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still newbie after all these months... KAlarm Problem

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    still newbie after all these months... KAlarm Problem

    Almost a year now with Kubuntu, and three machines later (no, I no longer think it's a hardware problem) and still problems.

    See my old thread if you'd like:

    Now on 10.04 kubuntu.

    While the problems are less, more easily contained and understood, they're still making it hard for me to work with Kubuntu .

    KAlarm: generally it works. But just today I delayed some alarms ten minutes and shut down my system to put it on a new UPS. That's always worked in the past; even if I logged on an hour later (which this time I did) the alarms still popped back up.

    This time they didn't. I got an error; as soon as it opened, it closed, no reason for the error. I restarted the system. Some alarms came up again; others (which were actually left open when I shut down did show up on the reboot.

    Now I had one of my important alarms back. I decided to defer it until tomorrow. I got an error that I couldn't defer it, it couldn't be found. I closed the error message, and the alarm disappeared (probably for good) as KAlarm completely closed. Maybe some alarms will come back when I reboot, but I wanted to reboot this first.

    I really like KAlarm. However I'll move all my alarms to something else if possible. Any recommendations? Please don't recommend Kontact's calendar; my next post will explain the problems I'm having with KMail and Kontact (hint: lots of other folk are having the same problem).

    So... any suggestions? Any recommendations?


    Re: still newbie after all these months... KAlarm Problem

    sudo apt-get install alarm-clock

    Or, you can explore cron:
    man cron
    Use the Systemsettings "Task Scheduler", which is a gui to cron.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: still newbie after all these months... KAlarm Problem

      Thanks. Haven't found the task scheduler under System Settings (10.04). but that's okay.

      I'm very familiar with cron; I manage lots of servers. But I don't really think it'll work for me for alarms; I need them on a very dynamic basis, many times daily, and also for years into the future.

      I'll take a look at alarm-clock tonight.



        Re: still newbie after all these months... KAlarm Problem

        Got it installed; it looks like it's designed to run as a daemon; there's no startup for it in the K-menu. Probably because it's described as a gnome program. I'm going to try setting it run at startup.




          Re: still newbie after all these months... KAlarm Problem

          Ya, you'll have to add the menu icon yourself.

          Right mouse on the KGear menu and select "Edit Menu". The binary is "alarmclock". An icon is in the application set (no need to go navigating around). I put it under "Utilities"
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

