I am having trouble setting write access to a samba share on a windows PC.
Here's the setup:
Computer: Solaris
Kubuntu 10.04 installed on sda1
Fstab entry: //Mercury/MERCURYDATA /mnt/MercuryData cifs credentials=/etc/samba/user,noexec,rw,umask=000 0 0
richard@Solaris:/mnt$ ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8192 2010-08-28 20:29 MercuryData
Computer: Mercury
Windows 7
Share: MERCURYDATA (F drive). All users have rw permissions to the share
I can ping both computers from each other.
I can browse to the Samba share via Dolphin and I have write access there. (Network > Samba Shares > WORKGROUP > Mercury > MERCURYDATA
However, when I mount the filesystem to /mnt/MercuryData, I only have read access.
A couple of things bother me that may or may not be related. I'm using a credentials file. The file system will not mount if the credentials file contains the windows logon credentials alone. If I change them to a Solaris samba user (which also has identical admin logon credentials on Mercury), then the share mounts.
I have ntfs-3g installed, but if I use that instead of cifs in the fstab file, then mount -a throws an error:
richard@Solaris:/mnt$ sudo mount -a
ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '//Mercury/MERCURYDATA': No such file or directory
ntfs-3g 2010.3.6 external FUSE 28 - Third Generation NTFS Driver
Configuration type 1, XATTRS are on, POSIX ACLS are off
Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Yura Pakhuchiy
Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Szabolcs Szakacsits
Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Jean-Pierre Andre
Copyright (C) 2009 Erik Larsson
Usage: ntfs-3g [-o option[,...]] <device|image_file> <mount_point>
Options: ro (read-only mount), remove_hiberfile, uid=, gid=,
umask=, fmask=, dmask=, streams_interface=, syncio.
Please see the details in the manual (type: man ntfs-3g).
Example: ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows
Ntfs-3g news, support and information: http://ntfs-3g.org
One last thing that may be of relevance: The filesystem MercuryData is a FreeAgent 750Gb external harddrive on a USB connection.
Any help advice would be greatly appreciated. I have searched the forums, and I believe that I've tried all the reasonable suggestions to resolve the issue. I figure that it has to be fstab, as I have write access via the Samba share in Dolphin.
Kind regards,
I am having trouble setting write access to a samba share on a windows PC.
Here's the setup:
Computer: Solaris
Kubuntu 10.04 installed on sda1
Fstab entry: //Mercury/MERCURYDATA /mnt/MercuryData cifs credentials=/etc/samba/user,noexec,rw,umask=000 0 0
richard@Solaris:/mnt$ ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8192 2010-08-28 20:29 MercuryData
Computer: Mercury
Windows 7
Share: MERCURYDATA (F drive). All users have rw permissions to the share
I can ping both computers from each other.
I can browse to the Samba share via Dolphin and I have write access there. (Network > Samba Shares > WORKGROUP > Mercury > MERCURYDATA
However, when I mount the filesystem to /mnt/MercuryData, I only have read access.
A couple of things bother me that may or may not be related. I'm using a credentials file. The file system will not mount if the credentials file contains the windows logon credentials alone. If I change them to a Solaris samba user (which also has identical admin logon credentials on Mercury), then the share mounts.
I have ntfs-3g installed, but if I use that instead of cifs in the fstab file, then mount -a throws an error:
richard@Solaris:/mnt$ sudo mount -a
ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '//Mercury/MERCURYDATA': No such file or directory
ntfs-3g 2010.3.6 external FUSE 28 - Third Generation NTFS Driver
Configuration type 1, XATTRS are on, POSIX ACLS are off
Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Yura Pakhuchiy
Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Szabolcs Szakacsits
Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Jean-Pierre Andre
Copyright (C) 2009 Erik Larsson
Usage: ntfs-3g [-o option[,...]] <device|image_file> <mount_point>
Options: ro (read-only mount), remove_hiberfile, uid=, gid=,
umask=, fmask=, dmask=, streams_interface=, syncio.
Please see the details in the manual (type: man ntfs-3g).
Example: ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows
Ntfs-3g news, support and information: http://ntfs-3g.org
One last thing that may be of relevance: The filesystem MercuryData is a FreeAgent 750Gb external harddrive on a USB connection.
Any help advice would be greatly appreciated. I have searched the forums, and I believe that I've tried all the reasonable suggestions to resolve the issue. I figure that it has to be fstab, as I have write access via the Samba share in Dolphin.
Kind regards,