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Installing Daisy Dock? (SOLVED)

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    Installing Daisy Dock? (SOLVED)

    So... I'm a super new to using linux in general so if possible.. please keep it as simpleeeeeee as possible...

    I'm trying to install the daisy dock to kubuntu 10.4 and i am having the hardest time.. I tried almost everything and it doesn't work. I had to do a fresh install kubuntu on my laptop because I didn't want to boot it side by side with xp anymore and now I don't remember how I installed the dock before. The kpackagekit is pretty useless to me because i can never install anything on it. I do the search and then i click on the package and it does nothing. I'm getting super frustrated because i spent almost two hours trying to figure this out (i'm stubborn).

    whenever I type in sudo it'll ask for a password and the terminal will freeze up and I can't even type a password in.. I believe that I can't do that in kubuntu (am i right?)

    anyways.. it's a tar.gz file


    Re: Installing Daisy Dock?

    Originally posted by relapsedx
    whenever I type in sudo it'll ask for a password and the terminal will freeze up and I can't even type a password in.. I believe that I can't do that in kubuntu (am i right?)
    It doesn't actually freeze, the password prompt in a terminal just doesn't echo anything on the screen...just type your password and press enter and it should work (even though nothing is shown as you type)

    As for installing daisy, you should be able to install it from the ubuntu repos with:
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-daisy
    If you want the latest version of daisy (0.4.23), you can get it from rog's ppa repository:
    1. Enable the repository (it has a lot of plasma and other goodies not available from the ubuntu repos)
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:samrog131
    2. Install
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-daisy


      Re: Installing Daisy Dock?

      IT WORKED!!

      Thank you so much! I wish I thought of asking someone for help rather than trying to figure it out myself! I think this forum is going to be my new best friend while I'm trying to figure out how to use kubuntu!


        Re: Installing Daisy Dock? (SOLVED)

        Welcome to the forum

        As I think you may have already concluded, there is no shortage of people here who are willing to help you. I've been coming here for a couple of years now , and consider myself relatively proficient, and a huge part of that is down to the people here.

