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    as it is a broadcom wireless card, the easiset way to get the needed firmware files is by going to the K-Menu >> Applications >> System >> Addiditonal Drivers. This tool will scan for any needed wireless firmware, as well as any proprietary video drivers you may want to use.

    It basically runs the commands given in the Ubuntu help page Liquidator linked to above

    The wired ethernet chip should work straight out of the box, but do make sure it isn't accidentally switched off (if it has a physical switch for that) and that in the network manager popup, the the 2 checkboxes for networking and wireless are checked.



      thanks for the help clay

      as it is a broadcom wireless card, the easiset way to get the needed firmware files is by going to the K-Menu >> Applications >> System >> Addiditonal Drivers. This tool will scan for any needed wireless firmware, as well as any proprietary video drivers you may want to use.

      this returns sorry-jockey
      downloading package indexes failed, please check your network status, most drivers will not be available.

      as i said the network cable has been plugged in all day with various reboots and trying things but nothing and has never worked as of yet

      really struggling with this



        no propreitry drivers are in use on this system



          there is no manual switches or anything for an ethernet, i seen plenty on laptops for wifi but never a wired network port but have checked anyway!!

          is this looking like another full clean install then as something is not right if the wired conenection should just work!


            Re: KUBUNTU 10.10 HELP WITH NETWORKS

            it is an older laptop, so it could be damaged or something, but I will assume it works in other OS's. A quick boot to a livecd sure would verify if it is something wrong with the install on your system, or a problem in general with Kubuntu on your hardware. if it works in live mode then perhaps a reinstall may be warranted.

            But you can also try extracting and installing the wireless firmware manually using the instructions given on the help page. It might get you up and running that way.


              Re: KUBUNTU 10.10 HELP WITH NETWORKS

              thanks clay i will have a look at manually seeing if i can pull a driver but as liquidator was helping i booted up from live cd and ran and it's just the same??
              theres no dual boot or other o/s on it as i wiped and clean installed this, however it was running xp pro before and was on net with wifi last night no sorry night before lol, this has been going on for 2 days now with no luck.
              everything else seems to be working sound etc even bluetooth but no network or wifi.

              laptop is old it's a dell d600.... but only installed this o/s due to reviews from other d600 users randomly found through google etc


                Re: KUBUNTU 10.10 HELP WITH NETWORKS

                I could find no good reports of ethernet not working on these machines as the chip is fully supported
                lspci should show this line iirc for a d600:
                Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5705M Gigabit Ethernet (rev 01)


                  Re: KUBUNTU 10.10 HELP WITH NETWORKS

                  also no eth0 showing when using the ifconfig command is worrisome, as it is pointing me to think it is not turned on (in the bios?) or broken somehow

                  does the line in my last post (or similar) show when running lspci?


                    Re: KUBUNTU 10.10 HELP WITH NETWORKS

                    This thing should work out of the box to be honest with you. As I have suggested earlier, you probably have a virgin installation and as you have wiped the HDD anyway you don't lose much by reinstalling with the ethernet cable connected.

                    It would not be the first time that a computer that should get on with Kubuntu doesn't and for no apparent reason. For some strange reason some people fail badly with kubuntu but succeed with ubuntu (or some other distro). I suspect you are like me in the UK. If you would like me to send you a couple of linux format multiboot dvds so you have a few options to look at send me a private message and I'll get them over to you.


                      Re: KUBUNTU 10.10 HELP WITH NETWORKS

                      that command brings up these
                      intel processor to I/O controller
                      intel processor to agp controler
                      3x usb controller all intel
                      pci bridge: intel 82801 mobile pci bridge
                      ias bridge: intel 82801dbm (ICH-4) lpc interface bridge
                      ide interface: intel " " ide controller
                      audio controleer: intel

                      modem intel
                      vga compatible controller ati technoligies radeon rv250
                      cardbus bridge: 02 micro 2 ofthese

                      thats them all minise the odd number etc but nothing or network or wifi??


                        Re: KUBUNTU 10.10 HELP WITH NETWORKS

                        To add to Claydohs point.....

                        I have a Dell Inspiron 630m of 2006 vintage. I'm assuming the BIOS setup will be similar to yours. In there there is a setting (called "integrated NIC") to make the network card invisible to the operating system and one to turn off the wireless too. Definitely worth a check.


                          Re: KUBUNTU 10.10 HELP WITH NETWORKS

                          ok i will check the bios now as well


                            Re: KUBUNTU 10.10 HELP WITH NETWORKS

                            I was lucky and won a pretty inexpensive d630 on ebay last month, I saved enough that I bought a dock and an intel b/g/n wireless minipci card (only 13$!) from there as well just to save the small hassle of the broadcom wireless. Was looking into d600's as a small laptop for the mrs. as she now wants a less old web browsing machine


                              Re: KUBUNTU 10.10 HELP WITH NETWORKS

                              right into bios and yes i see all the settings, everything was already enabled wifi lan switched them all off and back on a saved settings

                              still the same red everything greyed out and no network interfaces NOTHING lol

                              gonna do a full clean install in the morning with network cable plugged in throughout will attach it before i start as this i did not do when installing it last time

                              will post details up in the morning, thanks to you guys for helping a newbie to all this i can see why some turn staright back to windows, but i will percivere


                                Re: KUBUNTU 10.10 HELP WITH NETWORKS

                                Originally posted by wrxfifer
                                . . . will post details up in the morning, thanks to you guys for helping a newbie to all this i can see why some turn staright back to windows, but i will percivere
                                That's the attitude! Anyway, like The Liquidator said, sometimes there is an inexplicable problem. The quickest and easiest fix it to just try another distribution. They aren't as different as some people would make them out to be. I've often done that when trying to install Linux on older machines - one distro fails, on to another one - quick and easy. For some reason Linux Mint seems to work as a good alternative. If you go to that, you'll still be welcome here.

