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MOVING POST TO MINT computer slow to frozen screen with only 1 application SORRY

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    MOVING POST TO MINT computer slow to frozen screen with only 1 application SORRY

    After recent update, my computer slows to a frozen screen that requires a 'hard' shut down to restart the machine.

    It is most noticeable when playing a movie. I will be watching and finally the computer freezes. I have played the movie in minimized form and installed the plazmoid that shows memory use, and when only the movie is playing it shows using up all the memory '4GB' plus virtual memory of an additional 9+ GB's.

    I attempted to 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' without improvement. Previously I had 3 desktops; I removed 2 of them to see if that would help. I ran a process viewer 'htop' and could not see any excessive ram usage. The quad processor seemed to be working with processors not stressed.

    In another recent post of mine, the computer can not find /mintkde theme folder, however, I cannot see how that would add to the problem, however, I add, just in case it is helpful information. Other than that, my computer seems to run fine. Thanks in advance for any help.

    I read recently somewhere that Aconadi has caused slowdowns. Is it possible for Aconadi to be part of the problem; it does not show as an abuser of memory in running apps, though? I previously set maximum for memory usage at 1GB for Aconadi, even though I really do not understand Aconadi's purpose for my computer.

    Re: computer slow to frozen screen with only 1 application running mint10kde

    Not to be negative in any way, but you are running Mint KDE; not Kubuntu. Is that correct? While Mint KDE is 'KDE', it is not Kubuntu, and this is a Kubuntu support forum. We will do our best to assist, but if you are in fact running Mint KDE, you should really be posting in the Mint Forums, as they should have the experience with any issues you are having with Mint KDE Linux.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

