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New Codec Installer in Kubuntu 10.10

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    New Codec Installer in Kubuntu 10.10

    Hi: Although, as i have mentioned in my other post, i have been playing around with the live cd of Kubuntu 10.10 beta, i would not be installing until the final release...In reading the release notes for 10.10 it shows that on the Installer, there is an option to have it install codecs for you during the installation..

    I was wondering if anyone knows what codecs it actually will install? Is it the medibuntu package? or the kubutnu restricted extras package? or something else? Will it give you everything you might need?

    Also, would it include the encrypted dvd codec? (libdvdcss2) or would you still need to go to the medibuntu site to get that?

    Thanks That would guide me in knowing whether it's worth checking the box or not....

    Re: New Codec Installer in Kubuntu 10.10

    I just installed the 9-8-10 dailybuild livecd as a guest OS. I was presented with two options:
    Install Kubuntu or run it as a LiveCD.

    The Install option did not offer me an opportunity to install codecs.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: New Codec Installer in Kubuntu 10.10

      interesting...because in the illustration at the site, it shows the options of installing updates/and or codecs at the time of the install...

      On my live cd playing around of 10.10..i had kpackagekit install kubuntu restricted extras which gave me EVERYTHING except the encrypted dvd codec....even adobe 64 flash and java run time...everything was added in the one package...
      Then i went to medibuntu, pasted the terminal command to add libdvdcss2 (for encrypted dvds) it put the deb file in my download folder, i clicked it and the codec was instantly even showed at that point, in my list of installed software in kpackage kit...

      So, no would be easy to do the same thing when i actually do the hard drive install...kubuntu/ubuntu sure has come a long way...even though these things don't come pre-installed, it only took me two steps to get the whole deal...
      not quite as convenient as on Mint but pretty quick and simple...


        Re: New Codec Installer in Kubuntu 10.10

        I just installed this morning and was prompted whether I wanted to install codecs, wireless drivers and non-free software.
        we see things not as they are, but as we are.
        -- anais nin


          Re: New Codec Installer in Kubuntu 10.10

          Originally posted by wizard10000
          I just installed this morning and was prompted whether I wanted to install codecs, wireless drivers and non-free software.
          I was wondering if it gave you all the codecs? Just curious

          Also, rather then start an new topic on this, i was just wondering...i know that Google Chrome, downloaded from their website, gives you automatic updates as the new stable updates/versions come out...

          With the open source Chromium version....does ubuntu send through the new stable updates/versions for that automatically? or do you have to add something to get that? If so, how do you go about it? Does a particular command need to be pasted into the terminal?

          I wouldn't want the unstable ones...just the stable ones


