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Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

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    Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot


    I have used Ubuntu dapper about half an year. I changed to Kubuntu 2 months and I'm not certainly Not changing back. :P

    But on to the problem.

    I had this Duron 1.8 Ghz computer where I used Kubuntu Dapper. I upgraded my pc (totally) to:

    AMD Athlon 64bit 3000+
    2x 512 Kingston DDR400
    MSI K8N Neo4
    Club3D X800rx max
    Matrox 200gb IDE.

    So, I downloaded the alternative image for Kubuntu Dapper 64bit.

    I installed it, and all went well.

    But now, when I try to start it for the first time, there comes the Kubuntu logo and meter and stuff underneath. When they're "done", screen flashes one time and the Kubuntu-logo-thing and meter comes back, but there's nothing in the meter. It just crashes there (have waited for about 10min.) It doesn't crash totally, I guess, because I still change the light on my keyboard (for example Caps Lock).

    Hope someone has ideas for this. :P (Can't wait to use Amarok again <3 )

    Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

    Go into a full screen console with Ctl-Alt F1. Type the command "/etc/init.d/kdm --start". If you get an error message copy down the exact words and post it here.


      Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

      i have that exact same problem and when i used those words i got this message

      Starting K Display Manager: kdmOnly root wants to run kdm already running.


        Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

        The fact that kdm has started would seem to imply that you have gotten farther than the Original Poster, so you may not have the exact same problem. Have you seen a login screen? Have you been able to login. I'd suggest trying the command "startkde". The point of all these command line incantations is to get an error message that might indicate where the problem is.


          Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

          only time when i log in is when i use the Ctrl-Alt F1

          and it stopped in the same place as the original poster mentioned

          i got this message with startkde

          xsetroot: unable to open display"
          xset: unable to open display"
          xsetroot: unable to open display"
          startkde: Starting up...
          ksplash: cannot connect to X server
          kdeinit: Aborting. $DISPLAY is not set.
          Warning: connect () failed: :No such file or directory
          ksmserver: cannot connect to X server
          ERROR: Couldn't attach to DCOP server!
          startkde: Shutting down...
          Warning: connect () failed: :no such file or directory
          Error: Can't contact kdeinit!
          startkde: Running shutdown scripts...
          startkde: Done.


            Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

            It appears that your xserver is unable to start the "display". This probably means that your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is defective. After logging with Ctl-Alt-F1, run the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". You will have to enter your password again, when asked.

            Before running the command, try to determine the range of values that your monitor will accept for Horizontal Sync Frequency (in KHz) and Vertical Refresh Rate (in Hz). These numbers will be in the user's manual and at the manufacturer's website.


              Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

              still gets the same results after configuring it

              but this is a wierd thing that i got with these commands

              /etc/init.d/kdm start
              Starting K Display Manager: kdmOnly root wants to run kdm already running.

              /etc/init.d/kdm reload
              Reloading K Display Manager configuration...kdm not running.

              and sometime i had suse and fedora core on my computer and i never had this problem on them

              my hardware btw is

              AMD Athlon 64bit 3000+
              2x 512 kingston ddr400
              A8R32-MVP DELUXE
              Abit Ati Radeon X850 XT PL
              Seagate 250gb sata2 16mb
              ViewSonic VA902


                Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

                I'm surprised that your system isn't working. The only thing I can suggest off-hand is switching from the "ati" driver to the "vesa" driver in xorg.conf, for long enough to download the linux-restricted-modules-<your-kernel>" package and the "xorg-driver-fglrx" package, where <your-kernel> is the output of the console command "uname -r".

                To switch to the vesa driver after logging in at Ctl-Alt-F1, run the command "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf". This starts a simple non-gui editor (uses arrow keys; no mouse). Navigate down to the Section "device" stanza that has a line like: driver "ati". Change that line to driver "vesa". You may have to do that in two places. The current xorg.conf file is a total kluge.


                  Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

                  when i changed it to "vesa" driver and tarted my computer again it loaded drivers and all other and screen flashed once and after that there wasn't signal to the screen, so then i couldn't get to the console with the Ctrl-Alt-F1 to change it back to "ati" driver, so i had to install kubuntu completely to get it working


                    Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

                    That's VERY strange. The vesa driver is designed to be a least common denominator driver that conforms to minimum specifications that all video card manufacturers have agreed to meet. If the the vesa driver fails, I'd suspect a hardware problem.


                      Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

                      hmm... then it might be for a bios update cause my crossfire express 3200 was new when i bought my motherboard and it has few bugs in it

                      edit: didn't help much but the bios bug that was shown in the start was gone , but when i wrote "X" to the console it listed things from the X server and problem that it showed was that X server couldn't detect any monitors

                      and my catalyst center in windows can detect my monitor, so really really odd problem


                        Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

                        Take another look at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. There should be at least one (maybe two) stanzas in there that starts with the line: Section "Monitor". Please DO NOT POST THOSE STANZAS! Instead, comment them out and replace them with one stanza that looks like this:
                        Section "Monitor"
                        <tab>Identifier<tab>"Generic Monitor"
                        <tab>Option<tab>DPMS  <--- This option is optional :)
                        <tab>HorizSync<tab><whatever range you found for Horizontal sync frequency (example: 28-65)>
                        <tab>VertRefresh<tab><whatever range you found for vertical refresh rate (example: 60-85)>
                        where <tab> means hit the tab key.

                        Then, go down to the stanza that starts with the line: Section "Screen" and a line that says:
                         Identifier "Default Screen"
                        replace the line that says: Monitor with a line that says
                        <tab>Monitor<tab>"Generic Monitor"
                        You probably won't have to change the things that say: Subsection "Display".

                        Now go to the stanza entitled" Section "Server Layout". Make sure that the "screen" line references the "Default Screen".

                        NOTE: This is mildly dangerous, if you exceed the capabilities of your hardware, you could damage it. So, be sure you have accurate values for HorizSync and VertRefresh. It is fairly unlikely that, if you get the settings wrong, your CRT monitor will implode and shower you with flying glass, but it could happen.


                          Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

                          I tried to look up your monitor. Is it a ViewSonic VA902 flat panel? If so, your HorizSync is 30-82 and your VertRefresh is 50-85. Also, you can (and should) remove all Modes except 1280x1024


                            Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

                            that's my monitor

                            didn't work, still stops to the same place where earlier, but found this from the Xorg log and no wonder why it doesn't work when it runs with wrong drivers

                            (WW) ATI: PCI Mach64 in slot 4:0:0 could not be detected!
                            (WW) ATI: PCI Mach64 in slot 4:0:1 could not be detected!


                              Re: Kubuntu 64bit wont start at first boot

                              Do you have both a video card and onboard video? Run lspci, to check that possibiity.

