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To Kubuntu or not to Kubuntu

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    To Kubuntu or not to Kubuntu

    I know that there is no straight answer to this question, but I would like to hear your opinion.

    Linux is new to me and so is the Linux command line. I am not afraid to learn, it just seems a bit confusing to me right now. I will need some time to understand that part I am afraid. Meanwhile I use the graphical interface 

    Anyway here is what I wanted to achieve:
    Two WXP laptops in a home network sharing printer and files with a desktop computer with a Linux distribution.

    The desktop is a Dell Dimension PIII 256RAM with two HD's; one 20GB and the other 150GB.
    I cannot remember what the sound card is.
    Printer: HP PSC 1510 (Multifunction)

    As I said the idea is that the old dimension (from 2000 aprox) runs Linux and shares the printer with two WXP laptops in the HOME network. This is also the computer were we put the music, the films etc and where we use p2p software, so we need the two WXP to be able to access the kubuntu box and put/fetch files.

    Before installing I took a look at Knoppix, Ubuntu and Kubuntu live CD's. In Knoppix I was unable to make the printer work, but everything else worked just fine. Ubuntu looked fine to me, but I decided on Kubuntu and installed it.

    I had a small problem while installing though: -when the computer asked to reboot I clicked ok, but nothing happened; the computer just hanged so I had to do a hard reboot. Afterwards the computer booted into Kubuntu and I saw the following error message for the first time:

    "Error- Kdesktop
    The process for the media protocol died unexpectedly. "

    I thought perhaps the best was to install again so I formatted the HD and reinstalled Kubuntu. The computer hung on the same place as the first time and I had to kill it again.

    I thought I'd give it a try anyway. I got the printer working without any problem, just a normal printer install and we were up and running, on the local machine that is, -I am unable to share it.

    The media error kept coming every time I rebooted and I could not play music in Amarok.

    I uninstalled Amarok and installed XMMS. This worked fine and I was able to play music. The media error did not pop up on reboot again.

    So next on the list was to set up the Kubuntu box to share with the WXP computers. I downloaded Samba and set it up to share following a how-to I found on internet (thanx to all you guys that make how-to's). I can see the XP computers from Kubuntu and I can access them. From the WXP computers I can see samba but when I try to access the user name and password is not accepted (I introduce the root username and PW)

    The two WXP computers are in a domain called HOME and Kubuntu shows up as Workgroup. I guess it doesn't matter, but I just mention it.

    I cannot access the CUPS server either... it will not accept my root password.

    And now XMMS also stopped working for no obvious reason and the media error appears again every time I boot up the computer. The only change I have done is to set up samba and download the updates as prompted by Adept.

    So I don't really know what to do, perhaps I am too vary because I do not understand Kubuntu yet. On the other hand a posting on the Ubuntu forum that says:"General distro rule of thumb: if the distro doesn't recognize more than two of your hardware pieces (say, the internet, sound, and screen resolution), you've got the wrong distro. Don't fight it."

    I like the Kubuntu distribution and I was getting used to the works of it so I think I would like to maintain it, but if it is going to be a struggle to make it work, I prefer to change. So what do you suggest guys? Should I give it up and try another distribution, and if yes which do you suggest?

    thanx in advance

    Re: To Kubuntu or not to Kubuntu

    hi, pal, I have to say that we have the same problem about the sound part. When I install Kubuntu, it said:" the process for media protocol died unexpectedly". Then both the Amarok and Kaffaine do not work. I cannot play any audio and video from my laptop speaker. Meanwhile the sound could be played through the earphone. Strange. I really don't know how to handle it.


      Re: To Kubuntu or not to Kubuntu

      Hi there,

      Well, I tried simplyMEPIS live CD version and everything worked perfectly, even Samba came up and shared everything -no problem what so ever...

      But I thought I'd try to install Ubuntu since I only tried the live cd version, and guess what.. everything worked (apart from Amarok, had to install Xmms). I am now configuring samba... I have a bit learning to do but I think it will work out this time

