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Anyone have UBuntu 11.04and tried to change login background?(gave up)

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    Anyone have UBuntu 11.04and tried to change login background?(gave up)

    My title says pretty much about it...I want to change it to a custom one I have not the default ones...done this

    But only works for default images that comes with Ubuntu...tried to do a sudo cp and copy the images to the location where default images for login are..but no luck...any ideas?? thanks

    Re: Anyone have UBuntu 11.04 (not kubuntu) and tried to change login background?

    I found these:

    step 1: sudo cp /usr/share/application/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow

    Step 2: log out your current session

    Step 3: Now change what ever you want..
    step 4: Login
    Step 5: sudo unlink /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop


    gdm now uses gtk themes
    to change it, run

    sudo cp /usr/share/applications/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/

    then logout and select the theme you want.
    after that, run

    sudo rm /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop


      Re: Anyone have UBuntu 11.04 (not kubuntu) and tried to change login background?

      Knock knock any feedback?


        Re: Anyone have UBuntu 11.04 (not kubuntu) and tried to change login background?

        I haven't tried it in Unity but tried it in Gnome3 and it doesn't work as of a couple of days ago. G3 also will not allow changing the login icon, one can't even do it "manually" it seems that the icon has been "hidden" in multiple ways even to the length of not having a recognizeable name. There are hundreds of images with massive alpha-numeric names and no way to view them except one at at time.

        So...I'll fiddle with the tweaky thing and report what happened, may take a day or so.



          Re: Anyone have UBuntu 11.04 (not kubuntu) and tried to change login background?

          no ubuntu tweako in onery oceloto!

          Like i said, i'll get on 11.04 hd and give it a whack.



            Re: Anyone have UBuntu 11.04 (not kubuntu) and tried to change login background?

            Now Ubuntu is like windows 7?? no chaging wallpaper background on login?? (well windows there are workarounds for that) I jsut dont get why they made it so UN-customizable but whatever....Thanks woodsmoke for your time...

            Its funny though cause Ubuntu Tweak has an option for changing background login lol!!! ....even the icon XD for unity...but doesnt work at all...just with the default images that comes with ubuntu and tried to copy my images to de folder location of the images of default and wont have to 12.04?

