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rekonq and firefox wont play video stream?

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    rekonq and firefox wont play video stream?

    i have a linksys wireless webcam that i use as a security cam. even with wine, the monitor software wont work, but thankfully you can access the camera video via remote website (ie. ip address on the net of the camera) I can get to the camera fine via rekonq or firefix (tried chrome too) but none of them display the video. it should be simple java... it displays the page, all the options, but there just isnt a video stream or control buttons for the camera, they should be center of the screen. now, neither rekonq nor firefox prompt me to download any additional extenssions or whatever like IE did, so what am i missing?

    heres the page source if it helps anyone determin what i need to install to view it.

    <meta name="description" content="LCS 3097">

    <title>Linksys Compact Wireless-G Internet Video Camera</title>

    <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="std.css">

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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    <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Mon, 06 Jan 1990 00:00:01 GMT">

    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="stdlib.js"></script>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="message.js"></script>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    <!-- Start Script

    var interval_id = null;

    var run_flag = false;
    var vmode = "mpeg"; // mpeg, jpeg
    // var vmode = "mpeg";
    var PanTilt = "off"; // on, off
    var FrameRate = "30";

    var sizetimer = 1000; // milliseconds
    var vsize;

    var resolutionA = new Array(160, 320, 640);
    var heightA = new Array(154, 246, 486);
    var widthA = new Array(309, 469, 789);
    var borderA = new Array(120, 120, 40); // total (top + bottom)

    function getSizeIndex(imgSize)
    for (var i = 0; i < resolutionA.length; i++)
    if(imgSize == resolutionA[i])
    return i;
    return 0; // no match

    function checkSize()
    if (!document || !document.NetCamPlayerWeb11gv2 || false == run_flag)
    var newsize = document.NetCamPlayerWeb11gv2.GetSize();

    alert("CheckSize(), newsize:vsize");
    if (newsize != vsize)

    function setObjSize(newsize)
    if (!document || !document.NetCamPlayerWeb11gv2 || false == run_flag)
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    document.NetCamPlayerWeb11gv2.width = widthA[index];
    document.NetCamPlayerWeb11gv2.height = heightA[index];
    document.getElementById("vidDIV").style.height = heightA[index] + borderA[index];
    alert("setObjSize(), newsize:netcamObj.width:height");
    if (!document || !document.NetCamPlayerWeb11gv2 || false == run_flag)
    vsize = newsize;

    function doPlay()
    var cf = document.forms[0];
    // var rFlag = (cf.h_rotate180.value == "enable");
    var serverAddress = "http://" + ;
    //var serverAddress = "";
    if( vmode == "jpeg" )
    serverAddress += "/img/mjpeg.cgi";
    serverAddress += "/img/video.asf";
    if (document.NetCamPlayerWeb11gv2.SetSource(serverAdd ress, vmode, PanTilt, FrameRate, 1, 1))
    // document.NetCamPlayerWeb11gv2.RotateImage(rFlag); //ocx not implement yet
    run_flag = true;
    interval_id = setInterval("checkSize()", sizetimer);

    function doStop()
    run_flag = false;
    if (interval_id)

    if (!document || !document.NetCamPlayerWeb11gv2)

    function init()
    var cf = document.forms[0];
    self.status = msg_connect_livevideo;
    //timeout_id = setTimeout("self.status = ''", 1500);

    vsize = parseInt(cf.h_resolution.value);
    var tmp_size = vsize;
    self.status = '';

    // End Script -->


    <body marginheight="20" marginwidth="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="20" bgcolor="#e5e5e5" onLoad="init()" onbeforeUnload="if(run_flag==true) doStop()">
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    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="900">
    <td bgcolor="#6766CC" nowrap valign="top"><img src="blue_top_left.gif" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="Linksys_Blue_Logo.gif"></td>
    <td bgcolor="#6766CC" align="right" valign="top"><span class="model" style="position:relative;top:-12px">WVC54GC</span><img src="blue_top_right.gif" alt="" border="0">

    <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#000000" height="2"> </td>

    <td width="350" bgcolor="#000000" nowrap class="menutext" height="45" align="center">Compact Wireless-G Internet Video Camera</td>
    <td width="550" bgcolor="#6766CC" class="admin" nowrap>
    <a href="main.cgi?next_file=index.htm" class="mainmenu">Home</a><span class="model">|</span>
    <span class="mainmenuitem">View Video</span><span class="model">|</span>
    <a href="adm/admin_fs.htm" class="mainmenu">Setup</a><span class="model">|</span>
    <a href="" class="mainmenu" target="_blank">Linksys Web</a><span class="model">|</span>
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    <div align="center">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="900">
    <td><img src="top_bar.jpg" width="900" height="27" alt="" border="0"></td>
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    <object classid="clsid7208880-9B7A-43E1-AABB-8C888A5704F9" CODEBASE=",0,1,6 " id="NetCamPlayerWeb11gv2">
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    <td><img src="bottom_bar.jpg" width="900" height="31" alt="" border="0"></td>

    <td bgcolor="#6666cc" align="left" height="33"> <BR> </td>

    <td bgcolor="#6666cc"><img src="cisco_footer.gif" width="900" height="74" alt="" border="0"></td>



    <input type="Hidden" name="h_rotate180" value="disable">
    <input type="hidden" name="message" value="">
    <input type="hidden" name="todo" value="connect">
    <input type="Hidden" name="h_resolution" value="320">



    Re: rekonq and firefox wont play video stream?

    Read this page to decide what you need but I installed the repository and the encrypted DVD files and non-native media format choose 32bit or 64..... this page is about playing media in web browser not sure it will help

    then look at plugins for your browers
    HP Pavilion m7750n desktop<br />AMD 64x2 2.6 ghz cpu,2gb mem,Geforce 6150 Le graphics <br /> Kubuntu 11.04 x86_64


      Re: rekonq and firefox wont play video stream?

      Originally posted by irish man
      Yep, thanx Irishman (Irish way, Irish ruleZ? ) it helped me to play some videos, e.g. TV on the net etc.
      However, I've met a problem of playing .mov in Kubuntu 10.10. There is played just video but no music and I have tested many players

      [Maybe I'll create net thread with .mov question but I'm just curious if anyone met the same problem]


        Re: rekonq and firefox wont play video stream?

        On that same page lower down it talks about non-native formats did you install those codecs
        I've had that problem too..some play ok others not,Have you tried vlc player seems to work the best...
        HP Pavilion m7750n desktop<br />AMD 64x2 2.6 ghz cpu,2gb mem,Geforce 6150 Le graphics <br /> Kubuntu 11.04 x86_64

