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keyring issue

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    keyring issue

    Ok not sure if this has been asked, if it has i apologizes for my laziness
    Anyway I was using Ubuntu 11.04 and was having some issues with the new unity and short cuts and decided to use the kde version, so I simply did the sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop (i think that's correct ) and then after rebooting I get hit with 2 error type messages asking me basically for my password again saying something about the keyring not releasing something, i forget the exact message. anyway is there a way to fix that without me remvoing everything and jsut installing Kubuntu 11.04?
    thanks in advance

    Re: keyring issue

    Originally posted by bubblecruntz
    is there a way to fix that without me removing everything and just installing Kubuntu 11.04?
    It is not as bad idea you think it is if you follow next steps:
    - Immediately after start of fresh install choose that you want to divide disk manually
    - Define mount point / on the old Linux disk partition
    - Then you will be asked, if you want reformat Linux disk partition
    - If you answer no, all files in home directory will stay intact and all old system files will be removed and replaced with a fresh install

    So you will have in 20 minutes fresh Kubuntu with an old home directory. Then you need to reinstall software, which you installed after Ubuntu install, run updates of system, do some configuration and you can be done in 2 hours. At the end you will have Kubuntu without unnecessary Ubuntu staff.
    Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


      Re: keyring issue

      Yup that worked thank you, took longer then 20 mins on my slow connection but I don't mind, Things are running smoothly thanks again.


        Re: keyring issue

        If it is solved so modify the title of your first message to mark topic [Solved].
        Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13

