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A Few Questions from a noob

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    A Few Questions from a noob

    Hello everyone,

    I'm really new to Kubuntu. Here's what I'm running

    Kubuntu 11.04
    KDE 4.6.2
    Grub 0.97-29ubuntu61

    There are a few things I'm wanting to do, but I don't have the slightest idea how to do them.

    1. I want to install the Android SDK from here

    2. I want to network to my windows computer. The goal for this is, I have a ton of files on an external hard drive. It's functioned as the memory for my windows computer for a long time. We have installed programs to the computer but use the EHD for holding pictures, music, and other important files.

    3. If possible I'd like to be able to get Guild Wars to run on my Kubuntu computer. If that won't work decently no biggie, it would just be preferrable to having to use it on my wife's computer. (Guild Wars is an MMORPG)

    4. I'd like to be able to install Dropbox to where it auto syncs to either my computer or else the external hard drive mentioned in #2

    I'm sure much of this information can be found already in the forums, so links to guides which exist are fine. Everything I find seems to work for Ubuntu but nothing is mentioned about Kubuntu or else states that it doesn't work. (for #1 that is) 2, 3, and 4 I haven't had a chance to look for but figured since I was going to post asking for help, now was the time.

    Thank you guys

    Re: A Few Questions from a noob


    I can only offer a response on point 3 I'm afraid

    You would appear to be in luck with Guild Wars- it appears to have platinum rating with Wine

    3 more to go!


      Re: A Few Questions from a noob

      2. I want to network to my windows computer.
      The easiest way is Samba. If your home workgroup has another name than Workgroup you need to change it in /etc/samba/smb.conf, Then you can find in Dolphin > Network > Samba Shares > shared folders on Windows computers in your home workgroup.
      Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


        Re: A Few Questions from a noob

        Originally posted by josefko
        2. I want to network to my windows computer.
        The easiest way is Samba. If your home workgroup has another name as Workgroup you need to change it in /etc/samba/smb.conf, Then you can find in Dolphin > Network > Samba Shares > shared folders on Windows computers in your home workgroup.
        Welcome newbies!
        Verify the ISO
        Kubuntu's documentation


          Re: A Few Questions from a noob

          Originally posted by lanternslight456
          4. I'd like to be able to install Dropbox to where it auto syncs to either my computer or else the external hard drive mentioned in #2


            Re: A Few Questions from a noob

            Originally posted by MoonRise
            Originally posted by lanternslight456
            4. I'd like to be able to install Dropbox to where it auto syncs to either my computer or else the external hard drive mentioned in #2
            To be honest I don't recommend dropbox for many gnome dependencies makes kubuntu slow and unstable...happened to me before...instead try out:



              Re: A Few Questions from a noob

              I was wondering about something. Is it correct that Kubuntu is simply Ubuntu with KDE instead of Gnome? Point being, if I installed Gnome and ran it instead of KDE would I basically be running Ubuntu?

              I ask because whenever I ask someone or read something about the differences between the two OS that is the only difference which gets pointed out.

              BTW thanks for the great answers, I need to get these things installed on my computer!

              Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk


                Re: A Few Questions from a noob

                if I installed Gnome and ran it instead of KDE would I basically be running Ubuntu?
                It will look like it, but there are more differencies:
                - Gnome is programmed in C, Kde in C++
                - Gnome has different library of functions (GTK+, Kde has Qt library), if you install Kde+Gnome you will have both libraries on your computer
                - Ubuntu has different default applications on CD, based on GTK+ library. If you install those programs into Kubuntu, you take some of that dependent libraries with it.
                Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


                  Re: A Few Questions from a noob

                  Something I've noticed. Whenever I close the browser I get a crash report. No matter how I close it. I tried to download debug symbols and that fails. What could to this?

                  In android if something happens I can run a logcat to record the problem. Is there something similar for this?

                  Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk

                  EDIT: Thank you kiraitachi, I just got dropbox up and running via kdropbox. That was a simple way to get it going. Thanks again!


                    Re: A Few Questions from a noob

                    Originally posted by lanternslight456
                    EDIT: Thank you kiraitachi, I just got dropbox up and running via kdropbox. That was a simple way to get it going. Thanks again!
                    Glad it worked and it was easy to set up, its a pleasure always to be useful.

