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Installing Limewire?

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    Installing Limewire?

    I have the limewire RPM (I have NO idea how to install RPM's) and i heard i need to install java too.

    Is there a guide for us noobs out there?

    My friend told me he needed to install like 200 things to get certian rpms to work and linux is horrible.

    Please prove him wrong!

    Re: Installing Limewire?

    In Kubuntu we genarally don't use RPMs.

    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Re: Installing Limewire?

      This still makes no sense to me after reading that

      Every time i try something it keeps saying command gedit not found or package not found.


        Re: Installing Limewire?

        My apologies.

        Gedit is Gnome and Ubuntu

        Kate is KDE and Kubuntu

        Substitute the word kate for the word gedit
        "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
        "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


          Re: Installing Limewire?

          1) Install Synaptic (Adept Sucks, big time!):
          Start a konsole (K>System>Konsole)
          In the konsole type: "sudo apt-get install synaptic", enter your password when requested.
          2) Start Synaptic:
          Right click on the desktop; click Run Command; type "kdesu synaptic"; enter your password
          3) Reload repositories:
          click circled arrows in upper left.
          4)Install Java:
          click search button; enter sun-java; chhose "in description and name"; click search;
          scroll down to sun-java5-jre; right click on it; click install;
          click Apply at the top;
          5)Install wget (if neccesary):
          In synaptic search for "wget" install it, if it isn't installed (as in step 4)
          6) Follow the instructions at Easy linux info using "kate" instead of gedit
          ENTER ALL THE LINES IN GREY IN A KONSOLE (see step 1 to start konsole)
          At the end instead of restarting gnome-panel restart KDE


            Re: Installing Limewire?

            Thanks! Ill see how it works out


              Re: Installing Limewire?

              Now my biggest problem is installing java along with the many other programs on that list. I type this in my konsole

              sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5
              echo 3 | sudo update-alternatives --config java

              And it says

              E: Couldnt find package sun-j2re1.5



                Re: Installing Limewire?

                My step 4 gives the name of the requisite package.


                  Re: Installing Limewire?

                  I dont know WHERE to search.

                  And it keeps telling me Command Synaptic not found


                    Re: Installing Limewire?

                    Did you install synaptic with apt-get? If so you'll find it in /usr/sbin/. But, since /usr/sbin/ should be on your path, you should be able to just type "kdesu synaptic". I that doesn't work try 'kdesu /usr/sbin/synaptic".


                      Re: Installing Limewire?

                      Sigh....Still didnt work. I have limewire installed just not java so i cant run that or azerus


                        Re: Installing Limewire?

                        Sorry about the double post.


                        Is this it? And if i download this, Where would i put it to install java. Every time i type that command in konsole it says package not found, and i have no idea where to find the package.


                          Re: Installing Limewire?

                          That is NOT AN UBUNTU PACKAGE. It is a Debian package. I tried to give you detailed instructions which you persist in ignoring. Good Luck.


                            Re: Installing Limewire?

                            As an alternative try Frostwire by doing the following:
                            1) Install Automatix
                            2) Install Frostwire and java from automatix menu

                            FYI After Limewire was served with papers by the RIAA/MPAA they turned their code public - and Frostwire is a continuation of Limewire. Should Limewire ever include Digital Rights Management filters Frostwire will be free to remove the filters

