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some questions about reintalling kubuntu

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    some questions about reintalling kubuntu

    I figured out that wine apps will be in root.and my windows apps weigh more than 10 gig(my root partition has only 6)
    So I want to reinstall kubuntu with some new partitions
    Now I want to know if formating the partitions(only ext4 partitions I mean),creating the new ones,and the reinstallation of the bootloader will hurt my windows or not?
    In short, Is it compeletly safe?

    Re: some questions about reintalling kubuntu

    Is it completly safe?
    Of course not! you could easily enter a command incorrectly, click on the wrong box, or do some other idiotic thing that would "ruin your whole day". It is, however, reasonably safe.

    The first thing you should do is backup (on a removable media device) everything that you don't want to lose, for example, all your documents. Then, think through what you intend to do, and EXACTLY how you are going to do it. Write it down as explicitly as you can. That's why they invented pencils and paper. (Note the presence of erasers on pencils. Everybody makes misteaks) Check you're procedure. Now you can set to work, but be slow and thoughtful.

    Personally, I haven't used any windoze apps under Wine or any other way in at least ten years. There is almost always a linux app that will do the same thing as a windoze app, with more security and (often) an easier user interface.

    Also, I'm not sure I undeerstand what you mean when you say that "wine apps will be in root"


      Re: some questions about reintalling kubuntu

      thanks for your reply
      But I haven't got my answer yet.
      Will this process hurt my windows to boot?


        Re: some questions about reintalling kubuntu

        your wine programs by default are stored in ~/.wine/drive_c
        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
        (top of thread: thread tools)


          Re: some questions about reintalling kubuntu

          Will this process hurt my windows to boot?
          Please define "this process". If windoze is installed prior to the installation of Kubuntu (or almost any other Linux distro), the Linux installer will sense the presence of ntfs formatted partitions. You will be asked explicitly whether you want to overwrite them, or not. If you answer correctly, your ntfs partitions will not be overwritten. You can even read (and write to) their contents from Linux if you install the appropriate packages. The only change in your use of windoze will be that your system boot will be controlled by a Linux program called "Grub". Every time you reboot your system, you will be asked which OS you wish to use.

          As I stated in an earlier response, however, it is not uncommon (even for expert users of any operating system) to make mistakes. It is therefore sensible to back up valuable material before taking ANY potentially harmful action. You will find a number of threads on this site, discussing the philosophy and details of various backup methods.

