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uninstalled kde-win unintentionally

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    uninstalled kde-win unintentionally

    I have ‘accidentally’ managed to uninstall kde-win

    So now, when I boot into Kubuntu, I do not have control over windows and keyboard input.

    Can someone help me to resolve please?

    Thank you

    Re: uninstalled kde-win unintentionally

    Can you log into a command line? Such as when you first boot, can you type in "alt+Ctrl+F1" to get into a command line boot. If you can do that, attempt:
    sudo apt-get install kde-window-manager
    if that isn't possible, such as the login doesn't work, or apt-get fails, then I'm not exactly sure of the best way to assist, but I hope that does work
    Computer Lie #1: You&#39;ll never use all that disk space.<br />FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue...<br />The box said, &quot;Requires Windows 7 Home Edition or better&quot; I installed Linux<br />My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.<br />Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay...


      Re: uninstalled kde-win unintentionally

      In order to resolve this, it is important to know what you CAN DO !

      When you you power up your computer, are you automatically booted into some other operating system with no alternatives, or are you presented with some (albeit unsatisfactory) choices?

      Can you hit some key combination (e.g. ctl-alt-<whatever>) during the early stages of the boot process, that provides access to the BIOS? This key combination can differ depending on the manufacturer of your machine (and the capabilities of your keyboard).

      If you can get to your BIOS, can you change the order of boot sources? If so, you may have the option of booting from a live CD (that you may or may not possess). If so, you can reinstall Kubuntu from the live CD (worst case), or simply use the package manager on the live CD reinstall the package "kde-window-manager" (best case).

