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Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

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    Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

    Hey, I don't know if I should use Kubuntu or just Ubuntu or Xubuntu on my computer, Becouse my computer is slow!


    - AMD Sempron 145 3200+

    - 2 Gigabytes of RAM

    - Graphics card, Nvidia Geforce 310 512MB

    - 80 GB hard drive, but I buy a new one soon 1TB.

    Which should I install?

    Regards, Twana

    Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

    Why not try them all? Use the "Desktop" disk. It is a LiveCD, which will run from your CD-Rom and will leave your Hard Disk completely unaffected until you commit to "Install".

    *Be aware that a CD, running from your CD-Rom, will run slower than an install.*

    What OS do you have now? If you have Windows it might be better to dual-boot for a while, rather than removing it altogether.

    Under the skin they are all the same thing, just with a Gnome, KDE or Xfce desktop.

    Lubuntu has just been accepted as "an officialUubuntu derivative". Again, it is the same, but has an Lxde desktop.

    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

      Welcome to the forum

      I agree with arochester. If this is your first foray into linux, then try the live cd first and then if you want to install it do so on a dual-boot basis (come back here and we will help you).

      However, just to add that over the last year or so when I have downloaded a live cd I usually create a bootable usb stick with it as it goes a heck of a lot faster. Also, you are, so long as space is allocated to it on the USB stick, able to make changes to your live installation (even install programs) and your changes will be retained at the next boot. This can be very important if your hardware (eg graphics card/wireless) need proprietarydrivers. Ubuntu has OOTB support for this. For Windows you will need unetbootin

      For a little bit of effort the "live " experience can be greatly enhanced for you and might just influence your view.

      Good luck!


        Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

        With 80GB you can easily try 5 or 6 different installs side-by-side if you wish.

        If you're into trying something newish, add Bodhi Linux to your short list of trial distros. Based on Ubuntu 10.04LTS but using an Enlightenment desktop. Very quick and requires much less resources but still provides a beautiful and modern desktop with very cool effects.

        Please Read Me


          Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

          Originally posted by twanajester
          Hey, I don't know if I should use Kubuntu or just Ubuntu or Xubuntu on my computer, Becouse my computer is slow!
          Hi Twana....

          That's slow?! A few years back (up to 2008,) I was running Ubuntu 5.10 on a syatem that had a Pentium 3, 384 MB's of memory and 32 MB ATI Radeon 7200.:P It was a good, reliable system, though, I never had a problem with it hardware wise, even though I used it almost every single day for four and a half years.

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            Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

            Sure, I got Windows XP Service Pack 3. I would like to dualboot!

            Originally posted by The Liquidator
            Welcome to the forum

            I agree with arochester. If this is your first foray into linux, then try the live cd first and then if you want to install it do so on a dual-boot basis (come back here and we will help you).

            However, just to add that over the last year or so when I have downloaded a live cd I usually create a bootable usb stick with it as it goes a heck of a lot faster. Also, you are, so long as space is allocated to it on the USB stick, able to make changes to your live installation (even install programs) and your changes will be retained at the next boot. This can be very important if your hardware (eg graphics card/wireless) need proprietarydrivers. Ubuntu has OOTB support for this. For Windows you will need unetbootin


            For a little bit of effort the "live " experience can be greatly enhanced for you and might just influence your view.

            Good luck!


              Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

              Compared to XP you'll likely make that system feel alot snappier, with any GNU/Linux system. There are many DEs that could suit your spec LXDE and Xfce is less demanding. Have a look at pick your flavor.

              Happy distro hunting

              ASUS M4A87TD | AMD Ph II x6 | 12 GB ram | MSI GeForce GTX 560 Ti (448 Cuda cores)
              Kubuntu 12.04 KDE 4.9.x (x86_64) - Debian "Squeeze" KDE 4.(5x) (x86_64)
              Acer TimelineX 4820 TG | intel i3 | 4 GB ram| ATI Radeon HD 5600
              Kubuntu 12.10 KDE 4.10 (x86_64) - OpenSUSE 12.3 KDE 4.10 (x86_64)
              - Officially free from windoze since 11 dec 2009
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                Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

                i have a comptuer @ work w/ a 600mhz celeron and 256 mb of ram (idk the video card) and it runs lubuntu 10x faster then xp ever ran on it before, that being said your machine should be good for any DE you choose. and if you choose to install ubuntu (with gnome) or kubuntu (with kde ) or any other DE all the programs are independent of your running DE. so you can use gnome programs in kde or kde programs in gnome, you can allow choose your "Session" on log in and have gnome and kde and any other DE's you want installed side by side.

                just remember when you do finally deside to install and are ready to cut your hd up for the dual boot run a full defrag and disk check in xp first. this will make your partitioning go much smoother.

                and Welcome to KFN , i hope you enjoy your stay
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                  Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

                  Originally posted by twanajester
                  Hey, I don't know if I should use Kubuntu or just Ubuntu or Xubuntu on my computer, Becouse my computer is slow!


                  - AMD Sempron 145 3200+

                  - 2 Gigabytes of RAM

                  - Graphics card, Nvidia Geforce 310 512MB

                  - 80 GB hard drive, but I buy a new one soon 1TB.

                  Which should I install?

                  Regards, Twana

                  From my experience....

                  Ubuntu 11.04: You could try but honestly right now with Unity Ubuntu runs a bit slower cause of the 3d effects and stuff...would not recomend...maybe 10.10...not 11.04.

                  Lubuntu: Sure try is Lightweight interface makes it pretty fast and thankfully a couple of days Ubuntu recognized "Officially" Lubuntu as its part of family!!!

                  Kubuntu 11.04: Ive been with it since 9.04 and Its great, has greats apps love it!!!! Best for me...would switch back to it if it wouldn´t that Im stuck with Ubuntu 11.04 and wanted to try out Unity and workaround with it a bit...

                  Xubuntu: is XFCE interface is designed specially for laptops and low hardware PC might be the right choice for you...

                  Last thing if you like KDE then go for Lubuntu if gnome go for Xubuntu.

                  Hope it helps and GL & HF (good luck & have fun)


                    Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

                    With your computer specs you can easily use Kubuntu 11.04 64bit.....but like the others said try other versions on live CD first to find one you like. Kde desktop is most like windows,so you will fill more confident using it,and desktop effects are easier to setup...
                    HP Pavilion m7750n desktop<br />AMD 64x2 2.6 ghz cpu,2gb mem,Geforce 6150 Le graphics <br /> Kubuntu 11.04 x86_64


                      Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

                      Originally posted by irish man
                      With your computer specs you can easily use Kubuntu 11.04 64bit.....but like the others said try other versions on live CD first to find one you like. Kde desktop is most like windows,so you will fill more confident using it,and desktop effects are easier to setup...
                      Not true, he can use the 11.04 but not the 64 bits...I´ve been running along that issue and wondering for long time and found many people stuggling with that, so I will throw some light.

                      64 bits Requirements: Usually 4 gigs of Ram, and specific new processors that can run a 64 bit plataform because of the cores and algorithm redirection...or something like that in English XD...(hard to explain when English not my mother language)


                        Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

                        Originally posted by kiraitachi
                        64 bits Requirements: Usually 4 gigs of Ram, and specific new processors that can run a 64 bit plataform because of the cores and algorithm redirection...or something like that in English XD...(hard to explain when English not my mother language)
                        Nothing about this requirement is in the Ubuntu documentation. There is no mention of an alternte minimum RAM size just because you're running the 64 bit version.

                        Could you provide a link please?

                        Please Read Me


                          Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

                          Originally posted by oshunluvr
                          Originally posted by kiraitachi
                          64 bits Requirements: Usually 4 gigs of Ram, and specific new processors that can run a 64 bit plataform because of the cores and algorithm redirection...or something like that in English XD...(hard to explain when English not my mother language)
                          Nothing about this requirement is in the Ubuntu documentation. There is no mention of an alternte minimum RAM size just because you're running the 64 bit version.

                          Could you provide a link please?
                          hard to provide a link when ur talking out ur A**. i think he ment if you have 4gig of ram or a 64bit processor use the 64bit version.but im not sure
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                            Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

                            Originally posted by sithlord48
                            Originally posted by oshunluvr
                            Originally posted by kiraitachi
                            64 bits Requirements: Usually 4 gigs of Ram, and specific new processors that can run a 64 bit plataform because of the cores and algorithm redirection...or something like that in English XD...(hard to explain when English not my mother language)
                            Nothing about this requirement is in the Ubuntu documentation. There is no mention of an alternte minimum RAM size just because you're running the 64 bit version.

                            Could you provide a link please?
                            Well ****lord48 what you said is kinda close to what I meant, what I mean is that is recommended to use 4 ram minimum to have a 64 bit OS unless your processor is capable to run a 64 bits with 2 gigs of Ram (Intel Celeron) there is lot of smoke in this and is not clear for me totally but here I give some links.

                            There is microsoft info on 64 bits but works the same for ubuntu...looked around on wikipedia and asked a couple of tech geeks (including me as Tech research) got the same not obligated to have a 32 bit if you have less than 4 gigs but is not recommended to have a 64 bit, it´s not going to be better cause is 64 bits if your hard drive cant support it...understand me??




                            Correct me if Im wrong and give me feedback about this I would know if Im wrong and learn....Im not GURU on this...yet...XD

                            Thanks Kira.

                            hard to provide a link when ur talking out ur A**. i think he ment if you have 4gig of ram or a 64bit processor use the 64bit version.but im not sure


                              Re: Kubuntu for my pc? -Specs-

                              sithlord - back me up or correct me on this one -

                              Kira, I think you're confusing recommended with required and 32 bit limitations with 64 bit functionality and listening to too much Microsoft B#!!Sh^t. Didn't you notice all your links start with

                              1) None of those links had any linux information and what Microslop shoves down the throats of their users as nothing to do with the linux kernel. Microsoft requires 4gb of RAM for their sh^((y OS because it's inefficient.

                              On to linux:
                              2) The RAM requirement for a 64 bit linux install is no different than the RAM requirement of 32 bit - enough to run your OS, desktop and software. There are obvious advantages to more RAM and 64 bit uses more than 4gbs of RAM natively, but you can still use more than 4gbs of RAM with 32 bit - you just have to use the PAE kernel.

                              I bet the "techs" you talked to don't know anything about it, they're just quoting Microsuck BS they read on the web. You might tell them that Ubuntu is not based on Vista and they should stop spreading make-believe.

                              Now when you're talking about recommended it comes down to this: You may not see as much performance advantage installing a 64bit kernel over a 32 bit kernel unless you have more than 4gbs of RAM - That used to be true, about two years ago. The PAE 32 bit kernel changed that somewhat.

                              Nowadays: Unless you have a 32 bit processor or have to run a 32 bit piece of software that won't run on a 64 bit kernel (most will) there is no reason not to use 64 bit. Of course you're not obligated to run 64 bit, but why wouldn't you? Almost any RAM or CPU intensive process will perform faster using 64 bit kernels.

                              Bottom line: 32 bit processor = 32 bit OS, 64 bit processor = 64 or 32 bit OS : Amount of RAM has nothing to do with it.

                              Finally this last tidbit: it´s not going to be better cause is 64 bits if your hard drive cant support it...understand me??

                              Not to be rude, but what the heck are you talking about?? I'm going to assume this is a language barrier issue and not really what you meant. The hard drive has nothing to do with whether or not your CPU is 64 bit.

                              Please Read Me

