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how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

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    Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

    OK, let's start over again.

    You wrote in your first post:
    I am running TP Link TD 8840 modem with TP link WR 340G for the ports.
    The TD 8840 modem is your ISP cable modem connected to your cable company's RG58U cable.
    A short piece of ethernet cable connects it to your WR 340G wireless modem.

    You also wrote:
    Grey Geek: the modem & router are on factory settings and do not offer the same options as yours.
    "Factory settings" mean that your wireless modem is open. That is, the ESSID is that which the factory set, and there is no encryption. So, regardless of the wireless device, ANYONE can connect using your visible ESSID without a password. IF you cannot connect to your open wireless with wicd then you have other problems.

    I have entered the BSSID number the system id infrastructure, WPA2 and password even the DHCP number and when I try to get on the net , it tells me the system can't find a usable address!
    The IP address is the address of your wireless router, NOT your PC. When you connect to an open wireless with FireFox you put (or what ever IP the wireless manual stipulates) into the URL you will get the wireless login screen. And, DHCP is used to AUTOMATICALLY get an IP address from the wireless device, which is configured as a DHCP daemon specifically to proffer an IP address when asked. One never enters an IP address when using DHCP.

    So, it's time we get some HARD data from you.
    First, I didn't see what your wireless chip is.
    Open a konsole and enter
    lspci | grep Network
    iwlist scanning
    and report back the results.

    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

      Hi again everyone,

      Long story but I've now done a complete reinstall. 6 years of data , programs etc ! Loss a lot of old programs...god knows where the original discs were.

      After much aggravation with other users on the network who claimed that Kubuntu was the problem as to why the network stopped working properly (load of rot) but Like I can tell my number two son often but not tell him much!!

      Anyway we have a new Netgear DG 834G modem/router which is Linux friendly.
      This Time I'll install Kubuntu on the QT
      Thanks for your help

      examinator ant


        Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

        Loss a lot of old programs...god knows where the original discs were.
        I have CDs going back to 2002. A couple years ago I cycled most of them through my CDROM. About 1/4th would not read.

        I have about two dozen ZIP Drive 100 MB cartridges from my Win95 & XP days, but my drive went "click, click". I managed to move all of their data onto CDs while the drive was working, but most of those CDs are unreadable.

        I doubt if the CDs we get from Walmart these days will last 5 years. The RW DVDs "may" last longer.

        We had tapes containing tax data at work that were 30 years old, but no hardware to read them. I have lots of data on stacks of old HD Floppies and a USB floppy disk drive to read them, but most contain apps and data from 16 bit days.

        Might as well be the Ark of the Convenent setting in some government warehouse.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

