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Updating Kubuntu

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    Updating Kubuntu

    I am just wondering if it's possible to update the entire Kubuntu OS by using apt-get or similar functionality. So if a new version comes out i think the next one is Edgy Eft right? Can I just update to this one by using apt-get? Or would I have to download the iso?


    Re: Updating Kubuntu

    Theoretically, upgrading to a new distro is as easy as
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    (of course you have to change your repositories)

    You can also do that from Adept, Synaptic, KPackage, etc.

    However, based on my own personal experience from upgrading Breezy to Dapper, things might or might not go so smoothly. Different people experienced different stuff. I guess it also depends on the stuff you've installed.

    In the end, it all depends on you. If you don't want the hassle of configuring/customizing everything all over again, and are prepared to encounter some problems (which you may not encounter at all) along the way, then you should try upgrading. I think it's worth the experience. If, on the other hand, you want to try the next release on a fresh installation, with all the release's defaults and are not afraid to overwrite your previous system, then you can do a fresh installation.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Updating Kubuntu

      Great thanks for the reply!


        Re: Updating Kubuntu

        Hi cjnkns,

        I originally installed Hoary on my machine with the disc supplied free by Ubuntu. I used apt-get to update to Breezy and again to upgrade to Dapper. Apart from a couple of idiot self inflicted mistakes I have not had any problems.

        Have a look at aysiu's howto at
        and if you wish to try it, use those instructions.

        I wonder, some times, if people do a lot of unnecessary reinstalls. There is probably a few very good reasons for this but I have had great success with the upgrades. Just my 2c.

        Hope this helps


        I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825

