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Im new here, can someone help me out?

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    Im new here, can someone help me out?

    Hey Guys! Just had a really stupid question that none could help me out with...
    A friend gave me a Kubuntu live cd and I loved it, thing is, some people hnted me you need to allways use the cd to se kubuntu... Cant I use Kubuntu without it??
    If so I would really apreciate if you explained me how or directed me somewhere that can help me.

    Thanx in advance.

    Re: Im new here, can someone help me out?


    You can install it in fact, right from the livecd on your computer if you want, I'm not sure, but I think you will need to free some place to let it make its own partitions. For this, you can use partition magic under windows to resize the windows one or gparted livecd...

    Cheers and welcome to kubuntu


      Re: Im new here, can someone help me out?

      Thanx alot Sky for your help!!
      Im going to be getting a new Laptop in a few days and im going to install Kubuntu Directly in it!!

      Anyhu im sure ill have lots of question for this forum and i sure hope you guys can help me out.

      Thanx and see you soon!!!!

