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[SOLVED] gparted asking for "Administrator" password

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    [SOLVED] gparted asking for "Administrator" password


    I'm not that new, but wasn't sure where to post this. gparted is asking me for an "Administrator" password if I launch it off KMenu, but it says "Password incorrect" when I try and use my account's password. If I type "sudo gparted" in a terminal, using the same password, it launches fine. I haven't changed any passwords from default after installing Kubuntu 10.1, the only password I've created is the one for my account ("aston"). Does anyone know what all the default passwords are for kubuntu, or how to solve this specific problem with gparted? I want to use its password utility rather than the terminal, because it has an option to save the password, and I'm the only person who uses this computer so there's no need for me to be prompted.


    Re: gparted asking for "Administrator" password

    Sounds like gparted (for some reason ...) wants your root password ("su") instead of your account password ("sudo") - you could try to check the menu entry and maybe use kdesu instead of gksu / gksudo. Skipping the password altogether is not possible in an easy way, and in my opinion it makes sense to protect partition access.
    "A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila." - Mitch Ratcliffe


      Re: gparted asking for "Administrator" password

      just a slight correction of above post ,

      make sure the menu entry reads

      "kdesudo gparted"
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        Re: gparted asking for "Administrator" password

        Ahh you were right, it was using su. I could skip the password if I put it back to gksu and and enter the password though, it had a tick-box for "remember password". Does anyone know what the default su password is for kubuntu? I'm the only person who physically has access to this computer, so the password's not protecting anything.


          Re: gparted asking for "Administrator" password

          Originally posted by efAston
          Ahh you were right, it was using su. I could skip the password if I put it back to gksu and and enter the password though, it had a tick-box for "remember password". Does anyone know what the default su password is for kubuntu? I'm the only person who physically has access to this computer, so the password's not protecting anything.
          there is no default root password in *buntu since there is no root password by default.

          on kubuntu you should use kdesudo instead of gksu when possible. as kdesudo will use the qt set and gksu requires you to install other stuff for the gtk dependcies. (but there is no reason other then that to not use gksu)
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            Re: gparted asking for "Administrator" password

            this is possibly a dumb question but are you using gparted the live cd or in knoppix or something? If knoppix it may be asking for that password.



              Re: gparted asking for "Administrator" password

              Originally posted by woodsmoke
              this is possibly a dumb question but are you using gparted the live cd or in knoppix or something? If knoppix it may be asking for that password.

              Nah man I just installed it in kubuntu using kpackagekit.

              OK I've got it working exactly the way I wanted now, I just used "sudo passwd root" to create an su password and set it back to gksu so that I could save the password. It turns out gksudo would have done the same job, but I've been wondering how I can get at su for a while now, so that's great.

              Cheers guys.


                Re: [SOLVED] gparted asking for "Administrator" password

                I just wanted to say that I was having the exact same problem and using the "sudo passwd root" command fixed me right up. Gparted and Unetbootin are working beautifully now.

