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Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

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    Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

    Hiya everyone,

    I've grow sick of the "Unity" DE, problem with Ubuntu and decieded to come over to Kubuntu 11.04 instead.

    I am keen too replace my old gnome favourite apps with KDE Equivalents now, I need:

    Video Editor - (Kdenlive?)
    Graphics Package (kde version of Gimp?)
    Word processor (Kde version of openoffice?)
    CD/DVD package - K3B works fine
    DVD Back Up - K9copy works fine
    MP3 ID3 tag editor - (Kid3?)
    CD to MP3 Ripper - ?
    Video Convertor - ?
    Audio Convertor - ?
    Media player - (I used to use banshee on gnome, any suggestions)

    Thanks in advance.

    Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

    I can help you out with this, being pretty much strictly KDE myself.

    Video Editor: I haven't yet used it, but I suggest Kdenlive, since it uses KDE libs, and is integrated for KDE.
    Graphics Package: You can use GIMP on KDE, though KDE applications include Krita and digiKam. Takes a little bit of time to get used to the switch, but Krita is supposed to be very nice
    Word Processor: Most people use LibreOffice, though if you want strictly KDE, use Koffice. I tried tinkering with it, and will try again soon when I don't need something more familiar[LibreOffice]
    CD/DVD package: Find me something better then K3b, and I'll give you kudos :P
    MP3 ID3 tag editor: Funny about this, just use Amarok. It tags your music[all formats as well] and it'll stick with it. Its a wonderful music player as well.
    CD to MP3 ripper: Use Amarok. You can also rip to all file formats I believe[.ogg, .wav, etc]
    Video Convertor: not sure exactly what your asking for on this one, sorry bud.
    Audio Convertor: I had a friend give me a python script[it uses VLC dependencies though] that could transcode all my .mp3 files to .ogg. Not sure if thats what your looking for though
    Media Player: Never use banshee again :P use Amarok, it plays music wonderfully, and can use the phonon backends of gstreamer, VLC, and xine[not recommended]
    You should use either DragonPlayer or Kaffeine to play movies, and if you want VLC for your phonon use, just install the vlc-phonon-backend I believe is what it is.

    anything else needed?
    Computer Lie #1: You&#39;ll never use all that disk space.<br />FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue...<br />The box said, &quot;Requires Windows 7 Home Edition or better&quot; I installed Linux<br />My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.<br />Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay...


      Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

      Unfortunately, if you want maximum functionality, there is at present no way to get away from gtk applications. You can make using them a little more pleasant by installing the qtcurve and gtk-engines-qtcurve packages, that at least bring gtk apps a little closer in appearance to kde.

      video editor - openshot. The only one I have found that will handle AVCHD lite.
      graphics - gimp. Also rawtherapee and/or ufraw for photos.
      word processor - libreoffice. There is a libreoffice-kde integration package.
      cd/dvd - k3b, no contest.
      mp3 tag editor - exfalso. I'm not much of an amarok fan, it's too much for what I want to do.
      cd/mp3 ripper - audex -- simple, straightforward.
      video converter - transmageddon
      audio converter - soundkonverter
      media player - vlc, or smplayer

      Yeah, I'm not pure kde, but these are the ones that work best for me.
      We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


        Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

        Thats why its Linux. The wonderful world of choices, choices, more choices, and custom-tailoring to almost any users personal preference. I'm sure Nightstrike would like as many variable suggestions as possible, so its good you gave many differing opinions from mine, gives him more room to experiment. I don't know of some of what you said, and as I type am going to experiment myself. Thanks for helping me some!
        Computer Lie #1: You&#39;ll never use all that disk space.<br />FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue...<br />The box said, &quot;Requires Windows 7 Home Edition or better&quot; I installed Linux<br />My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.<br />Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay...


          Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

          I gave up looking for the "best" apps; there are just too many to choose from. I settled on the ones that were easy to use, and do what I want, without doing a lot that I don't want.
          Keep in mind there's aslo getdeb, sourceforge, webupd8 (or something like that) and several other sites full of apps. And even more sites with reviews of linux apps. It is truly staggering what is available, and on top of that, they don't install a coin slot on your machine, as most of the apps for some other OS's do.
          I've been at ubuntu since 7.04, and debian long before that, and I haven't even scratched the surface of what's out there.
          We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


            Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

            for audio conversion you can simply mount your cd open it in dolphin and copy the files from the wav. mp3, flac, ogg folders it will transcode them on the fly for you (change settings in system settings->Multimedia->audio cd's
            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
            (top of thread: thread tools)


              Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

              I've used KDENLIVE quite a bit and it is hands down the best of all the options out there. IMHO! Of course by my work I present here I will say GIMP without a doubt. There is no substitute for it. The rest is up for grabs.


                Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

                for music, someone here turned me on to clementine. I said goodbye to that morbidly obese amarok.
                FKA: tanderson


                  Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

                  Originally posted by doctordruidphd
                  I gave up looking for the "best" apps; there are just too many to choose from. I settled on the ones that were easy to use, and do what I want, without doing a lot that I don't want.
                  Thats why we need a linuxmint type rating system in the muon. it gets simple. we search something read review.. and download what we want.

                  @nightstrike: yes.. even i am not purist. i just want something "to work". and thats about it.
                  Here is my list:
                  Video Editor - Kdenlive
                  Graphics Package - simple changes digiKam (works best for me) or even Gwenview works great. complex changes: Gimp
                  Word processor - koffice, libreoffice
                  CD/DVD package - K3B
                  DVD Back Up - K9copy
                  MP3 ID3 tag editor - amarok (the only thing which i am still searching is, how to embed the album art, which unfortunately none of the open source app can do, i use songbird for that)
                  CD to MP3 Ripper - sound-juicer
                  Video Convertor - searching...
                  Audio Convertor - sound-juicer
                  Media player - amarok or my new found love clementine for audio, vlc for video. frankly i dont hate even the dragon player.
                  asus A52N
                  Dual boot: Kubuntu 11.10 64bit, Ubuntu 11.10 64bit
                  AMD Athlon II 64 X2 | 4 GB DDR3 RAM | ATI Radeon HD 4200
                  windoze free since 2009 12 16 (Vijay din= Victory day)


                    Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

                    It seems to me some gnome apps are better and some KDE apps are better.
                    When I install Kubuntu the first thing I do is install Synaptic. That brings in some GTK stuff. Then GIMP adds more GTK stuff and so on. Why worry? Drive space is cheep.

                    I'm not fussy enough to even notice or care if a gnome app looks funky in KDE or what ever. If it works and I like it it's a go.

                    Opinions are like rear-ends, everybody has one. Here's mine. (|)


                      Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

                      Originally posted by lcorken
                      I'm not fussy enough to even notice or care if a gnome app looks funky in KDE or what ever. If it works and I like it it's a go.
                      My wife even doesn't care that her favourite graphic program is in wine: Irfanview

                      My favourite video player: Xine, it was the only one which was able to use subtitles and usb speakers in Lucid.
                      Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


                        Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

                        Kid3 is a tag program that does embed the album art. Just drag and drop the jpg to the bottom right hand corner.

                        As far as changing software, I just mix and match gnome and kde apps together based on what works best for
                        the task at hand.

                        Originally posted by vu2ikl
                        Originally posted by doctordruidphd
                        I gave up looking for the "best" apps; there are just too many to choose from. I settled on the ones that were easy to use, and do what I want, without doing a lot that I don't want.
                        Thats why we need a linuxmint type rating system in the muon. it gets simple. we search something read review.. and download what we want.

                        @nightstrike: yes.. even i am not purist. i just want something "to work". and thats about it.
                        Here is my list:
                        Video Editor - Kdenlive
                        Graphics Package - simple changes digiKam (works best for me) or even Gwenview works great. complex changes: Gimp
                        Word processor - koffice, libreoffice
                        CD/DVD package - K3B
                        DVD Back Up - K9copy
                        MP3 ID3 tag editor - amarok (the only thing which i am still searching is, how to embed the album art, which unfortunately none of the open source app can do, i use songbird for that)
                        CD to MP3 Ripper - sound-juicer
                        Video Convertor - searching...
                        Audio Convertor - sound-juicer
                        Media player - amarok or my new found love clementine for audio, vlc for video. frankly i dont hate even the dragon player.


                          Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

                          Originally posted by kapil

                          Video Convertor - searching...
                          Try WinFF, it's not KDE or Qt but it's great none the less. VLC is another option here.
                          Registered Linux user #481882


                            Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

                            Originally posted by tanderson
                            for music, someone here turned me on to clementine. I said goodbye to that morbidly obese amarok.
                            I did the same, but I've been pretty happy with qmmp - which reminds me a whole lot of xmms before the developers decided to make it client-server. Same functionality and it even runs my favorite winamp 2 skin
                            we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                            -- anais nin


                              Re: Can anyone suggest best KDE equivalents of gnome apps?

                              Originally posted by lcorken
                              When I install Kubuntu the first thing I do is install Synaptic.
                              Same here.

                              If you don't mind QtCurve themes, the way to get synaptic to use the theme is to either run systemsettings as root and set it there or (my preference) run gtk-chtheme as root - or both.

                              Another thing I do is run systemsettings as root -

                              kdesudo systemsettings

                              and go to application appearance --> colors and set the window background color to something other than what I use for a nonprivileged user. I personally like using #DDBBBB which is kinda pink but not nearly as hard on the eyes as the red some distributions use.
                              we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                              -- anais nin

