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Serious Help

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    Serious Help

    So I downloaded the PC version (install) and burned it. It gave me an error halfway through the install. Then my computer wouldn't even boot. So after fondling through DOS, it started again, but I had to reinstall windows\format the computer. So I decided to order some of the CD's. I did. I put them in, hit "Install" and what do I get? It has a loading bar and the Kubuntu logo, and does the first thing, displays OK then the next one it just sits there. It then goes to a black screen with text flowing up. These are "*somerandomnumbers* error on hd*something* - in Logical section *two numbers here*"

    ANY ideas? I desperately want this on my computer and any help would be appreciated.

    Computer Stats:

    "466 Mhz Intel Celeron Processor
    128 MB RAM
    10 G harddrive
    40X ROM
    3D AGP Graphics"

    Do I need the 64 bit? I got the PC version.

    Re: Serious Help

    Here's a more clarified version of what happens when I boot:

    I put the CD in. I restart. I select install. It gets stuck on the second object: "Mounting Root Filesystem"

    Then it goes to the black screen and displays "ACPI: Unable to locate PSDP"
    And continues with a bunch of thesefor about a half an hour.
    (Replace # with different numbers, they're different.)
    "[ ###.######] Buffer I/O error on device hdc, Logical block #"
    "[ ###.######] Buffer I/O error on device hdc, Logical block #"
    "[ ###.######] Buffer I/O error on device hdc, Logical block #"
    "[ ###.######] Buffer I/O error on device hdc, Logical block #"

    An onslaught of those for about a half an hour....Anything?


      Re: Serious Help

      device hdc is most likely your cd drive, so two possibilities are a bad disk/corrupted burn or a corrupted iso image file.

      The "ACPI: Unable to locate RSDP" could also be a culprit, as your older system may not support ACPI, so you can try booting from the disk again, but adding "acpi=off" at the initial cd boot screen. There should be a section that says "boot:" when the cd boots up, you would type it there then hit "enter"


        Re: Serious Help

        I think the problem might be the small amount of RAM you have. You might want to try Mepis Linux it has a boot option for older and low resource hardware that I don't think Kubuntu has.
        Mepis is essentially the same as Kubuntu with a few minor differences.

        I'd suggest you increase the amount of memory you have. I'd recomend at least 512mb.


          Re: Serious Help

          You can also try the alternate install cd, which has a simple text based installer, which will not have the ram problems a lot of livecds have.

          I would beg to differ on mepis being essentially the same as Kubuntu, that is like saying Mandriva or any other KDE distro is essentially the same We may use the same kernel now but there are differences.


            Re: Serious Help

            Yes there are differnces, and a few are pretty major ones, but I think to someone new to linux those differences will not be readily apperent or important. Once a person has gotten a distro up and running has played around with it, and has a basic understanding, then those differences become important in my opinion.
            Why confuse and hamper someone with details that are essentially meaningless to them. When I first started with Linux I had no idea what a kernel was, or a package manager, or sudo, or etc...I just wanted to get the thing running with as many gui tools as possible and play with it, break it, fix it, and repeat untill I learned.


              Re: Serious Help

              As claydoh suggested, you may want to try the alternate install CD. I had a similar problem with the live CD. After half an hour of buffer errors it would eventually load, only to crash when I tried to install, and this is with 1 GB RAM. I tried the alternate install CD and it installed perfectly the first time.


                Re: Serious Help

                Ok, then , and I do not mean this in any negative manner whatsoever, why do we add to the confusion by suggesting another entire distro instead of perhaps initially looking for an easier, possibly quicker, more direct path.


                  Re: Serious Help

                  I would suggest hitting the F1 key at bootup of the livecd for some boot options, most likely trying typing at the prompt:
                  live noapic nolapic
                  , but you will definitely still be very slow due to your older cpu, whichis at the very bottom in terms of speed for a Kubuntu system. The alternate cd will be much easier to install, but giving the livecd one try wouldn't hurt.


                    Re: Serious Help

                    Okay, thanks a lot for your help guys....and I have 256 MB RAM now, that's the max my box can hold.


                      Re: Serious Help

                      Well it all comes down to each persons opinion on what is easy or easier, on subjects such as these.
                      As far as a whole other distro, well I just don't see it that way, yet again another opinion. Mepis, Kubuntu, Debian with KDE, and about 8 other distros I can think of right of the top, are all relatively the same to me. I think there is much more difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu, than kubuntu and Mepis.


                        Re: Serious Help

                        Just a quick thought have you checked that virus protection is disabled in your BIOS settings

                        Regards John

