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new guy powermac G4 wireless problems

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    new guy powermac G4 wireless problems

    Hello all. I am brand new to linux. I am writing this on my emac mac osx 10.5.8. Ok, I have installed Ubuntu 11 on my mothers HP tower and everything works great including her USB wireless adapter (it found it instantly). My 11 yr old sons powermac G4 dual processor 450 had the hard drive die (it had mac 10.4 tiger) I put another hard drive in and installed Kubuntu 5.04 ( recommended). It installed wonderfully. Problem is, I have no wifi. It has a broadcom 4306 pci wireless card in it. Mac recognized it as an airport card. Kubuntu shows it in the pci list as being recognized, but there is no WIFI signal and I am lost on configuring it or troubleshooting it. I am simply trying to get his powermac back online. His computer is upstairs but within range of the wireless router. It worked fine before. I NEED HELP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Where do i start? Thanks so much for anyone who can help me.

    Re: new guy powermac G4 wireless problems

    and installed Kubuntu 5.04
    that's vary old I would try 10.04 or 10.10 as a livecd and see what happens before I tried hammering out the wireless in a distro that old

    How mutch RAM is on that box?

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: new guy powermac G4 wireless problems

      installing on a ppc is not the easiest thing to do. luckly for you i just did one on a g3 350mhz 8mb rage 128 video and 256 mb of ram. i found the best thing to do was start w/ a ububuntu 10.10 SERVER install. then once that is set up install the lxde package for a desktop , the main problem i had was getting the rage video to work correctly.(had to search around to find an example /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. if this sound complicated its really not and i can explain further if you want to take that route. (also if you do this please provide the output of lshw from this g4)

      for 5.04 you might want to try to find the broadcom fwcutter or look in to using "ndiswrapper" if you can (this might be an issue since its a ppc). also the software repos for 5.04 are long down so installing and using the system might be difficult..
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