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Bunch of problems

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    Bunch of problems

    Hi, I am Linux noob, but I wanted to give myself little Christmas present so I installed Kubuntu, dual booting with Win XP.. after that i encountered lots of problems..

    1) Booting Win worked, then i restarted PC and installed Kubuntu after that booting says "BOOTMGR missing push Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" and i have to push F11 and manually choose to boot from HDD and even when i do that only Kubuntu boots, no boot menu with Kubuntu and Windows there... (so now i cant boot windows) SOLVED

    2) Internet? I have no problem with programs like Kopete but in rekonq I can only load Google and any other site just won't load or loads for minute or so.. (like I think it isnt DNS problem because when i try connecting directly to IP it is the same

    3) SOLVED!!!Installing and updating - There's some problem with libgconf2-4 which i can't solve , i tried some guides from the internet, but none worked. Also updating keeps writing "Cannot get the exclusive lock on the packaging backend. Please close any other legacy packaging tools that may be open." INSTALLING SOLVED

    so now Iam stuck with nearly no internet, no applications and no windows only thing left is my Android phone

    KUBUNTU 10.10
    KDE 4.5.1
    GRUB latest or none? (konsole command doesnt work)

    Athlon64 3500+ 2.2Ghz
    ATI X1600 512MB
    1024MB RAM
    2 HDDs 250GB and 320GB

    EDIT: I have found my question in Top 20 Kubuntu FAQ but unfortunatly it links to external web which i cant load...

    Re: Bunch of problems

    I will try to help you out

    no.1 = I can't help you with this since i'm don't have enough knowledge in booting stuff

    no.2 = I'm sure it's your DNS problem, i experience quite similiar problems with you a couple days ago. and it solved by it self

    no.3 = I saw that you use KDE SC 4.5.1 which is kind of outdated, update it through apt or kpackagekit to 4.5.4 it's gonne solve certain issues that maybe you encountered



      Re: Bunch of problems

      'Packaging lock' means the installation has not completed properly.
      If you can get as far as the Kubuntu log-in screen enter Ctrl+Alt+F1 which will bring up a console screen. Log in as normal user/pwd then type in
      sudo dpkg --configure -a

      It will ask for your password which is exactly the same one as you gave yourself when you set up Kubuntu.
      This should clear the failed install.

      Then type in
      sudo apt-get update (does what it says, updates the program list)
      sudo apt-get upgrade (installs the updates)

      To reboot from here to see how things are going (or not) type in
      sudo shutdown -r now

      Sorry - never used dual boot so don't know how to solve that - but if Kubuntu runs properly at least you can search for answers.


        Re: Bunch of problems

        sudo apt-get update = E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
        E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/

        I guess I will formate HDD and start again with installing Win and then Kubuntu, maybe that will work...


          Re: Bunch of problems

          Ok, after 3 reinstalls everything works :P

          Now I have just last question , in SW updates i have 172 updates... should i update them all? or that would cause another problems?


            Re: Bunch of problems

            IF your systems is now working fully without any issues, and you only have the standared/default repositories that come with the installation, then running identified updates is not a problem - in all but very rare cases.

            The best way to perform updates - IMO - is from the command line. When you see the updates notification icon, open a console and type:
            sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Bunch of problems

              Hi, me again

              After month I still have problems with DNS, i just cannot use anything else then google and also I found out that sound is not working According to Win Device Manager I have Realtec AC'97 sound board.
              Is there any simple solution?


                Re: Bunch of problems

                You have 2 entirely different and unrelated problems there. It would help everyone to deal with one of them only.

                (1) Ethernet connection to the desktop PC? How does your network connect to the Internet?

                (2) To be certain of your hardware, run
                lspci -vv
                and post the bit that starts approximately like this:

                00:1b.0 Audio device: Realtek .....
                Also is that PC a certain brand and model, or did you build it. If you built it, what is the motherboard?


                  Re: Bunch of problems

                  Originally posted by Tomaco
                  sudo apt-get update = E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
                  E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/

                  I guess I will formate HDD and start again with installing Win and then Kubuntu, maybe that will work...
                  This basically means that either some process is still running to update your system or this process has died and not cleaned up after itself. Best to restart the computer (there are other ways, but let's stick with this one for the time being) to make sure no process is messing with your packaging, then delete /var/lib/apt/lists/lock by typing:

                  sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock
                  And bingo, you can use your synaptic/apt-get/dpkg again as if nothing has happened.
                  Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                    Re: Bunch of problems

                    Originally posted by dibl
                    (1) Ethernet connection to the desktop PC? How does your network connect to the Internet?
                    (2) To be certain of your hardware, run
                    lspci -vv
                    Also is that PC a certain brand and model, or did you build it. If you built it, what is the motherboard?
                    1.I connect to the internet by router (ethernet port)
                    2. only thing about audio there is
                    00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS) AC'97 Sound Controller (rev a0)
                    I have built my computer, motherboard is ASRock 939S56-M (it's about 4 years old)


                      Re: Bunch of problems

                      Update for sound problem... ......
                      My sound level was at max ... but Mute was ticked... ok sorry


                        Re: Bunch of problems

                        Good! You aren't the only one, but you are one of the few who will admit they didn't find it at first.

                        How about the networking issue? Is it a DNS thing -- what is the "domain", "nameserver" and the "search" in your /etc/resolve.conf file?


                          Re: Bunch of problems

                          hmm, is that wierd? I dont have any domain or search things there only

                          # Generated by NetworkManager


                            Re: Bunch of problems

                            Originally posted by Tomaco
                            hmm, is that wierd? I dont have any domain or search things there only

                            # Generated by NetworkManager
                            As a minimum, open that file with Alt-F2 "kdesudo kate" and comment out the last line, so it looks like this:

                            # Generated by NetworkManager
                            Do "File > Save", then you'll have to reboot your computer. That last "nameserver" is actually your router. :P

                            EDIT: Maybe this gives some ideas:

                            EDIT #2: There are 2 OpenDNS IP addresses in the yellow box at the bottom of this page (but please read the page before doing anything with your /etc/resolve.conf file):


                              Re: Bunch of problems

                              I cant run benchmark because i dont have Wine and even bigger problem is that after changing resolv.cfg, saving and rebooting, it returns to its previous values ...
                              I just wonder why Google works so brilliant

