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Converting From Windows

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    Converting From Windows

    I'm thinking of switching from Windows to Kubuntu, but have some questions. I WILL try a Live CD before I actually make the switch.
    Which version should I download? I see 11.04 & 10.04 LTS. I also see it recommends the 32 bit version. I do have a 64 bit processor. Should I still stick with the 32 bit version anyway? I have 6 GBs of RAM and want to utilize all of it.
    I use my 1080p TV as my monitor (NOT 3D compatible). Any problems outputting a 1920x1080p signal in Linux (ATI Radeon 5870).
    Any antivirus/spyware needed?
    I use an IR receiver that came with my older computer. It accepts commands from a remote and from my keyboard. Is this going to be a problem?
    Any problems in general with my hardware?

    Intel Core i7 920
    6GBs DDR3 RAM
    ATI Radeon HD5870
    Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Champion Series Sound Card
    Canon Printer
    Intel PCI-E based NIC


    Re: Converting From Windows

    Originally posted by kturcotte
    I'm thinking of switching from Windows to Kubuntu, but have some questions. I WILL try a Live CD before I actually make the switch.
    Which version should I download? I see 11.04 & 10.04 LTS. I also see it recommends the 32 bit version. I do have a 64 bit processor. Should I still stick with the 32 bit version anyway? I have 6 GBs of RAM and want to utilize all of it.
    I have run 32 and 64 go with 64 if you have the processor "stuff" will absolutely be faster and more elegant.

    I use my 1080p TV as my monitor (NOT 3D compatible). Any problems outputting a 1920x1080p signal in Linux (ATI Radeon 5870).
    RADEON GOES FINE IF IT GOES FINE with what you have...NOW.... I have my game system running with an two year old Linux setup on a computer for my large screen t.v. and it plays great. will NEVER........have "crystal clear" video unless you have a MATCHED television and card and all of it running the LATEST and GREATEST video card.

    But.....given that................mine runs GREAT and you should be well pleased with the results.

    Any antivirus/spyware needed?
    I have been an advocate of "Linux" "doing" "enabling" antivirus/spyware for over 6 years WILL hit "us" sooner or later....but given the money involved I think.....MUCH, for now, do not worry about it at all.

    If you get "something" that says it is "checking your computer" it is because WINE has automatically been enabled and the malware is seeing that and NOT the and get on with your malware free life.

    I use an IR receiver that came with my older computer. It accepts commands from a remote and from my keyboard. Is this going to be a problem?


    Any problems in general with my hardware?
    ummmm if it works now it will probably work with Kubuntu, if not, ASK.....and somebody that is a lot smarter than the old woodsmoker will help you.

    And....ummmmmmmWELCOME TO THE FORUMS!!!

    Intel Core i7 920
    6GBs DDR3 RAM
    ATI Radeon HD5870
    Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Champion Series Sound Card
    Canon Printer
    Intel PCI-E based NIC



      Re: Converting From Windows

      try the 64 bit livecd to test. I recommmend 11.04 for better tv video support (though this can be problematic depending on whether the built-in ati driver can support this or not - i believe the non-free fglrx drive should, but is not installed by default.

      remote controls are still not an out-of-the box thing, depending on the make and model of the receiver. Drivers are not installed by default and could mean some manual configuration of the LIRC system

      antivirus/malware, none needed as of yet. No one is writing the bad stuff for linux yet, and it still would need the user to enter the admin password to install. But that is a phishing problem any OS user would face these days.

      If your printer is supported, the drivers are already there for it.

      Sound card , I dunno. A live cd session will quickly reveal what does or doesn't work , except for the remote. Video output could fail in a livecd and work after installing the fglrx driver. These 2 are probably the only unknowns.

      google shows me that your soundcard is supported as well, actually, and drivers are already there.

      One thing about linux is that most drivers are available by default, outside of the proprietary ones mostly, so you find out quickly what works or not. Then you can decide how much research or work you want to do to get the non-working things to go


        Re: Converting From Windows

        Like claydoh said, use the 64bit version to take full advantage of your hardware, and test with a LiveCD.

        After you download an ISO be sure to check its md5sum for validity. After you burn it (at 10X or less with DiskAtOnce) check it again for a good burn. (Usually the second menu option on the LiveCD - "Check CD for errors") If that goes well then make sure your BIOS is set to boot first from your CDROM, then reboot.

        My suggestion is to start with the Kubuntu 10.04 LiveCD and run it in the LiveCD mode to test EVERTHING about your computer and what you intend to do with it. With the RAM your system has you can run the distro as a LiveCD but still install and test other applications. (Your HD is never touched and everything will "go away" when you shut down, leaving just the LiveCD in the CDROM.). Then proceed up the chain of releases and choose the most recent one that still works with everything on your box.

        Or, Install 10.04 because it is the LTS (Long Term Support - 3 yrs) , fully update it to make it current. then stay with it, allowing for bug fixes and security patches until the next LTS release, in April of 2012.

        I wouldn't be concerned about viruses and Trojans. As long as you don't install software from foreign sources (i.e., applications NOT in the Kubuntu repositories) and you don't let someone social engineer you into
        1) downloading a file and saving it to your HD,
        2) giving it root permission and adding the execute bit, and then
        3) running it from a Konsole,
        you won't have anything to worry about. Kubuntu (and Linux in general) does not automatically execute files attached to emails. You have to do the three steps above to get them to run. In fact, it took a team of black hats SIX MONTHS to manually hijack about 700 Linux computers because that is about the only way they could capture some. Why six months? I'm guessing that it took them that long to find that many computers where the user ran as root and/or had weak passwords or no passwords.

        Kubuntu comes with a firewall preinstalled, called ufw. (Ubuntu Fire Wall). There is a GUI in the repository, but it is not installed because most folks wouldn't know how to modify the standard settings, which are sufficient enough for most home computers. You can go to and use "ShieldsUp!" to test your security. An all green board means that your system is "invisible" from the Internet side of your connection. However, if you want "Zone-Alarm" type firewalls there are several excellent selections in the repository. But, I've been running Linux since 1998 and for more than half of that time I never used a firewall and never got an infection. The only reason I use one now is because it comes preinstalled with the iso. And, my wireless router uses Linux and has a Linux firewall as well. BTW, if you "Fail" the ShieldsUp1 test even though you have an all green board it is because your wireless is responding to a ping. If you go into your wireless router settings you can turn off ping echo.

        EDIT: P.S. -- Welcome to FOSS, the GPL, Linux, Kubuntu and this forum! 8)
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Converting From Windows

          Originally posted by kturcotte
          Which version should I download? I see 11.04 & 10.04 LTS. I also see it recommends the 32 bit version. I do have a 64 bit processor. Should I still stick with the 32 bit version anyway? I have 6 GBs of RAM and want to utilize all of it.
          IMO, there's no longer any reason to install 32bit unless your processor is 32bit.
          I use my 1080p TV as my monitor (NOT 3D compatible). Any problems outputting a 1920x1080p signal in Linux (ATI Radeon 5870).
          It will work, but likely not right-out-of-the-box. But don't let that put you off, just be aware you'll be doing some research and fine tuning to get it right. However, once you do get it right, it will amaze you!
          Any antivirus/spyware needed?
          In a word: NO
          I use an IR receiver that came with my older computer. It accepts commands from a remote and from my keyboard. Is this going to be a problem?
          An area that isn't widely discussed or used by a lot of people here on KFN. But MythTv and a few other linux based AV website have tons of documentation and resources available. Like the TV setup, you may be in for a little research but it shouldn't be a problem.
          Any problems in general with my hardware?
          I'd suggest doing some model specific research before installing. Printers can be tricky. Likely 90% of what you have will work immediately.

          The biggest hurdle for most new linux users is changing your mind-set away from microsuk to the linux way of doing things. You'll be in control of all aspects of your OS for the very first time. With this control comes responsibility to learn what needs to be learned, know in advance you're going to have some setbacks - most minor and all solvable, and most of all -don't give up and don't be afraid to come here for help. There are lots of knowledgeable people here waiting to help others - just do us a favor and search before posting, post a well detailed request for help, and try to fix things with a little homework of your own before asking others to do it for you.

          Most of all: Welcome to linux, Kubuntu, and KFN

          Please Read Me

