what it did. Also, when I reboot it has lost the Firefox install and the wireless settings. So it appears to be running off CD even though there was some stuff about a 17 gig partition and even though when I boot up I get a choice between Windows 7 and Kubuntu.

                I do not see any options about installing Kubuntu other than what is on the desktop after bootup. And that fails consistently - ubi-partman returned error code 141.


                  Re: How do you get rid of the live CD mode

                  A) I would really like to suggest that it is "mainly" a situation with the download.
                  B) if you can use another OS, please do that and download again.
                  C) Use K3B to burn the cd because it will do a MD5 checksum to make sure things are ok.
                  D) run the live cd and do some "stuff" with it.
                  E) from the live cd choose to install the distro.
                  F) IF POSSIBLE....chose the option to take over the whole disk.

                  just a suggestion, of little worth


                    Re: How do you get rid of the live CD mode

                    I'd recommend downloading and trying out the Alternate CD, which is an "old-school" install CD (not a live cd)...and usually a good option if you experience any issues with the live cd installer (I use the alternate cds exclusively for installation).

                    The alternate CDs are available from the download page, scroll down to get to them.


                      Re: How do you get rid of the live CD mode

                      Well I think I have found the problem. I tried to install openSUSE 11.03. It kept saying that it had to delete the Windows partitions. It could not add a partition. I googled the error message I got and someone recommended using Gparted Live CD. I did that and Gparted gave what is probably the problem - I already have 4 primary partitions, which is apparently the maximum. My partitions are:

                      - Boot manager (or some similar name)
                      - Regular Windows partition
                      - Recovery Disk partition
                      - HP Tools partition

                      I think I might try a Wubi install of Kubuntu.

                      My concern though, is that the Live CD has put a choice of Kubuntu on my bootup, which actually is just trying to boot off the CD at this point.


                        Re: How do you get rid of the live CD mode

                        WUBI works nice, BUT from my experience, after you install it you should pin the kernel. If you get a kernel update it will attempt to rewrite grub but it corrupts grub and then you can only boot into

                        You can pin the kernel using synaptic. Under the "Settings" menu option is the option to "Lock Version" for the installed package that you have selected in the right panel.
                        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                          Re: How do you get rid of the live CD mode

                          Now you have the Gparted disk use it!

                          You can subdivide the largest partition into 'Logical' partitions and that's where you can install Linux.

                          Personally I always advise to first do the partitioning using for example Gparted and then do the install.


                            Re: How do you get rid of the live CD mode

                            I would defrag the HD before I use GParted or install Kubuntu.
                            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                              Re: How do you get rid of the live CD mode

                              Originally posted by GreyGeek
                              WUBI works nice, BUT from my experience, after you install it you should pin the kernel. If you get a kernel update it will attempt to rewrite grub but it corrupts grub and then you can only boot into

                              You can pin the kernel using synaptic. Under the "Settings" menu option is the option to "Lock Version" for the installed package that you have selected in the right panel.
                              Thanks for the tip. I will attempt to do that.

