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Process error

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    Process error

    I have the kubuntu ISO burned to a cd, and I boot from the cd drive. It loads up and I can test it out ect from the cd, which is sloooow, as you all know. I have been trying to install for a while, but not sometimes when I start it up, to try and install, I get an error that a process ended suddenly. And when I click on install, it just shows the jumpy cursor icon, and the little hour glass at the bottom. They both go away after a bit, and nothing happens. What should I do?

    Re: Process error

    We need some more information.
    1) Which CD did you download the Desktop, the Alternate, or the DVD.
    2) Did you check both the md5sum of the iso, before burning and the md5sums of all the software on the iso after burning (see the MD5Sum page on the wiki)?
    3)Please provide the exact wording of the error message.


      Re: Process error

      I tried to check them, but I was't sure if I was doing it correctly.

      The one I downloaded, had a md5sum page, but I checked it with a program the whole ISO file, and everything was the same...So I figured it worked...

      This is one:

      Error KDesktop-
      The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly.

      This is another:

      Error (something or another)
      The process for the media protocol died unexpectedly.

      And when the cd is first started up and you get the options menu when you can click safe graphics mode ect, once you click the first one to start or install kubuntu, it does the check list deal. This one doesnt ever get an OK to it, "PCMCIA Services".

      The only thing that I could ever get to show up is in the menu >> system >> Partition program thingy.

      My friend sent me the link to it, so I'm not sure which one it is, it is a cd, and this is the title it saves as, "kubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso". Any help?


        Re: Process error

        Obviously, from the name of the iso, you downloaded the Desktop CD which allows you to run Kubuntu as a live CD to verify that all your hadware is recognized, and then install it.

        When you download the iso9660 file that you eventually burn, that file has an md5sum. When you compare that md5sum with the ONE you compute, you know that the DOWNLOAD was good. Then you burn the CD. This process does not always work. You can burn too fast for the medium (48x CDs sometimes aren't) or even too slow. You can get buffer under-runs that leave data gaps on the disk and buffer over-runs that skip parts of the iso.

        How do you tell whether the CD was BURNED PROPERLY? Kubuntu has a solution. One of the files on the disk is a list of the md5sums of all the files on the disk. The web page that I referred you to has a command that you can use, to determine whether the burn was successful. The only problem is that the command runs in Linux. I'm sorry to say that I don't know the windows equivalent.

        Why should you care? Because the problems that you are reporting indicate some kind of hardware problem. The most common problem is a badly burned CD.

        PCMCIA Services doesn't run on a machine that doesn't have a PCMCIA card bus, so that's the only problem that I wouldn't worry about (unless you're installing on a laptop).

        I'd suggest wasting another CD-R. Burn at a conservative speed, (I use 8x on 48x CD-Rs.) and Please, Please, check the burned CD, somehow. If you can't find a Windoze program to do that, take it over to your friend's house so he can check it on a Linux machine.


          Re: Process error

          The file that has all of the md5sums on it, were the same as the program calculated when I ran it on the ISO file.

          I will try and check the cd, and burn another one at 8x speed. I will let you know what happens...


            Re: Process error

            When you insert the cd and it first turn on your computer, it brings up a choice menu, there is an F6 option where you can type stuff in, is there a way to type something in there and have it skip testing and go straight to install?

            And also I dont know if it would be any help for helping me, but I am trying to install on a different drive than the windows installation....


              Re: Process error

              Using separate drives for Linux and windoze can be done. The problem is that the Desktop CD will install the boot loader on the MBR of the first disk. YOu may have to go in and do some hand editing of the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to get things going. I don't think that is the cause of your problem.

              I've only used the Desktop CD twice (actually two CDs) and not for very long, to install Dapper on my desktop and laptop. So I'm not sure which menu you are referring to.


                Re: Process error

                It is the "Start or Install Kubuntu - Start Kubuntu in safe graphics moded ect...

                Is the "alternative" cd just straight installer like a newb like I, would be looking for? Not the live test cd?


                  Re: Process error

                  The alternate CD is a straight installer (no live CD) but it requires a certain amount of Linux vocabulary and experience to make the choices that it offers. How can you choose between two alternatives if you don't know what they mean?


                    Re: Process error

                    How much memory do you have?


                      Re: Process error

                      I downloaded the alternate cd and it is working famously, I love it, it's purty . There is a few things, I don't think it is detecting my wireless adapter. It's a linksys wireless G v2 adapter, and I am running a Compaq 5wv285 of the 5000 series...


                        Re: Process error

                        Wireless is always a problem to get working. The problem is that there are a lot of wireless chipsets out there and the manufacturers can't afford to porvide detailed information to a bunch of Linux distributions in the same way that they have to provide it to M$. There is a LOT of information about wireless on the Ubuntu Wiki Start Here and expect to look at a couple of other pages.


                          Re: Process error

                          You system is probably a good candidate for the "alternative" install cd as your system , if not upgraded, probably does not have enough ram for livecds in general, and as you have already discovered, it sure is purdy to my eyes as well


                            Re: Process error

                            Well, I have installed the ndiswrapper and installed the driver from my wireless adapter, but it says that it's an invalid driver. What do I do?

