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Help with Dual Boot from 2 Sata Internal Hard Drives and Wireless Connection

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    Help with Dual Boot from 2 Sata Internal Hard Drives and Wireless Connection

    I'm confused with how to set up a dual boot. I have two sata HD's, one with Win7 and the other with Kubuntu. When i plug both in it always loads Kubuntu and gives no option to boot windows. When I unplug Kubuntus HD windows loads. Any idea how to get it to allow me to select? I'm not to good with grub but I hear it is a possible solution. I'm not sure how to go about this :S

    I also cannot access my wireless internet. I am unable to connect via Ethernet and need help in figuring out why it's not working. I have a PCI network card (broadcom 802.11). I have internet access with windows, however, as well as an external hard drive which acts as a chaperon for my file transfers.

    I'm fairly new with Kubuntu and not too sure which additional specs to post. Any help is very much appreciated.

    Here's some of my computers specifications:

    AMD Anthelon II 620 Processor 64-bit
    2gigs of rom
    ATI Tech Radeon HD 3200 Graph

    Win7 Ultimate 64 on one HD

    Kubuntu 10 (KDE is 4.5.1) Using Linux 2.6.35-22-general.

    There are 2 Internal HD, both SATA. 1 t on one 680 gigs on the other.


    Re: Help with Dual Boot from 2 Sata Internal Hard Drives and Wireless Connection

    I was also wondering if there is a way to allow for file transfer between the two internal HD without using and external drive.


