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A few probs (Wine plus minor HW issue)

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    A few probs (Wine plus minor HW issue)

    I want to install WINE but when i try to its grey'd out.

    I'm new to Kubuntu and haven't really delved to far into other distro's. Until now i've used Linux purely for office type stuff.

    My other problem is slighty more intense.
    first of all here is my primary specs
    Intel Celery 2.4Ghz (Cranked up to 2.8Ghz)
    1024Mb RAM
    1x IDE CD/DVD Drive
    1x IDE 80Gb HDD (linux)
    2x SATA (1x 80Gb (30Gb Windows XP/60Gb NTFS), 1x 120Gb (NTFS))

    The installation offers no bootloader at all. If i select the Win HDD in BIOS the computer boots to it. Likewise the Linux drive boots to Kub.
    When i go into "storage media" all the drives and partitans are visable but the 2 sata drives are not mounted.
    When ever i attempt to mount it an error box appears it says:
    "The reported error was:
    mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"
    What the fudge does that mean .
    I preseume the reason there is no boot option to go to windows is because of the mount issue.
    few.... think thats all... abandon hope all who enter....

    Re: A few probs (Wine plus minor HW issue)

    I'll going to leave your WINE problem for someone else to answer, and talk about your main problem. First of all the error message says that the file that tells Linux how to mount media, /etc/fstab, has no entry for your win disks. So we're going to add three lines to /etc/fstab.

    You can do it from the command line, by starting konsole (K>System>Konsole) and then, in the konsole entering the command "sudo nano /etc/fstab" or from the GUI by right clicking on the desktop, clicking "run command" and entering "kdesu kate /etc/fstab". I can give you detailed instructions for nano, if you'd like. I think it's worthwhile for anyone who is serious about Linux to get used to the command line and it's tools.

    Before editing the /etc/fstab file be sure to back it up with a command like:
    sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old
    Whichever program you use, navigate to the bottom of the file and type the following three lines:
    where the win directories should be whatever they are.

    Now you have to go to the /media directory and create the three subdirectories, if they don't exist. From the konsole enter:
    cd /media
    sudo mkdir WinC
    sudo mkdir WinD
    sudo mkdir WinE
    where, once again, the win drives are whatever they are.


      Re: A few probs (Wine plus minor HW issue)

      something is  a miss.

      here is more detailed info

      2x drives
      1: 120Gb, drive name - "image drive" - address bar "system:/media/sda1"
      2: 80Gb split
      2a: 20Gb, Drive name - "windows" - address bar "system:/media/sdb1"
      2b: 60Gb, Drive name - "media" - address bar "system:/media/sdb5"

      sdb1 is set in fstab as
      # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
      "/dev/sdb1 /media/windows ntfs ro,user,noexec,nils=utf8,umask=0 0 0"

      when i try to open the windows folder i get this

      Could not mount device.
      The reported error was:
      [mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab
      mount: can't find /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

      here is what is written in fstab
      # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
      # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
      proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
      /dev/hdc1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
      /dev/hdc5 none swap sw 0 0
      /dev/hdd /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
      /dev/sdb1 /media/windows ntfs ro,user,noexec,nils=utf8,umask=0 0 0


        Re: A few probs (Wine plus minor HW issue)

        Personally, I'd add a newline to the last line of the file and try again. Then I'd add the other two partitions /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb5 to fstab.


          Re: A few probs (Wine plus minor HW issue)

          Originally posted by askrieger
          Personally, I'd add a newline to the last line of the file and try again.  Then I'd add the other two partitions /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb5 to fstab.
          this is where i overstep my mark, what is "adding a newline to the last line" when it comes to fiddling at this level and beyond i am a complete begineer, the last time i did any written stuff Basic was the norm and my home computer loaded from a CP/m disk...


            Re: A few probs (Wine plus minor HW issue)

            Originally posted by dave47676
            this is where i overstep my mark, what is "adding a newline to the last line" when it comes to fiddling at this level and beyond i am a complete begineer, the last time i did any written stuff Basic was the norm and my home computer loaded from a CP/m disk... 
            fstab should end in an empty line, just add an empty line at the end of the file.

            After that, just follow akrieger's instructions on adding the two partitions to fstab.

            /dev/sdb1   /media/windows   ntfs   ro,user,noexec,nils=utf8,umask=0   0   0
            'nils=utf8' should be 'nls=utf8'


              Re: A few probs (Wine plus minor HW issue)

              'nils=utf8' should be 'nls=utf8'
              Sorry about that! Also sorry about the jargon. "Newline" means "Carriage Return" means "Enter" means whatever else is written on the big key at the right side of the keyboard.


                Re: A few probs (Wine plus minor HW issue)

                thank you thank you thank you thank you....
                XP disc is now back in the cupboard.
                If i lived closer you'd all be on the "owed a drink" list....

                Now that just leaves the Wine problem.. any ideas?

