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Vuze installation folder?(SOlved)

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    Vuze installation folder?(SOlved)

    Okay so first i would want to share why i have choose Vuze...just to give some feedback to all the Kubuntu developers which i think they made a great job with 10.4 LTS Distro. ^^ I gotta say that this new distro has gained a lot since Kubuntu 9.04, like stability with jdownloader (java), the network interface, drivers, efficiency and so on.

    To be honest, with Kubuntu 9.04 i could count with my fingers all the things that Kubuntu at that time could limit jdownloader probs, wireless, nvidia drivers, freezed up some times...some bugs but mainly a good OS.

    Now with this new brand Kubuntu 10.4 LTS i can't say anything about it, they just fixed all the problems that i had!!! It works like a charm and is a wonderful OS.

    Still there is one thing that i got to say...that they didn't fixed or at least doesn't work from me since i Installed Kubuntu. It didn't work with 9.04 and doesn't work efficiently with 10.4 LTS either.

    It's the KTORRENT, a program that in my opinion ain't bad and is pretty useful if it gets to download anything...cause most of the times will get you're downloads to be stalled and nothing more...maybe 1 download if you're lucky.

    And thats about it to my feedback about ktorrent and Kubuntu 10.4 LTS. Thanks for you're time and listening to this story.

    Now for those who came to help me with this prob and had to read all that feedback, Im sorry and thanks for you're time so without further a due I'll share my prob now.

    The thing is that i downloaded Vuze a torrent program wich i found pretty good and how's a nice GUI, as my main torrent downloader. The thing is that installed Vuze and i want to know in what folder should i add it in / cause right now is in HOME since i just press a script and the vuze program will start from just want to put it with all the other programs folder and make a link to my kmenu from there later...

    So where sould i put my vuze folder?? /dev?? /where?? ^^ Xd

    Cheers Kira..and again thanks for you're time.

    Re: Vuze installation folder?

    I do not use Vuze, so I cannot answer your question in detail, but I do have a question for you: How did you download vuze? If you installed the Kubuntu Vuze package, using one of standard package managers (Synaptic, Packagekit, apt-get, Muon, etc.), the package manager should have put all of the components in the correct places. That's one of the reasons we use package managers. If you downloaded a ".deb" file from an unofficial repository (NOT recommended!), you can install the package with "gdebi". If you downloaded a vuze(something).tar.gzip file somewhere (not recommended for beginners), and you have to ask this question, delete it and install the official package using one of the package managers mentioned above.


      Re: Vuze installation folder?

      Ok so i did the download from the official website of vuze since is the last and updated Vuze, 4 or 5.something and in the repository they are in the version 3....that's the reason, i Installed vuze with the terminal, i do it all the time. And that's why i didn't know in what folder should i place the vuze files....but that's alright i found it already, is /usr/share and later change the permissions with that folder starting a new session with sudo startx -- :1 .

      Thanks anyways.

