hello guys.i really hope that you can help me with my problem since i almost destroyed my kubuntu installation xD.
well last week i managed to build my first custom linux kernel.I also installed the nvidia drivers from command line and it worked great.Well yesterday i saw that my root partition had only 2.5 gb free from the 20gb of maximum space,so i went to /usr/src and saw that the folders of & 23 image and their headers + my 2.6.31 image folder (now the latest stable is 2.6.32 in kernel.org) were about 7.9 GB.So i decided to delete them.
Instead of just deleting them,I downloaded synaptic package manager and searched for kernel image or sth.I found the image and its headers and checked mark for complete removal(i left just in case sth goes wrong with 2.6.31.).Now the thing is that synaptic said that was also going to remove nvidia-curennt.I agreed with it saying "ok,i will just reinstall nvidia drivers from command line and everything will be working again".The thing is that i removed all the other folders left in /usr/src so now i don't have any headers or image folders left there.so when i tried to install the nvidia driver again,it said that it couldn't locate the source tree.Hopefully i still had 2.6.31.bz2 and i untar it again to the /usr/src.Tried again and said the kernel wasn't configured or sth.I also had an old .config as backup so i quickly managed to solve this as well.Now tried to install again,the installer says the driver is already installed(although startx doesn't work).I pressed to uninstall it first and reinstall but says that it couldn't locate kernel headers.The thing is that with 2.6.31 i didn't have any kernel headers.I booted in and same thing happens.From failsafe X i also did sth stupid and can't use even nouveau (or how is it called-the alt nvidia driver).So i know i made a BIG thread but you are the only help i have now.Thanks in advance!
well last week i managed to build my first custom linux kernel.I also installed the nvidia drivers from command line and it worked great.Well yesterday i saw that my root partition had only 2.5 gb free from the 20gb of maximum space,so i went to /usr/src and saw that the folders of & 23 image and their headers + my 2.6.31 image folder (now the latest stable is 2.6.32 in kernel.org) were about 7.9 GB.So i decided to delete them.
Instead of just deleting them,I downloaded synaptic package manager and searched for kernel image or sth.I found the image and its headers and checked mark for complete removal(i left just in case sth goes wrong with 2.6.31.).Now the thing is that synaptic said that was also going to remove nvidia-curennt.I agreed with it saying "ok,i will just reinstall nvidia drivers from command line and everything will be working again".The thing is that i removed all the other folders left in /usr/src so now i don't have any headers or image folders left there.so when i tried to install the nvidia driver again,it said that it couldn't locate the source tree.Hopefully i still had 2.6.31.bz2 and i untar it again to the /usr/src.Tried again and said the kernel wasn't configured or sth.I also had an old .config as backup so i quickly managed to solve this as well.Now tried to install again,the installer says the driver is already installed(although startx doesn't work).I pressed to uninstall it first and reinstall but says that it couldn't locate kernel headers.The thing is that with 2.6.31 i didn't have any kernel headers.I booted in and same thing happens.From failsafe X i also did sth stupid and can't use even nouveau (or how is it called-the alt nvidia driver).So i know i made a BIG thread but you are the only help i have now.Thanks in advance!