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Mouseclick and Keyboard unresponsive, but can move mouse on Kubuntu 10.10

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    Mouseclick and Keyboard unresponsive, but can move mouse on Kubuntu 10.10

    Greetings, I'm getting quite frustrated here.

    I'm ATTEMPTING to build a File server on a VOTAC Atom-ION system I bought a year ago for this very purpose (put on the back burner due to a move), and running into a string of issues.

    The LATEST of my issues is that sporadically, my mouse click and keyboard ability goes up in smoke, with the only fix I've found being a hard reboot of the system.
    As I'm a windows server admin at work, I used my Adept Google skills to find a solution. The best I got was this twofold; bug report on Kubuntu 10.10 ( that according to commenter has a workaround I can't find in it; and a Comment that advises reinstalling the "iputattach" package.
    I tried the second one to have, and lost the ability to click at "simulating the remove" which is finished and just sitting there.

    Due to my MicroSquash experience I am loath to reboot in the middle of an application or driver install/uninstall; and If I read the package info right it appears to be the more dangerous of the two, a driver (for legacy serial attached keyboards, mice, joysticks, etc: of which I have none, I'm all USB).

    So my question is threefold:
    1) Am I relatively safe rebooting right now?
    2) How do I fix my loss of clicks?
    3) Should I just reinstall Kubuntu 10.4? Is 10.10 unstable enough to be unsuitable for an always-on system like a fileserver? (IE will I get at least 2 nines out of it: I'm not demanding.)

    For background, I went the other route at first and attempted to build the system with the Ubuntu Server Distro, but when it took me 45 minutes to correctly configure the NIC for a static IP and was still unable to download the kde or gnome packages, I cried Uncle and reinstalled with Kubuntu 10.10. I'm a Windows Admin, and though I respect and often envy the Unix Boys, I'm WAY to rusty and inexperienced, or so it appears.

    Re: Mouseclick and Keyboard unresponsive, but can move mouse on Kubuntu 10.10


    Welcome to the forum! A couple thoughts:

    * 10.10 is stable, but 10,04 is a long term support release, it is probably better for your needs (a file server)
    * I had a BUNCH of weird errors in my home machine, that I blamed on KDE ... until I decided to reboot into the memtest option, just to discover that the memory was faulting all the time. Probably a nice sanity check



      Re: Mouseclick and Keyboard unresponsive, but can move mouse on Kubuntu 10.10

      I don't have a solution to your issue but I wanted to make a comment:

      I installed Ubuntu-server 10.04 a few months ago on my atom based server - no problems. If you're stuck doing a re-install, you might try this again, but this time - leave off the desktop. You really don't need it. = There are several quick and neat tutorials on-line on setting up 10.04 LAMP server and installing all the tools you need to run a server well without a desktop. Saves a lot of memory and drive space.

      I access mine in several ways. Since there's no desktop, there's no VNC usage but Webmin and ssh are wonderful and simple tools.

      If you need help with static IP setup or other server issues, start thread(s) and we'll get you up and running in no time!

      Please Read Me

