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how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

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    how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

    I am real new and dumb as cheese when it comes to Linux so simple step by step would help.
    I am running Xp and have a separate drive with K 10.4 installed (sortof)
    I have followed the windows and tried to get the system to log into my wireless net work.
    I am running TP Link TD 8840 modem with TP link WR 340G for the ports.
    I have entered the BSSID number the system id infrastructure, WPA2 and password even the DHCP number and when I try to get on the net , it tells me the system can't find a usable address!
    I have searched the net, forums and the comments but no real help neither are the books... but no real answers, none seem to be in the format of Kubuntu 10.4 ?
    What can I do?
    Please help

    Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

    Welcome! Hopefully we'll get you sorted out soon.

    The network configuration in Linux should be basically the same as in Windows, so it looks like you already have most of it figured out. I am not clear on where you are seeing the "no usable address" message, but that sounds to me like you are at least connecting. If that is the case then there is probably very little wrong. If you start a terminal and type

    then post the output here, it would be helpful. We can go from there.


      Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

      Originally posted by examinator ant
      I am real new and dumb as cheese when it comes to Linux so simple step by step would help.

      Cheese isn't dumb and neither are you. With everything we learn in life, there is a beginning....and that includes linux.



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        Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

        From within Kubuntu, are you able to access the TP link WR 340G from your browser, at (that should be the IP address to the router)? And assuming 'yes', have you configured it correctly?
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

          I found this interesting:

          We had trouble using the 'auto' wireless encryption settings on some of our non-Centrino laptops (HP's Mini 2140 with 802.11g networking, as well as a laptop with a Linksys WNR300 wireless adapter), but Centrino 2-based laptops worked without any hassles.

          To get all of our laptops to connect we had to manually change the encryption to WPA-PSK and select the TKIP or AES algorithm, instead of just using 'auto'.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

            Thanks folks for the kind wishes and I'll try the points out.

            Grey geek... I read that piece but sadly I have little or no understanding of where and how to enter the code.

            Like I said I am a real beginner. It has been 10years since any contact with unix and have forgotten the most. Unlike you I'm greying but a minor jack of many things, a master of none and reducing

            Thank you for the effort

            Regards to all



              Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

              Hi gang

              more info same problem

              the modem is set to wpa2- AES infrastructure and works fine on windows

              so far I have
              Kick off -> Network settings -> Wireless

              SSDI = Xxxxxxx as per Scan

              Mode = infrastructure or adhoc

              BSSID = same as shown on windows connection

              RESTRICT TO INTERFACE = any or wireless 802.11 (tried both same result)

              MTU = auto or bytes + or -

              WIRELESS SECURITY = WPA/WPA2 personal no other option fit no AES

              P/WORD = xxxxxxxxxx (password)

              IP ADDRESS

              basic settings or Additional Addresses or Routes

              DHCP CLIENT ID =

              RESULT IN KONQUER = Automatic proxy Configuration could not find Proxy Script

              I'm using usb TL WN 321G WIRELESS ADAPTOR

              Additional note: we have to log on via repair or add option each time we start the computer once windows has booted up. (this is because of AES )

              any suggestions from here? PS I'm running out of hair to pull out with frustration

              next step is the cheap scotch drank the good stuff yesterday >


                Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

                Hmm, I'm not familiar with GUI setup programs, but probably someone else here can chime in with some expertise in that department. Two things come to mind though. I think it would be easier to set up a connection without encryption first. One thing at a time is the way I usually proceed in these cases. The other is "DHCP CLIENT ID =" looks suspect to me. That looks like it would be the IP of your router, but I've never heard it called "client id" before. Your router would be a DHCP server. I could be totally wrong but wouldn't "client id" be the hostname (or something like that) of the client?

                I think we need to get down to some basics here, because it looks like you're trying to do a bunch of things at once. I'm not even sure if you're connected to your router at this point. Fundamentally, the Windows and Linux setup should be identical, so I don't understand (yet) where the trouble lies.


                  Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

                  Start over. While your wireless router is powered up restore the factory defaults by using a straightened paper clip in the tiny hole in the back. You'll feel a switch in there. Hold it closed for 15 seconds. Your lights will blink and you wireless router will have the factory defaults with the admin name and password mentioned in the manual.

                  After you log into your wirless click the "wireless" menu option, and under it "wireless settings"
                  For the ssid enter what you want the public to see as your wireless name
                  Set your region to your country or union
                  Set the channel to auto
                  Set the mode to "11bgn mixed"
                  Set the maxrate to something more than your ISP bandwidth, 300Mbs
                  Check "enable ssid broadcast"

                  Click on wireless security:
                  check the radiobutton " WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK"
                  set version to automatic
                  set encryption to AES (if its not there try TKIP)
                  set PSK password (used to log into the wireless) when you use DHCP to get an IP address
                  set group key update period to 0 (zero - no update)

                  Those are the settings on my TP-Link WL1043D

                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

                    Hi gang,

                    In my last post I gave you the details

                    Italics = the tabs and options available (shown on the screen in the Kubuntu Gui)

                    ITALICS + CAPS = SELECTOR HEADINGS

                    Bold = what I typed

                    Bold+ italics = the option I entered

                    I note that the Gui selectors change names from the available books
                    the on line documentation assumes too much basic Unix knowledge of Jargon .

                    Grey Geek: the modem & router are on factory settings and do not offer the same options as yours.

                    Juul the192.168.1.1 is the factory setting for my address

                    The problem I have with changing the modem settings at the modem is as stated they are on factory settings and there are 3 other windows machine on the family network and all 4 run fine in windows but alter it and all others stop.
                    Initially I rang TP support about the need to 'repair' each time we log on but they were as helpful as highways to a koala .... >

                    I glean two things from this one I need to wait untill V10.10 or just give up on Kubuntu as there appears nothing I or anyone can do with the current hardware and my knowledge.
                    I do appreciate everyones' attempts to help.

                    Regards to all

                    examinator ant


                      Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

                      If your wireless router is set up to work with the Windows machines I don't understand what it is you want to change there. Your Kubuntu box should work there too then. This really shouldn't be hard at all, so I think that there is some wrong assumption being made somewhere along the line.

                      It would be nice if you could explain more clearly what is going on, but it seems that there is a problem getting your actual config posted. Perhaps some other information would be needed too, but really, we need to know what is some of those files. When I just set up a laptop to connect to the wireless, one of the things I did was put this in /etc/network/interfaces

                      auto wlan0
                      iface wlan0 inet dhcp
                        wpa-ssid mynetworkname
                        wpa-psk mysecretpassphrase
                      I mention that because that is about all it took to get it working (no GUI!) and you didn't say what was in your file. What I put could be the same as will work for you. Like I say, with a bit of communication it should be easy.

                      Perhaps if you put the output of ifconfig onto an USB stick, then you could read it in Windows and post it - just an idea. Windows and Linux are not really significantly different when it comes to the basics.

                      PS: I do understand if you don't feel like working on this any more right now.


                        Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

                        The "factory default" is to run without encryption, i.e., open for anyone nearby to use.

                        Are you sure you want to do that?

                        Regardless, you can use WPA or WPA2 or what ever your wireless router offers.
                        Your Windows boxes wireless connection can be edited to supply the encryption type and password just like Linux and Apple can.

                        So, say you setup your wireless router with an essid as "examinator", with WPA and a password of "whoknows".

                        In Kubuntu just fire up wicd or KNetworkManager, scan for the connection point signals that are visible, which will include yours. Click on the "Properties" button associated with your "examinator" essid and in that dialog enter the WPA encryption type and "whoknows" password. Close that dialog and click on the connect button. After the connection is made give the connection a usable name and check the box marked "automatically connect".

                        Windows configures much the same way. Then all your PCs will be connected and protected.
                        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                          Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

                          Grey Geek,
                          The only change to the factory settings implemented was the option AES and the password.
                          All other options were in place.

                          The 4 computers share the router and modem but but don't share files.
                          They don't want my doo wop, 60/70 music/ videos, my jigsaws or my blogs. I'm not interested in their files facebook, uni, girly pop + laptop (daughter) , WoW et al (son), God knows what my wife has (country music), craft, dvd collection catalogue etc.

                          My ultimate goal is to migrate my 'puter to K+W -> U , escape the clutches of MS et al.

                          I've done all that you say( i.e. the detailed last two posts) but it simply doesn't want to play with the modem see the constant error code.

                          where in K do I enter the code lines you suggested.

                          All the literature seems to point to the difficulty of K emulating Ethernet over wireless and the proprietary interests of the modem manufacturers.

                          I've uninstalled K but will try again with a clean new install and I'll get back to you both

                          I have no idea why a modem et al working on the windows side won't play with K .


                            Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

                            Originally posted by examinator ant
                            where in K do I enter the code lines you suggested.
                            In /etc/network/interfaces. I'm sensing that you have yet to find the terminal. It is exactly the same as in Windows except the name of the terminal might be a bit different. I think Windows calls it a dos box or something like that - I'm not sure. Go to whatever your distro calls it, "Konsole" or "Xterminal" or whatever - it will have a little picture of a monitor. That is where you type stuff and it is a good idea to always keep a terminal open. In Windows you would type DOS commands, but the commands are pretty straightforward in Linux as well. Besides, you can just cut and paste with your mouse and not use the keyboard for much except to hit enter. So: to see what the /etc/network/interfaces file says, you type (or cut and paste):
                            less /etc/network/interfaces
                            When you're finished looking, hit "q" to quit.

                            If you decide to edit you type the name of your favourite (hopefully installed) editor. I don't know what you have, but Kate should be there. So to edit the file you type:
                            kate /etc/network/interfaces
                            See? Basically the same as Windows except you don't put C: or D: or Z: in front of the file name.

                            All the literature seems to point to the difficulty of K emulating Ethernet over wireless and the proprietary interests of the modem manufacturers.
                            Proprietary interests can indeed get in the way of decent folk trying to compute.

                            I've uninstalled K but will try again with a clean new install and I'll get back to you both

                            I have no idea why a modem et al working on the windows side won't play with K .
                            I'm a little confused by the modem "working on the windows side". Are you not just trying to connect to your wireless router?

                            The setup that I am assuming here is that you have a modem with either a wireless router built in or connected to it. You are then trying to get your Kubuntu computer to connect to the wireless router. Do I have that right? BTW, whatever OS any other machine connected to the network is running is completely irrelevant.

                            Anyway, we'll see what a clean new install does for you. Perhaps things will just work. Good luck!



                              Re: how to get kubuntu to recognize my wireless internet

                              Yo folks, (Ole Juul and grey Geek)

                              Update on saga. I have found both Konsole and Kate after a new clean install. God knows why the original install was minus the key window !! any way, I tried to add the text you suggested it came up unknown something or other.
                              Re install v 4 I now then wondered why the Auto function on the wireless network wasn't working in windows...2more calls to the support dept of the manufacture (1 was 1.5 hrs long) and even they didn't understand why ? after 6more hours of fiddling It now works on my issue with firm ware up grades ?? I think! However the 2nd machine says " bugger off I'm not gonna share!"

                              However, the conversation with them raise a point i.e. there is a Linux driver for V7 of something!!
                              BUT they have no idea how to install it! :-X (unrepeatable thoughts).

                              Sooooo how and where do I download and install the driver given my install doesn't access the net or recognise the USB stick?

                              2. The screen keeps going to the highest resolution 1800X ?? with a 1.5 inch blank band on the left side. I reset the resolution to that of windows and it fixed the problem (yah ) BUT when I switched off and rebooted later it dropped the setting back to the 1800 one complete with right leaning. Given I an politically neutral favouring John Stewart's rally for sense... I want a permanent fix to the screen.
                              Any suggestions?

                              OJ I'll try your latest suggestions and like a bad penny, I'll return.

                              regards one confused examinator

