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Restart loop kubuntu guest virtualbox

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    Restart loop kubuntu guest virtualbox

    Install kubuntu guest (with all updates) with no issue/s.

    On first restart I get an error and the os restarts endlessly. Error is, "KDE Daemon closed unexpectedly" kdeinit4 PID: 3849 Signal: 7 (Bus error).

    Host OS: Windows7 amd64
    Guest OS: Kubuntu 10.10b AMD64
    Virtualbox version: 3.2.8 r64453
    Attached Files

    Re: Restart loop kubuntu guest virtualbox

    Which version of Kubuntu (Karmic, Lynx, Maverick) did you try?

    Did you do an md5sum check on the ISO you downloaded?

    Did you choose the option on the LiveCD that you installed from to check the LiveCD for errors before you installed it?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Restart loop kubuntu guest virtualbox

      Kubuntu 10.10b

      Ran live cd for 4 or 5 hours with not a problem.

      I ran md5sum but was only able to find hash for 10.04 LTS and not 10.10b.


        Re: Restart loop kubuntu guest virtualbox

        I thought so.

        I downloaded the 9/16/10 daily livecd of 10.10 and found it has the login screen loop problem. I tried it because the 9/15/10 updates to my 9/8/10 daily livecd install of 10.10 as a guest OS created the unfixable login screen loop.

        I am continuing to test the daily livecds until I get a desktop again. Meanwhile, I will report my findings to the ppa launchpad bugzilla, bug #640497.

        Don't be critical or disappointed. Maverick (10.10) is in beta. It is NOT a release ready for anything but bug testing. IF you want a working desktop install 10.4 and update KDE to 4.5.1

        But, if you want to lend a hand in helping to bring 10.10 to the desktop then by all means continue testing and adding to the bug reports, which will help the developers sort out the problems.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

