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Incoming emails go directly to trash in Kmail 1.13.5

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    Incoming emails go directly to trash in Kmail 1.13.5

    Kmail 1.13.5
    KDE 4.5.1
    Kubuntu Meerkat
    AMD Quad Core 9600
    4gb AXIOM ECC 667mhz DDR2 SDRAM
    PNY GeForce 9600 512mb
    Maxtor 500gb SATA
    16x DVDRW SATA

    When I check for emails, the incoming emails go directly to the
    'Trash' folder.

    I struggled with the problem and searched for a solution for quite a while until I ended up installing Thunderbird. Thunderbird works OK, nevertheless, I prefer a using Kmail. Kmail worked fine for quite a while. The only thing I can think has happened is that after updating something caused a change. I have not seen other similar complaints, though.

    I have removed and reinstalled without success. I have attempted to fix a broken package without success. I suppose I could just get used to looking for my mail in the 'Trash' folder, but after training the spam filter to put known spam in the trash, it defeats to filter's purpose. TIA for help.

    Re: Incoming emails go directly to trash in Kmail 1.13.5

    Sounds like a most efficient way of handling emails ... once you find out why it happens, please share
    "A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila." - Mitch Ratcliffe


      Re: Incoming emails go directly to trash in Kmail 1.13.5

      Thanks, I needed that.

      I thought I had experienced all the glitches from kmail. No one seems to have an answer. I have even re-installed my OS since posting. I thought that would fix the problem, (not even the same OS, went from 64bit to 32bit KDE Meerkat). Needed the system back and couldn't find my 64bit disk. Anyway the same problem returned and there is no 'Inbox'. Any incoming goes to 'trash'. I am using TBird in the interim.

      I much prefer Kmail when it is working - it always worked. Maybe a broken update did it, however that repair did not work either. Plus, no one else seems to have the same problem, or it is an easier fix than my small brain can handle. Love your sense of humor, friend.


        Re: Incoming emails go directly to trash in Kmail 1.13.5

        have you checked to see if there is some sort of email filter doing this? Possibly spam assassin or bogofilter could be messing up

        go to settings >> configure filters and see if there are any spamfilter entries. You can delete them and re-run the anti-spam wizard just make sure you have bogofilter or spamassassin installed first (assuming that you were previously using a spamfilter, of course)


          Re: Incoming emails go directly to trash in Kmail 1.13.5

          I would second claydoh, I just set up Kmail and don't have that situation, however it is gmail. I wonder if it might be a "thing" in the original e-mail system, yahoo or something.



            Re: Incoming emails go directly to trash in Kmail 1.13.5

            Since the original post, I locked my system to the point I had to reinstall. I reinstlalled 32bit instead of 64bit - couldn't find my 64bit disk and had no access to the Internet.

            I checked filters in the previous 64bit system and confirmed that that was NOT the case. (Emphasizing, not yelling) Anyway, the new 32bit installation of kde Meerkat produced the same result. I noticed errors in the Akonadi application that I am not sure how to fix. I can't remember now what I did, perhaps checked for incoming mail in the trash folder, but when I clicked on the Akonadi error message, Kmail closed and would not stay open to let me look at configuration.

            Since I don't use emails for business, my use of Kmail is simple and personal. I don't recall ever installing junk mail filters, or any other filters. And this time, it is the same. With my new 32bit installation, kmail continues to open without an 'Inbox' option, incoming emails go directly to the trash position, and Akonadi crashes the application. After reading both your reply and the one that supports your contention, I am straining my memory for anything else that has happened that I should talk about.

            Prior to my kmail problem, I was in the process of connecting and configuring a second monitor. That procedure caused problems with 'Desktop Effects'. It was not a resolved issue and currently is not resolved, either, except I only set up for one monitor when I installed the 32bit Meerkat.

            The "Desktop Effects" problem cleared up; a lagging mouse action improved considerably, which was caused, i believe by the 'Dual-monitor configuring' problem, with the installation of Meerkat 32bit, but I believe it was more due to not configuring for dual monitors than having anything to do with the kmail problem. I am not too savvy with computers, so perhaps I assume and assume wrong. In any event, Kmail not having an Inbox and having it's mail sent to trash just didn't seem related to the other problem. I try not to assume, but there I go again. Perhaps that will ring a bell for someone. Thanks everyone, I appreciate the help. By-the-way, maybe I did not choose the best content for the subject of this post; several things were amis and I did not want to combine problems that were not related. The other problems were posted separately. :P

