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Unrecognised characters replaced by � in file/folder names

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    Unrecognised characters replaced by � in file/folder names

    Hi everyone

    I am having a problem with files and folder names having some characters which aren't recognised by Dolphin, Konqueror and many other applications (any unrecognised character being replaced with �). As a consequence, the file or folder cannot be opened, deleted, renamed...even as root. It is worth noting that the file/folder is usually perfectly recognised in Sabayon 5.2 (KDE) and the � disappeared and showing accentuated letters (French character) instead.
    Previous post usually only give fixes for one-off files. Changing the name is not the preferred option for me as accentuated letters are part of my native language and I would have too many files/folder to rename.

    I tried to add some languages in the "system settings" "regional and languages" but with no success.
    Does anyone know the fix for this annoying little character: �?
    Many thanks in advance


    Multiboot : Kubuntu Lucid Lynx (64bit), Sabayon 5.2 KDE (64bit), WinXP(64bit)
    Hardware: intel core i7 920 2.66GHz , MBgigabyte EX58-UD3R, zotac GE force GTX 260

    Re: Unrecognised characters replaced by � in file/folder names

    This looks like it might help:


      Re: Unrecognised characters replaced by � in file/folder names

      Thanks dibl, I think you are spot on.
      But my drive doesn't appear in etc/fstab as it is not mounted by default, and the same problem will appear if I use removable drive to transfer files. Is there a way to default iochartset=utf8 to all the drives including removable ones?


        Re: Unrecognised characters replaced by � in file/folder names

        Huh -- I'm not sure.

        You could test it by using it in the "mount" command, and mounting a problem drive in real time. If it works that way, then you will know, and you can investigate how to make it applicable for "hot-plugged" drives.

