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Installed Kubuntu successfully,I have some questions to ask

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    Installed Kubuntu successfully,I have some questions to ask

    HI again
    first of all I should thank you for helping me install Kubuntu

    But at this stage,I have some questions to ask

    1-Now kubuntu is the default os to boot.What should I do to make my windows 7 the default one
    2-Isn't there somewhere in this OS that finds my motherboard drivers?
    3-In ubuntu there was a place which all the apps were there and you could download and install apps directly frome there.where is it in Kubuntu?
    4-I have .run graphics driver for my geeforce 7300 gs GPU.I could find something on the web about installing .run files via the TERMINAL.Tried it for this file, I came across an error.I don't remember the exact letters.But I thinks it was saying that the file should be a root one or sould be open as root(something like that).now what should I do?
    5-Can't the NTFS partitions I have be named?It only shows the size of my drives and all of their names are the same
    6-Isn't there a shortcut key(or keys) that can change the writing language(like Alt+Shift in windows)
    7-My pc isn't a bad one.My windows runs smoothly on it.but It seems like it's a little bit lagging and acting slow in some cases.for example opening the musicplayer.I think it is with the default drivers right?if not,what's the problem?

    sorry for asking too much questions


    Re: Installed Kubuntu successfully,I have some questions to ask


    It is probably best to start one thread per question.

    Changing language: if you configured more than one language already (in system settings: input devices > Keyboard > Layout), you should be able to use the short cuts displayed there (or you can choose your preferred one). I am using ctrl-alt-k


      Re: Installed Kubuntu successfully,I have some questions to ask

      OK. Good job getting it installed. After you have installed Kubuntu, if you have Windows on another partition, it should read that and place that information into a file called menu.lst. You can check to make sure Windows is listed in there somewhere. If it's not there, something went wrong.
      sudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst
      Your system should speed up after you install the Nvidia driver. It's a restricted driver and it's under KMenu, Applications, System. There you should find "Additional Drivers" and you can install it automatically there. You will also find something called "KPackageKit" and there is where you Add and remove programs.


        Re: Installed Kubuntu successfully,I have some questions to ask

        Congratulations on getting through the installation!

        OK all of these questions have been asked and answered, multiple times. For example, #1 was asked and answered here:

        Go through the "Top 20 FAQs" in my link -- there are many issues and links provided there.

        #2 is N/A to linux -- the kernel has most of the motherboard drivers built in. If you have an issue with audio, that's addressed in the Top 20.

        On your question #3, you need to review #11b in my FAQs.

        Google is your friend -- you'll find the 'net full of information if you craft a sensible search term. For example, try "kde4 language keyboard" and you'll find that if you open the System Settings, and go to Input > Keyboard > Layouts, you can add international layouts. Stuff like that.

        If you get totally stumped, after you have searched this forum and with Google, we'll be happy to help you.


          Re: Installed Kubuntu successfully,I have some questions to ask

          > HOWTO find Kubuntu's manual / reference / guide / documentation / help:
          The Help menu

          All KDE programs have a Help menu at the right side of the top menu bar. Pull it down to read the program's handbook, get tips, report bugs, and check version information. You can also access any KDE program's handbook by simply pressing the F1 key on your keyboard.

          K > Applications > Help

          2) Kubuntu Documentation > Kubuntu System Documentation > Hardware
          Learn to manage and control your hardware

          3) Kubuntu Documentation > Kubuntu System Documentation > Software Management:
          Learn how manage the software on your system and how to install new software on your system with tools such as KPackageKit, APT, Aptitude, as well as manual installation, managing repositories, and keeping Kubuntu up-to-date.

          5) "It only shows"

          It ?

          Here the Dolphin (the default file manager) is showing the partition labels ext/fat/ntfs. If the label is set.

          Also the "System Monitor" plasma widget is showing the partition label + available space + temperature.

          The easiest way to set the NTFS partition label is to set the name in the MS Windows.

          7) "...It seems like it's a little bit lagging and acting slow in some cases.for example opening the musicplayer..."

          Do you mean the default music player (Amarok) ? Leave it open, minimized to the system tray.

          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information

