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Firefox window permanently cut - no links

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    Firefox window permanently cut - no links

    Hi there,

    For weeks' if been running FireFox with no problems. Since to days I have the following problem:

    When I start FireFox (gnome or kde), a window opens, but in the lower part of the window an empty space, with an red arrow or chevron "^" on left side appears. just below the level of the progress bar. This decreases the window at least by 20% and the links inside the window do not work properly.
    I always have to open them in a new tab or window manually.

    Did you heard already of this problem? If so, what's behind this strange behaviour.

    Thank you for helping

    Re: Firefox window permanently cut - no links

    Try this
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Firefox window permanently cut - no links general it is working. however i can start firefox only from terminal.
      when clicking on the icon it states:
      "FireFox already running, but is not responding. To open new window, you must first close
      the existing firefox process, or restart your system"

      ps -e in terminal does not show any pid refering to firefox or mozilla and restart does not help.

      I am stuck, because I don´t know how to identify the corresponding process

      open to any suggestions


