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Logins in the computer in this day?? (SOlved)

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    Logins in the computer in this day?? (SOlved)

    Hey what's up guys,

    Well, this is the issue, my little brother (16 years) is grounded without his computer, and since I sleep and do my normal life in the same bedroom as him, he eventually got a sneak over my password. Today I just saw the history of firefox and found out websites that he visited cause their not definitely not mine.

    So...the problem is, I already changed my password and this is the second time he got a sneak over it, I know it's my fault but I'm not going to enter in any argue about how I should take care of my bro and don't let him get a sneak of my pass .

    So as this being the second time he gets my password I think I'll just get the date and time of he's log into my computer.

    I've been messing around with lastb and lastlog and since the arguments and sintaxis are kinda complex I decided just to ask you guys if you had the same issue (sure someone had the same issue with brothers or parents in their childhood haha :P )

    So straight to the point :-X does anyone know any command that will tell me the time that my user logged in the same day?

    Thanks, Kira.


    Re: Logins in the computer in this day?? (Not urgent ^^ respond with free time)

    Take a look at the /var/log/auth.log file. It will show that you logged in, at a time when you really didn't.

    sudo cat /var/log/auth.log


      Re: Logins in the computer in this day?? (Not urgent ^^ respond with free time)

      you can also use
      last -F -n10
      -n is number of lines to show see "man last"

      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        Re: Logins in the computer in this day?? (Not urgent ^^ respond with free time)

        Hey thanks so much for your replay guys ^^ DIbl what you said works great for me thanks!!!!.

        Cheers guys!

