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Need Linux programming software[re-opened]how to uninstall printer[solved]

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    Need Linux programming software[re-opened]how to uninstall printer[solved]

    Its been awhile since I've been to the boards, its because I had hardware failure. Other then that, my stuff is the same as always, though I'll post here due to the delicacy of my questions:

    I believe everything is new and up to date, I'm using 10.10, and last I checked GRUB is up to date. I'm using a Lenovo s10e, it has 1.60gz of processing I believe. I'm really new to Linux, I've mainly used the GUI, so I don't know how to check using Konsole.

    Now, my main question is about Linux programming. If possible, could someone get me some sites or software that explain how to do simple programming, and how to learn it. I'd like to self-learn as much as be taught, but I don't want to get into something big that will mess anything up.
    This being said, I want to learn how to do it both with and without web pages. I know a small amount of html, I learned it some time ago, so I'm going to be rusty with it, but I was glancing over it, and a lot started to come back to me.
    If it helps, the first type of programming I want to do is sort of like a game almost. It'll have pictures that a friend is drawing using stuff like Illust. Not sure what those are. But what I need to do is incorporate the pictures into some form of..something. With text underneath it. The way the "story" plays out is similar to Mass Effect if any of you have played it. Choices and actions and words you say/do will affect later on in the story. I'm not trying to make a big 3D out of it, just pictures and word options below the pictures with a button that allows you to pick different text choices. Since I know anything is possible with Linux, I know that somehow I can make that the different choices will result with different things. If you need more information on what I'm wanting to do, ask, and I'll try my best to explain it.
    So if someone could help me with that, it would be nice. I did not preinstall my Kubuntu with any of the programming packages, and I wish I did now. But that is my regrets.

    Second is I tried to install the hp printer packages onto my computer, and it didn't help anything that I know of. so I want to delete them. I am not sure how to do this exactly. Like I said, I'm using Linux as a GUI sadly, and I want to know more of the inner workings of it.

    If there is anything you need to know additionally, don't hesitate to ask. I'm willing to answer anything that will help you to help me. Thanks in advance guys!
    Computer Lie #1: You&#39;ll never use all that disk space.<br />FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue...<br />The box said, &quot;Requires Windows 7 Home Edition or better&quot; I installed Linux<br />My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.<br />Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay...

    Re: New to Linux programming and how to uninstall printer &quot;stuff&quot;

    I dont know about the rest ....but how did you install the hp printer packages....?

    Kpackagkit or the CLI with apt-get ? ........ I do hope it was 1 of the 2

    and you can remove them with the same program Kpackagekit and do a search for the package and mark it for removal then apply .


    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: New to Linux programming and how to uninstall printer &quot;stuff&quot;

      I saw something on a different board, I believe it was hp-systray and I typed that into the Konsole, and then it said it didn't exist, but I could get it by typing in some command, which I did. And it didn't help me out at all, so I want to free up the space that it took up
      Computer Lie #1: You&#39;ll never use all that disk space.<br />FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue...<br />The box said, &quot;Requires Windows 7 Home Edition or better&quot; I installed Linux<br />My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.<br />Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay...


        Re: New to Linux programming and how to uninstall printer &quot;stuff&quot;

        you should be able to find it in Kpackagekit and remove it.

        sudo apt-get purge hp-systray
        in the terminal if that was the name of the package.

        if your having printing trouble make a thread on it and describe what the trouble is what you have tried what ver of Kubuntu and KDE and what the equipment is.

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: New to Linux programming and how to uninstall printer &quot;stuff&quot;

          Turns out that I installed something slightly different, I used the hp-systray to find an installation, called hplip-gui, and I installed that using

          sudo -apt get hplip-gui

          then I purged it the same way. So I figured it out sort of on my own, though your help was vital. thank you!

          Now, if someone can help me with the programming stuff..
          Computer Lie #1: You&#39;ll never use all that disk space.<br />FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue...<br />The box said, &quot;Requires Windows 7 Home Edition or better&quot; I installed Linux<br />My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.<br />Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay...


            Re: Need Linux programming software[unsolved] and how to uninstall printer[solved]

            First thing I must say: programming is not magic, you have to put work into it.
            Secondly, while starting learning programming choose something easier than a game. Trust me.

            Warnings aside, start by choosing a programming language to learn. Let's say c++ is quite a good choice.
            After you clear the basic tutorials of simple c++ programing such as "Hello world",variables, if - else statements, loops, arrays, file reading writing , only then you should start learning an API for graphics/games.

            If you want to actually learn how everything works, you'll avoid game engines and write your own using OpenGL and SDL.

            One thing I must mention. Programming doesn't really differ much regardless what OS you use.

            apt-get install build-essentials g++ libsdl-dev xlib-dev
            Join the dark side<br />---------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Samsung NC10 netbook running<br />PCLinuxOS 2010 // Win XP


              Re: Need Linux programming software[unsolved] and how to uninstall printer[solved]

              I know programming isn't something you can learn overnight, but its something I do want to learn.

              c++ is what I've been looking into, but I'm not sure where to start exactly.

              I tried using the code, but I got an odd error message, I'm not sure how to resolve it either:

              Reading package lists... Done
              Building dependency tree
              Reading state information... Done
              Note, selecting 'libsdl1.2-dev' instead of 'libsdl-dev'
              E: Unable to locate package build-essentials
              E: Unable to locate package xlib-dev
              I hate being new to Linux, and I want to learn everything, figure out how to make the machine hum on my own. Thats why I have so many problems, and perhaps I'm getting in over my head. But any help is appreciated.
              Computer Lie #1: You&#39;ll never use all that disk space.<br />FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue...<br />The box said, &quot;Requires Windows 7 Home Edition or better&quot; I installed Linux<br />My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.<br />Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay...


                Re: Need Linux programming software[unsolved] and how to uninstall printer[solved]

                If you want to learn a TON about C++ program, this book is an excellent resource. Go through it chapter by chapter and do each exercise. If you're in college, sign up for an intro to programming class. If you're not in college but can afford the time and money, sign up for just one class (I've done it before, very worth while investment).


                If you just want to learn how to run Linux (i.e., more than just the GUI), there's also a ton of books on that subject. This one is really good:

                Registered Linux user #346571


                  Re: Need Linux programming software[unsolved] and how to uninstall printer[solved]

                  allso have a look at is installable from your package manager or the CLI with

                  sudo apt-get install rutebook
                  the errors you got in the above post are because the packages cant be found as typed.

                  build-essentials is build-essential ............
                  do your self a favor and use your GUI package manager Kpackagekit whitch is ok and has improved with time or install synaptic a vary mature and well liked package manager when searching in synaptic it will display search result's as you type usually finding what you want before you finish typing

                  sudo apt-get install synaptic

                  i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                  16GB RAM
                  Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                    Re: Need Linux programming software[unsolved] and how to uninstall printer[solved]

                    I installed the build essential through KPackagekit, and the original code still didn't work, so I don't know whether it was bad or not.

                    And I'm not sure what rutebook is?

                    I went to both links, and cannot afford the one by Amazon, being a broke and jobless teenager doesn't help me at all right about now. I got my hands on a C++ for Dummies though, I hope that will work, it was part of this big package kit that had Java, C, and C# as well. I'm going to currently stick with C++. I also have the Running Linux 5th Edition, and will read through those.

                    Everyone, I thank you all for your help. My final problem is not solved, but I have been given the tools to do so, and that being said, I'll change the quote to "resolved" because its not been solved exactly, but its not an unsolved problem now. Thank you all very much!
                    Computer Lie #1: You&#39;ll never use all that disk space.<br />FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue...<br />The box said, &quot;Requires Windows 7 Home Edition or better&quot; I installed Linux<br />My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.<br />Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay...


                      Re: Need Linux programming software[unsolved] and how to uninstall printer[solved]

                      I installed the build essential through KPackagekit, and the original code still didn't work, so I don't know whether it was bad or not.

                      And I'm not sure what rutebook is?
                      1- what original code still didn't work?

                      2- rutebook is a .pdf.gz BOOK for learning the command line and Linux in general! ........and it's free.

                      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                      16GB RAM
                      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                        Re: Need Linux programming software[reopened] how to uninstall printer[solved]

                        I've been making attempts at learning the C++ code, and its hard yes, but I'll get it down eventually. My problem is that whenever I want to use programming, I need to switch to Windows to use the DevC++. This is frustrating me, because I wanted to use Windows as little as possible[namely the Zune software]. I have several different programming software installed on my Kubuntu[GT4, KDevelop, Arduino IDE, and CodeLite] and have made attempts at all three of them. The one I've gone the farthest with is the CodeLite one, because on the KPackageKit, it said that it was a developer for C++, so I installed it and tried it out. But I don't know how to convert a Windows using programers guide[I'm using C++ for Dummies, and they assume your on a Windows box]. This is frustrating, because I know that the C++ code is universal, but I don't know how to make it work on a Linux box. Any amount of help on this would be greatly appreciated, I apologize for having to reopen a closed tab.
                        Computer Lie #1: You&#39;ll never use all that disk space.<br />FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue...<br />The box said, &quot;Requires Windows 7 Home Edition or better&quot; I installed Linux<br />My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.<br />Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay...


                          Re: Need Linux programming software[re-opened]how to uninstall printer[solved]

                          Hey Linkmaster,
                          In general, for an easy C++ program, the code should be the same between Windows and Linux (although there are issues, such as newline characters). You can compile your code from the CLI using the following:

                          g++ -o outputname
                          As things progress and your programs get more difficult, you may need to add additional options to g++. This page provides a pretty good resource:


                          Registered Linux user #346571


                            Re: Need Linux programming software[re-opened]how to uninstall printer[solved]

                            I have several different programming software installed on my Kubuntu[GT4, KDevelop, Arduino IDE, and CodeLite] and have made attempts at all three of them.
                            I think qt-creator gives the best expierence on linux, but I don't think the ide is your problem. see below.

                            This is frustrating, because I know that the C++ code is universal, but I don't know how to make it work on a Linux box.
                            c++ itself is not platform dependent, but there are many c++ libraries that are. Chances are that your program is dependent on the windows api directly or indirectly. If you can provide more specifics, we might be able to assist you further.
                            FKA: tanderson


                              Re: Need Linux programming software[re-opened]how to uninstall printer[solved]

                              Let me spit out an example of code that did work on my XP, but not using CodeLite:

                              // this is a program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
                              // Fahrenheit = Celsius * (212 - 32)/100 +32
                              #include <cstdio>
                              #include <cstdlib>
                              #include <iostream>
                              using namespace std;
                              int main(int nNumberofArgs char* pszArgs&#91;])
                               // Celsius temperature
                               int celsius;
                               cout << "Enter the temperature in Celsius:";
                               cin >> celsius;
                               // Calculate conversion for celsius to
                               // Fahrenheit
                               int factor;
                               factor = 212 - 32;
                               // use conversion factor to conver Celsius
                               // degrees to Fahrenheit degrees
                               int fahrenheit;
                               fahrenheit = factor * celsius/100 + 32;
                               // output the results (followed by a NewLine)
                               cout << "Fahrenheit value is:";
                               cout << fahrenheit << endl;
                               // wait until user is ready before terminating the program
                               // to allow the user to see program results
                               return 0;
                              Thats an example. It did work using DevC++, but when I entered the same string into CodeLite, it gave me these errors:

                              /usr/lib/codelite/codelite_exec: 22: ./whattawhat: not found
                              Press ENTER to continue...
                              and then it terminates. I'm not sure what to do, I was running it as a g++ basic executable.
                              Computer Lie #1: You&#39;ll never use all that disk space.<br />FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue...<br />The box said, &quot;Requires Windows 7 Home Edition or better&quot; I installed Linux<br />My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.<br />Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay...

