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Locked out on 1st boot

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    Locked out on 1st boot

    Problem: Locked out at 1st boot after kubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso install. (This iso was downloaded from Kubuntu website Feb. 11, 2011.) Passed MD5SUM check. Both the "disk" and "memory" checks provided on the generated installation CD passed prior to the install. No dual boot. Installation option chosen was to "wipe the hard drive and use it all for this OS".

    Kubuntu failure characteristic depends on login characteristic I specify during the pre-installation setup routine. After the installation completes and the 1st reboot occurs, and a login prompt was specified to be used, the system will prompt for id & password but will continuously prompt with that same screen regardless of info entered. If no login prompt was specified, the system will continuously flash a screen that appears similar to the login screen but will do nothing else but continue to recycle in this mode.

    System works fine with several different "Desktop" ISO versions of Ubuntu, i.e., 10.04. 10.04-1, and 10.10 - each configured as "i386" or "amd64". Also tried all the related Kubuntu versions but they all react the same as described above. Every Ubuntu works, every Kubuntu fails in the same manner.

    The hardware consists of:
    MB: K8M800-M7A 754 VIA K8M800 Micro ATX AMD (With VIA K8M800 / VT8237R chipset)
    CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+ Venice 2.2GHz Socket 754 59W Single-Core Processor
    GPU: VIA S3 UniChrome, On Board Graphic Memory Share set to 64MB
    LAN: Realtek RTL8201BL - 10/100 PHY (Connects thru a 4 port switch to DSL service)
    RAM: 2 - 512Meg DDR400 modules (1 gig total)
    HDU: 1 Samsung SP0802N 80Gig Internal ATA-133 Hard Drive
    Optical Drives: 1 Pioneer DVD-RW DVR and 1 Liteon DVD-ROM LTD1

    An HDU low level format had been done using a Samsung utility prior to these latest rounds of Ubuntu and Kubuntu installs. No errors were indicated.

    Tried to get Kubuntu and system info suggested to be provided in this message by using the root shell prompt "root@Kubuntu:~#". I don't know how to get to anything else and can't get past normal logon.

    In response to: cat /etc/lsb-release | grep DISTRIB_RELEASE=
    It provided: DISTRIB_RELEASE=10.04

    Root shell command does not recognize "dolphin" so I don't know what the KDE is. It should be whatever was packaged in that recent ISO.

    In response to: apt-cache show grub | grep ersion
    It Provided: Grub Version: 0.97-29ubuntu60
    Description: GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version)

    In response to: lspci | grep aphic
    It Provided: nothing at all. Just provided another root shell command prompt.

    I've looked through the "Kubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx (LTS) | Post-installation" forum and did some of the things suggested in the "I'm locked out!" thread started by Aykay on Oct. 11, 2010.

    When I booted with the left shift key pressed I selected the option that had the remote console. Tried the "clean" function but all it seemed to do was flash and re-display the same screen. (Assume that meant there was nothing to clean.) Then selected the DPKG - Repair broken packages. Off it went to download packages. Estimated download time kept changing from 1 hour to over 5 so I left and came back several hours later. Final entry was that it was done & I needed to reboot. Did notice there were some error entries at the top of the page that related to open office and failure of getting the JRE function. Don't know if that's related at all. Can only presume there were ten's of thousands of entries that displayed while I was away.

    Rebooting didn't change anything. Did also try:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

    Response was: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, 0 not upgraded. Sounds like that should be correct for just after the initial install.

    Problem is still the same. Haven't been able to get logged in at all on any Kubuntu. Would like to get the amd64 version currently installed working.

    Sorry if there's too much explanation but where do I go from here. I'm a true linux novice but look forward to learning.


    Re: Locked out on 1st boot

    Does a Kubuntu Live CD appear to work correctly?


      Re: Locked out on 1st boot

      Originally posted by d
      GPU: VIA S3 UniChrome, On Board Graphic Memory Share set to 64MB
      This might be helpful: OpenChrome - Community Documentation
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: Locked out on 1st boot

        Thanks Dibl and Snowhog for your quick and helpful replies.

        No, the live CD did not work. It responded just like the other Kubuntu installs - that is, until I robbed an even older pc of it's non-unichrome agp video card which now allows the live CD to work. I presume a new install with this "new" GPU will work fine. If not I'll be back. Maybe once I get the hang of how to operate in Kubuntu I'll look into how to get the S3 unichrome GPU working. But then again, I've also now gained some processing RAM by not having to share it.

        Thanks again to both of you!!!!


          Re: Locked out on 1st boot

          This sounds like the login loop problem, just by another name. I was never able to get that resolved, but will be watching this thread to see what happens. Dibl's #10 describes that issue. See his sig above.


            Re: Locked out on 1st boot

            UPDATE: New install without the "Chrome" GPU issue worked great - just like it's supposed to. Now I just have to learn how to transition from windows. Thanks again!!

