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Kubuntu/Ubuntu Quit Booting

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    Kubuntu/Ubuntu Quit Booting

    Maybe the answer is to simply delete the partition and load Kubuntu directly. But I'd like to ask for some help first please.

    I loaded Ubuntu on a 1GB drive that already had WinXP on it. I then loaded the KDE desktop over that. All has worked well for the last couple weeks to the point I find I prefer Kubuntu to WinXP...but I need to keep the WinXP.

    Today, I booted up and things didn't work right. The splash screen for Kubuntu began loading, some text flashed way to quick to recognize anything, then I'm dumped to a terminal screen.

    It read:
    * Setting sensors limits
    Ubuntu 10.10 Dad ttyl (Dad being the name of the computer.)
    Dad login:
    I logged in, then the next text comes up reading:
    Your CPU appears to be lacking expected security protections. Please check your BIOS settings, or for more nformation, run:
    /usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose
    Text from the file reads:
    # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Canonical, Ltd.
    # License: GPLv3
    # Authors:
    # Kees Cook <>
    # Steve Beattie <>
    # Jamie Strandboge <>
    # Attempts to determine if the running x86-based CPU has NX capabilities
    # (regardless of it being disabled by the BIOS). If the CPU is NX-capable
    # but the nx bit is missing from flags, exit 1 (i.e. "BIOS settings need
    # changing"), otherwise exit 0 (i.e. "nothing wrong with BIOS")
    # lacks NX:
    # not pae:
    # cpu family <= 5
    # cpu family > 6 && cpu family < 15
    # cpu family == 6, model <= 12
    # pae, cpu family == 6, model == 13 (excepting some sSpec?)
    # has NX:
    # pae, cpu family == 6, model >= 14
    # pae, cpu family == 15, model >= 3
    # pae, cpu family > 15
    # Thanks to Steve and Jamie for the awk and shell overhaul!
    set -e
    export LANG=C

    usage() {
    echo "Usage: $0 [options]"
    echo ""
    echo "Options:"
    echo " -h, --help show this help message and exit"
    echo " --verbose Explain in detail what has been detected"


    TEMP=$(getopt -o h --long verbose,help -n check-bios-nx -- "$@")
    eval set -- "$TEMP"

    while :; do
    case "$1" in
    -h|--help) usage ; exit 0 ;;
    --verbose) VERBOSE=1; shift ;;
    --) shift ; break ;;
    *) usage >&2 ; exit 2 ;;

    export VERBOSE
    awk -f - ${CHECK_BIOS_NX_CPUINFO:-/proc/cpuinfo} <<EOF
    function verbose(message)
    if (length(ENVIRON["VERBOSE"]) != 0)
    print message > "/dev/stderr"

    BEGIN {
    if (length(arch) == 0) {
    "uname -m" | getline arch

    if (match(arch, "^(i.86|x86_64)$") == 0) {
    verbose("This script is currently only useful on x86-based CPUs")
    skip_end = 1

    FS=": "
    family = -1
    model = -1
    flags = ""

    has_nx = 0
    has_pae = 0

    family == -1 && /^cpu family\t/ { family = \$2 }
    model == -1 && /^model\t/ { model = \$2 }
    flags == "" && /^flags\t/ { flags = \$2 }

    END {

    if (skip_end == 1)

    if (flags == "") {
    # No flags found (?!), fail open
    verbose("No 'flags' were found for this CPU. Check /proc/cpuinfo contents.")
    split(flags, cpuflags, " ")
    for (i in cpuflags) {
    if (cpuflags[i] ~ /^pae$/)
    has_pae = 1
    if (cpuflags[i] ~ /^nx$/)
    has_nx = 1

    if (has_nx) {
    # If it's in the flags, it's not being disabled by the BIOS; rejoice.
    verbose("This CPU has nx in the flags, so the BIOS is not disabling it.")

    if (has_pae == 0) {
    # No PAE, correct to lack nx
    verbose("This CPU is not PAE capable, so it does not have NX.")

    if (family == -1 || model == -1) {
    # Cannot identify CPU, fail open
    verbose("No model or family were found for this CPU. Check /proc/cpuinfo")

    if ((family == 6) && (model >= 14) ||
    (family == 15) && (model >= 3) ||
    (family > 15)) {
    # NX should be available in CPU, but missing from flags
    verbose(sprintf("This CPU is family %s, model %s, and has NX capabilities but is unable to", family, model))
    verbose("use these protective features because the BIOS is configured to disable")
    verbose("the capability. Please enable this in your BIOS. For more details, see:")
    exit 1

    # NX not available in CPU
    verbose(sprintf("This CPU is family %s, model %s, and does not have NX capabilities.", family, model))
    CPU is a Pentium 4 - 3.0 GHz with hyperthreading in a Gateway motherboard. I checked the BIOS, but don't see anything unusual.

    About the only thing that has changed in the last day was trying to run Gnupg.

    Also, when it boots, it doesn't boot up into Kubuntu, but boots into Ubuntu.

    Ideas? Suggestions? I'm new to Linux, but from what I see, I'd like to make this work.

    Thanks in advance.


    Re: Kubuntu/Ubuntu Quit Booting

    I loaded Ubuntu on a 1GB drive that already had WinXP on it.
    imposable you have the size wrong.

    Today, I booted up and things didn't work right. The splash screen for Kubuntu began loading, some text flashed way to quick to recognize anything, then I'm dumped to a terminal screen.
    this I believe

    I logged in, then the next text comes up reading:
    Your CPU appears to be lacking expected security protections. Please check your BIOS settings, or for more nformation, run:
    /usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose
    the file is a shel script to run .....not read you can run it with
    sh /usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose
    this is what it will spit out ...(probably)
    vinny@desktop:~$ sh /usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose
    This CPU is family 15, model 3, and has NX capabilities but is unable to
    use these protective features because the BIOS is configured to disable
    the capability. Please enable this in your BIOS. For more details, see:
    I have the same CPU on a Gateway 5200X and haven't got rid of that warning yet
    and really is not that important at the moment.....don't worry about it.

    Also, when it boots, it doesn't boot up into Kubuntu, but boots into Ubuntu.
    so it will boot to a desktop some times?
    at the login screen you can chose KDE or Gnome the menu is at the bottom I think click a few of the option buttons till ya find it .

    from a terminal post the output of
    df -h
    and then type
    sudo parted
    when it loads type
    print all
    and hit enter then copy the output hear and then type
    and hit enter to exit parted.

    parted is a little more complicated than fdisk but gives more human readable output.

    please explane a little further weather you can get to a desktop or not or if the problem is intermittent or your stuck at a terminal......


    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: Kubuntu/Ubuntu Quit Booting

      Thank you Vinny for the reply. You're right...1GB is a little small. It was way after my bedtime and I meant 1 TB.

      I'll run the code you put in when I get home from work tonight and post the results.

      In the meantime, to clarify, I am always dumped out to a terminal window now. The only way I'm getting to a desktop GUI is by typing in "startx" after logging in at the terminal screen. When I get to a desktop, the desktop version is Gnome, not KBE.



        Re: Kubuntu/Ubuntu Quit Booting

        OK then so startx will take you to a Gnome desktop ...........once their is the Gnome session usable ?

        next try at the login screen to change the session login to Gnome and see if loads correctly.
        and is the login screen the Gnome one(gdm) or the KDE one(kdm)?

        you can also try ..... startx kde ......and see if it takes you to KDE if not you may get more error messages to read.

        IF your Gnome session IS usable likely something has gotten messed up in /home/you/.kde and /or with the 2 files in /home/you/ named .Xauthority and .ICEauthority .....but likely if these 2 were borked you wouldn't get a Gnome session ether.

        try and answer these and we will go from their


        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: Kubuntu/Ubuntu Quit Booting

          Here's the info from running the commands.


          chris@Dad:~$ df -h
          Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
          /dev/sda6 176G 14G 153G 9% /
          none 1001M 328K 1001M 1% /dev
          none 1006M 196K 1006M 1% /dev/shm
          none 1006M 76K 1006M 1% /var/run
          none 1006M 0 1006M 0% /var/lock
          chris@Dad:~$ sudo parted
          [sudo] password for chris:
          GNU Parted 2.3
          Using /dev/sda
          Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
          (parted) print all
          Model: ATA Hitachi HDS72101 (scsi)
          Disk /dev/sda: 1000GB
          Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
          Partition Table: msdos

          Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
          1 32.3kB 594GB 594GB primary ntfs boot
          2 594GB 1000GB 406GB extended
          6 594GB 785GB 191GB logical ext4
          7 785GB 791GB 6290MB logical linux-swap(v1)
          5 791GB 1000GB 209GB logical ext2

          Model: ATA ST31000333AS (scsi)
          Disk /dev/sdb: 1000GB
          Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
          Partition Table: msdos

          Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
          1 32.3kB 1000GB 1000GB primary ntfs boot



            Re: Kubuntu/Ubuntu Quit Booting

            ok I see you don't have a separate /home and / has plenty of space so /home's not full good.

            now what about the questions in the post above your disk structure (parted output) ?

            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
            16GB RAM
            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


              Re: Kubuntu/Ubuntu Quit Booting

              Entering "startx kde" takes me to a small white window in the upper corner of a black screen.

              If I pick the second option down on the grub menu, and go to the recovery option (I think it was called that), I can go to a low graphics option and boot into KBE. The session seems usable from there. Rebooting is still messed up though and needs the workaround.



                Re: Kubuntu/Ubuntu Quit Booting

                OK but is gnome usable in no problems with it.

                IF so rename /home/you/.kde to /home/you/.kde.old and try loging in again this will recreate it .

                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                16GB RAM
                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                  Re: Kubuntu/Ubuntu Quit Booting

                  Gnome/KDE is usable with that caveat that I have to boot into the low graphics mode or boot into the terminal window only.

                  Renaming and recreating the /home/you/.kde subdirectory didn't help any.

                  I uninstalled the couple programs I had installed just prior to things going south and uninstalled the ATI drivers. No joy there either.

                  One thought...the day before, I had booted up into WinXP, which shares the drive. As normal, the Windows Update made some updates. Could any of that affect the Linux boot up?



                    Re: Kubuntu/Ubuntu Quit Booting

                    Originally posted by Daboo

                    One thought...the day before, I had booted up into WinXP, which shares the drive. As normal, the Windows Update made some updates. Could any of that affect the Linux boot up?


                    this is starting to sound more like a vid driver issue though .I don't have any ATI equipment though so I wont be much help their.

                    have you tried the hardware drivers installer in applications menu>system
                    you may need to find an appropriate driver for your card post the output of
                    lspci | grep VGA
                    and some one with ATI knowledge will chime in sooner or later

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

