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Kubuntu Lucid wont boot. Testing Battery [OK] then hangs.

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    Kubuntu Lucid wont boot. Testing Battery [OK] then hangs.

    After the latest usual 'apt-get upgrade' my Kubuntu Lucid install hangs during the boot process. The screen shows the blue background with Kubuntu text and the 5 blinking dots, but it stays there forever.

    When I press Esc the boot text shows it tested the batteries OK, but doesn't progress to any further steps, and stays stuck there.

    If I reboot and select 'Recovery' from the grub menu, I can get to a normal root command line, and have tried refreshing apt-get upgrade which completed OK but nothing changed.

    Any ideas before I do a complete reinstall? (I was hoping to away from my Windows habits...)

    Re: Kubuntu Lucid wont boot. Testing Battery [OK] then hangs.

    Boot Recovery mode. At the recovery menu, choose "Fix X". Then see if you can resume normal booting.

    If that doesn't work, boot Recovery mode again, and this time choose "Drop to Root Prompt". At the root "#" prompt, do

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    sudo service kdm start
    and take note of any error messages.


      Re: Kubuntu Lucid wont boot. Testing Battery [OK] then hangs.

      Hi. Thanks for the response.

      FixX doesn't appear as an option. FailsafeX looks like the closest thing. I get three options. Use default, create new config, or use backup config. All three options do nothing. The screen blinks and represents the same three options.

      apt-get update upgrade dist-upgrade all complete normally without errors and without changing or fixing anything.

      If I do 'sudo service kdm start' I get 'kdm started/running processed 1259'. But still no luck.

      Anything more to try? Thanks in advance.


        Re: Kubuntu Lucid wont boot. Testing Battery [OK] then hangs.

        I think it's probably a video issue of some sort. However, to be safe, the first thing (if you still have your Live CD), would be to boot the Live CD and run fsck on your partition. You can use the command

        sudo e2fsck -pv /dev/sda1
        (use the correct /dev/sdxx number for your installed system) or you can use GParted but I don't think GParted is included on the Kubuntu Live CD. If you have a GParted or Parted Magic Live CD you could use that. One way or another, we need to make sure that it is not hanging up due to needing an fsck.

        Once you have done that, boot Recovery mode, and run:

        lspci -v | grep VGA
        and paste the output here and we'll have a look at the video hardware.


          Re: Kubuntu Lucid wont boot. Testing Battery [OK] then hangs.

          Check for a full root partition. Boot into the recovery option from the Grub menu. From the prompt type:
          df -h
          [b]Filesystem      Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
          /dev/sda7       9.9G 4.4G 5.0G 47% /[/b]
          In my example above, my root partition reports 47% as used (Use%) If yours reports at or very near to 100%, then you can't boot normally, and some house cleaning is in order.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

