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<SOLVED> Looking for a good video converter

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    <SOLVED> Looking for a good video converter

    Long story short avi video format isn't supported buy my xbox, so I'm looking for a converter so that I can watch my movies through my xbox on a flash drive, thanks in advance ^_^

    Fixed it myself, winff literally will convert it to the xbox 360's default video format, set it to convert to WMV and then set default device to Xbox 360... Wow thanks for nothing you guys >

    Lol jk I'm glad I had this little problem so you guys don't have to.

    Oh btw winff is already in your favorite package manager, just search for it ^_^

    Re: &lt;SOLVED&gt; Looking for a good video converter

    Thanks for nothing

    You post a question from Alaska at 04:12:43 pm and you answer it yourself at 04:49:58 pm, 37 minutes later and you don't think we answer your questions fast enough here?

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    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: &lt;SOLVED&gt; Looking for a good video converter

      im just wondering why you would even want wmv format? I know for a fact that the xbox plays avi files, its just the codec used in your avi is not supported(if its not online then it can't dl the codec for you).Don't bother using the xbox for as video player i have tested and both the wii and ps2 do so much better.
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        Re: &lt;SOLVED&gt; Looking for a good video converter

        Yes but I own a xbox... making the whole wii's and ps2's are better... besides


