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Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

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    Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

    Some further guidance would be helpful, because I have been without network conection for almost a month now and have made practically zero progress on solving the problem.

    I'm running 64-bit Kubuntu 10.4 on an Asus a8v AMD socket 939 motherboard with an onboard Marvell Gigabit network connection. This configuration has been running OK since I first installed Ubuntu about a year ago at version 9.10, until a month ago, when it stopped for no obvious reason. I am at the latest released level of the kernel. Grub menu shows the 2 previous releases. None of those work either - but have done in the past.

    This is a dual boot machine. Windows XP boots fine and provides all the network connectivity I expect. (But I'm not using it now to submit this forum post). So there is no hardware problem all the way to my ISP.

    I have searched this forum for similar or related posts, but the search facility does not give me usefull results when used in the only way I know how. For example, searching for 'no network conection' finds every post that contains the string 'no' - and this seems to occur very frequently, for example within the word 'Canon'. As you might expect, the number of hits is so large as to make the search of no value.

    I searched the 'HowTos'. The most obvious one - on how to trouble shoot without a GUI very quickly tells me that solving the problem of my network connection not being recognised is beyond the scope of the HowTo! It suggests I search the forum for other information...

    If I stumble about within the wholly inscrutable Network Manager and Firestarter applications, I am told to check my network connection settings because the network card is disabled. I don't have a network card.

    Aside from that, I have no idea what network connection settings to check, where to find them, how to check them and how to know what the settings should be. The advice 'check your settings' is about as much use to a non-technical end user as the admonition to 'be successful'. I small amount of additional process definition is required, don't you think?

    So, if somebody can point me to a good problem source identification procedure, I would be most grateful. I have chosen Ubuntu from among all other Linux distributions because I want to get out from under Winows as much as I can, as soon as I can - but it is no use me struggling like this and making no progress.

    Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

    I may not be able to help solve this, but just to give you a bump ...

    My first question is, why do you believe you have no network connectivity? Are you getting an error message somewhere?

    For us to help troubleshoot your problem we'll need to see some information. For starters, I suggest opening a Konsole window (Alt+F2 -> konsole) and entering the following command. Copy and paste the complete output of the command into your next reply to this thread.

    ifconfig -a
    You can read what this command does by entering man ifconfig, or or read the manpage here.

    The output of the command above should be a complete list of all the network interfaces on your machine which are known to the kernel.
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      Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

      Also from the konsole program you may want to try the command
      sudo ethtool eth0
      and post the result here.
      Ethtool can be used to query and change settings such as speed, auto-negotiation and checksum offload on many network devices, especially Ethernet devices.
      Unfortunately, I don't remember whether ethtool is installed automagically, or whether I had to go out of my way to install it by hand later. Obviously, if it wasn't on the CD, you won't have it until you resolve the kind of problem that ethtool is specifically designed to solve.


        Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

        with an onboard Marvell Gigabit network connection
        I don't have a network card.
        I'm a bit confused. Start by outlining exactly how you connect to the internet.

        Please Read Me


          Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

          Don't get frustrated. Follow the suggestions already posted and the people on this forum will get it running for you. Eagerly awaiting your next post.


            Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

            Also let me make some suggestions on searching. If you enclose a phrase in quotation marks, the search will only return those hits that contain the exact phrase. For example if you had searched for "no network connection" instead of no network connection you would only have gotten hits containing that exact phrase.


              Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

              It's odd that this should just happen.

              You haven't suspended the machine to RAM by any chance? If you have, you will get a message that network management is disabled and it would seem that no amount of reboots will revive it. If this is the case try this, in a terminal, preceding each line with sudo

              service network-manager stop
              rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state
              service network-manager start


                Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

                Originally posted by oshunluvr
                with an onboard Marvell Gigabit network connection
                I don't have a network card.
                I'm a bit confused. Start by outlining exactly how you connect to the internet.
                In the usual way: via a CAT 5 LAN cable from the RJ45 port on my computer to a simialr pot on my Router. Then, in either Windows or Kubuntu, I launch an internet-aware application - typically Fireffox or Thunderbird.

                Currently this fails in Kubuntu (with a Firefox message indicating no network connectivity) but works fine in Windows, which I am using now to enter this post.

                But I still don't have a network card.. I don't need multiple hardware network connections.


                  Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

                  Originally posted by The Liquidator
                  It's odd that this should just happen.

                  You haven't suspended the machine to RAM by any chance? If you have, you will get a message that network management is disabled and it would seem that no amount of reboots will revive it. If this is the case try this, in a terminal, preceding each line with sudo

                  service network-manager stop
                  rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state
                  service network-manager start
                  In fact I have frequently suspened to RAM and, now that I think about it, the last time I hibernated the system, suspending it to disk (I assume). I can't try these comdns directly, since I don't have internet access from Kubuntu (Oh, I think I already said that) so I can see this forum only when in Windows. I'm in the process of transcrbing these to paper first.


                    Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

                    I'm especially interested in seeing the results of:
                    ifconfig -a


                      Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

                      Originally posted by askrieger
                      Also from the konsole program you may want to try the command
                      sudo ethtool eth0
                      and post the result here.
                      Ethtool can be used to query and change settings such as speed, auto-negotiation and checksum offload on many network devices, especially Ethernet devices.
                      Unfortunately, I don't remember whether ethtool is installed automagically, or whether I had to go out of my way to install it by hand later. Obviously, if it wasn't on the CD, you won't have it until you resolve the kind of problem that ethtool is specifically designed to solve.
                      The output from this tools, copy and pasted from Kubuntu to Windows via Open Office Word, is as follows:

                      Settings for eth0:
                      Supported ports: [ TP ]
                      Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
                      100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
                      1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
                      Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
                      Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
                      100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
                      1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
                      Advertised pause frame use: No
                      Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
                      Link partner advertised link modes: Not reported
                      Link partner advertised pause frame use: No
                      Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: No
                      Speed: Unknown!
                      Duplex: Unknown! (255)
                      Port: Twisted Pair
                      PHYAD: 0
                      Transceiver: internal
                      Auto-negotiation: on
                      MDI-X: Unknown
                      Supports Wake-on: pg
                      Wake-on: g
                      Current message level: 0x00000037 (55)
                      Link detected: no


                        Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

                        Originally posted by Telengard
                        I may not be able to help solve this, but just to give you a bump ...

                        My first question is, why do you believe you have no network connectivity? Are you getting an error message somewhere?

                        For us to help troubleshoot your problem we'll need to see some information. For starters, I suggest opening a Konsole window (Alt+F2 -> konsole) and entering the following command. Copy and paste the complete output of the command into your next reply to this thread.

                        ifconfig -a
                        You can read what this command does by entering man ifconfig, or or read the manpage here.

                        The output of the command above should be a complete list of all the network interfaces on your machine which are known to the kernel.
                        The outptu from this commmand, copy and apsted between Kubuntu and Windows using Open Office Word, is as follows:

                        tony@ADVENT:~$ ifconfig -a
                        eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:15:f2:44:25:00
                        BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
                        RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                        TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                        collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
                        RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

                        lo Link encap:Local Loopback
                        inet addr: Mask:
                        inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
                        UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
                        RX packets:149 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                        TX packets:149 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                        collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
                        RX bytes:13388 (13.3 KB) TX bytes:13388 (13.3 KB)



                          Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

                          Originally posted by The Liquidator
                          It's odd that this should just happen.

                          You haven't suspended the machine to RAM by any chance? If you have, you will get a message that network management is disabled and it would seem that no amount of reboots will revive it. If this is the case try this, in a terminal, preceding each line with sudo

                          service network-manager stop
                          rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state
                          service network-manager start
                          The first command fails with the error message: "unknown instance" which has unknown meaning in my language

                          The second cammand fails with words to the effect of 'failed - no such file'

                          The thrid command fails which a lot of error messages which I didn't bother to copy and paste between Linux and Windows


                            Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

                            The "service" commands need a "sudo" prefix:

                            sudo service networking stop
                            sudo service networking start
                            Since you have tried everything else, what does
                            sudo ifup eth0


                              Re: Need guidance on solving 'no network connectivity' problem

                              According to the output of ifconfig -a you card is properly recognized by the kernel and now we just need to get it working. Whaen you run sudo ifup eth0 if you get any error messages we need to see those.

