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Partition from Kubuntu 10.04?

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    Partition from Kubuntu 10.04?

    Edit: So now Ive chosen to creat a /data partition, But after the install process for Kubuntu and Windows Id rather not install both all over again, what package could I download edit partitions from linux safely? Thanks for all your help

    I have quite a few questions, Id love to stay here, Im just new to Linux/ubuntu/kubuntu and need some help .

    1: Where can I view what packages I have installed? I installed gnome-util however when I use kpackagekit It only shows up if I search for it and try to download again, and how do I use installed packages, I wanted to use baobab in the previous package. [SOLVED]

    2: with 10.04 and native support for the iphone, can I sync to itunes through wine? I made 2 partitions and gave windows 20 gigs solely for the purpose of syncing my phone to itunes, but Im not sure what do to. Since windows cant access the linux partition would I have to have all my music and movies in both partitions? I would sync through Amarok but I dont believe it supports the Applications and Podcasts. How would I do this without having all 120gigs of music/movies/apps/podcasts on both partitions?

    Im sure ill need more help as time goes on but these are two of my main concerns at the time, if anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.

    Please include the following information in your posts:

    * What release of Kubuntu you are using: Kubuntu 10.04
    * If Kubuntu is installed, is it installed 'inside' of Windows (Wubi installation): No it is not
    * What version of KDE you are using. : I dont know...
    * What version of Grub you are using.: Once again Im very new and dont know
    * What other Operating Systems are installed: Windows 7

    Information about your PC:

    * Type (Desktop or laptop) : Desktop
    * CPU (Central Processor Unit) make (Intel, AMD, ?) and whether 32-bit, 64-bit, or ?: Intel 64bit
    * GPU (Graphics Processor Unit) manufacturer and model: Gforce 9400 GT
    * RAM (how much installed) 4gb
    * HDs (number of and type internal - number of and type external) one internel 320gb
    * Optical Drives (number of and type internal - number of and type external) on external DVDRW

    Re: New to Kubuntu... Im completely lost ;;_;;

    First, welcome to KFN and to Linux/Kubuntu. I see you read the PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING HERE - thank you.

    KPackageKit - the default package manager - is not a user friendly application. Most 'regulars' here prefer to install and use Synaptic package manager. Easy to do, and when installed, let's you easily manage packages - add and remove - and keeps a history of what packages you have installed/removed and easily identifies 'installed' packages on your system. To install Synaptic, open a console (K > System > Konsole) and type:
    sudo apt-get install synaptic
    After it is installed, you'll find it at K > System > Synaptic Package Manager
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: New to Kubuntu... Im completely lost ;;_;;

      of course I read it : ] I may be an idiot and n00b, but Im a respectful one.
      I will install that in just a little bit, hopefully that will help me out.
      Any idea on how I can get my phone working on Linux? The more I research it the more It seems like ill have to have a second copy of everything I want to sync on my windows partition.


        Re: New to Kubuntu... Im completely lost ;;_;;

        Welcome to the party

        I can't help with the iphone, I use Android and am happy with that.

        The more I research it the more It seems like ill have to have a second copy of everything I want to sync on my windows partition.
        Kubuntu (Linux) has no problems seeing your windows partition.

        When you open up dolphin (default file manager) you should see your win partition on the left hand side.

        Hope that helps

        you can also put your music directly in a folder view widget by mouse over the folder view and clicking the wrench (configure) icon. From there you can define which folder you want to see on your desktop. You can put as many folder view widgets on your DT as you want.
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: New to Kubuntu... Im completely lost ;;_;;

          Originally posted by Fintan

          Kubuntu (Linux) has no problems seeing your windows partition.

          When you open up dolphin (default file manager) you should see your win partition on the left hand side.
          I think the OP is asking about the lack of accessibility of his linux partition from within windows, a problem for which there doesn't seem to be a solution. I can sympathize; currently, I'm too busy to configure proper MTP support in Kubuntu. So whenever I want to add a few albums to my Mp3 player, I have to drag 'n' drop from the linux side and boot into windows in order to interface with the Mp3 player. Not the end of the world but a minor inconvenience.

          Are you interested in trying to get your iphone working in linux, Pure_Khaos? If so, there's a workaround that's been mentioned here: If it works out for you, you wouldn't have to worry about constantly transferring files to windows.

          keep us posted.
          Home: Kubuntu 12.04-amd64; Intel i7-860 on Intel DH55PJ; Nvidia 9500GT; 6GB RAM
          Network Slave: Xubuntu 11.10-x86; Intel P4-Prescott on MSI; 2GB RAM; Nvidia FX5200
          Portable: Xubuntu 11.10-amd64; Asus EeePC 1015PEM


            Re: New to Kubuntu... Im completely lost ;;_;;

            I think the OP is asking about the lack of accessibility of his linux partition from within windows, a problem for which there doesn't seem to be a solution.
            Well there is this:

            The best and safest way would be to create a FAT or NFTS partition with gparted live cd or parted image live cd:


            and use that as a /Data partition which can be accessed for both OS's
            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: New to Kubuntu... Im completely lost ;;_;;

              Originally posted by rfakhrai
              Originally posted by Fintan

              Kubuntu (Linux) has no problems seeing your windows partition.

              When you open up dolphin (default file manager) you should see your win partition on the left hand side.
              I think the OP is asking about the lack of accessibility of his linux partition from within windows, a problem for which there doesn't seem to be a solution. I can sympathize; currently, I'm too busy to configure proper MTP support in Kubuntu. So whenever I want to add a few albums to my Mp3 player, I have to drag 'n' drop from the linux side and boot into windows in order to interface with the Mp3 player. Not the end of the world but a minor inconvenience.

              Are you interested in trying to get your iphone working in linux, Pure_Khaos? If so, there's a workaround that's been mentioned here: If it works out for you, you wouldn't have to worry about constantly transferring files to windows.

              keep us posted.
              Thats bout it, I would like to listen to music while using my computer (In Kubuntu) but windows cant read of a linux partition, I tried some of the earlier links posted. I dont have enough space to have everything on both partitions : /
              The link you posted has good points on getting the device recognized, but would I be able to use wine to get itunes to sync with?


                Re: New to Kubuntu... Im completely lost ;;_;;

                I can't help you with the wine question; I haven't used the software. Maybe consider changing the title of this thread so you can attract more help?
                Home: Kubuntu 12.04-amd64; Intel i7-860 on Intel DH55PJ; Nvidia 9500GT; 6GB RAM
                Network Slave: Xubuntu 11.10-x86; Intel P4-Prescott on MSI; 2GB RAM; Nvidia FX5200
                Portable: Xubuntu 11.10-amd64; Asus EeePC 1015PEM


                  Re: Can you sync to iTunes through WINE in 10.04?

                  If you've kept Windows 7 I would use that for syncing your iPod and use iTune there, keeping all your music on the Windows partition. You then don't need to worry about accessing a Linux partition from Windows, don't need to use Wine and Linux can read the music fine from the Windows partition.

                  Or, as above but create a /Data partition that both OSs can read (as mentioned above)- this is what I do

                  I think either of these is less hassle than using Wine/ iTunes and you only need one copy of your music.

                  Here's the Wine entry for iTunes and from a quick look it doesn't look promising:


