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[SOLVED] Usual Cant Update/Install but Error when "sudo dpkg --configure -a"

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    [SOLVED] Usual Cant Update/Install but Error when "sudo dpkg --configure -a"

    Just installed Kubuntu LTS on my HP Pavilion laptop and all was pretty well until I think I messed something up. I was following through one of the topics on this board about what to do after a fresh install and then I got the standard
    E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
    So i ran that command and I get this error.
    dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0187' near line 0:
    newline in field name `#padding'
    What does that mean? Can I just delete that update that is failing and try it again? Complete noob here so please give me step by step if possible. Very interested in learning this OS but know it will take some time. Thank you in advance for any help that comes my way.


    Re: Usual Cant Update/Install but Error when "sudo dpkg --configure -a"

    There is absolutely NOTHING in my /var/lib/dpkg/updates/ directory. This may be due to the fact that I installed some updates earlier today, so that my system is up to date. I don't know how long it took you to do your installation because that is a function of your internet connection, the repository you're using, and just plain luck. However, IF (and that's a big if) you're willing to try a re-installation in the event of failure. I would suggest:
    (1) Copy and post the file /var/lib/dpkg/updates/0187 here, in this thread, so that someone can take a look at it and figure out what's going on.
    (2) Give the clever and knowledgeable folks here about 24 hours to figure it out. (I suggest that time span because the guy (or gal) who has faced and solved exactly that problem may be fast asleep now.)
    (3) If all else fails, try a re-install (including updating all your software after the installation completes itself).

    BTW: Are you ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that you:
    * checked your downloaded iso file for errors before burning it.
    * checked the burned CDR for errors, before starting the installation.
    Instructions for doing these things are available in these forums, as well as at The Official Ubuntu Community Documentation Wiki
    I'm not trying to "blame the victim" here, but more than half of the installation difficulties that people experience (at a wild guestimate) are due to bad disks.


      RESOLVED - Usual Cant Update/Install but Error when "sudo dpkg --configure -a"

      Ok so I was determined to figure this out and did a ton of Google/Kubuntu forums searching. I found somewhere a post stating to rm the update directory. I felt leary of that but I did try and rm the 0187 directory. It did it. After that I did a get-apt update and it was actually able to process all the way through. This past day or so has been a huge learning curve but I am getting it slow. I have no managed to get it to do software installs (took forever to figure that out and still not sure if I am doing it right, sudo apt-get install ______). I had an issue with having no audio but again found that my PCM mixer was way low.



        Re: Usual Cant Update/Install but Error when "sudo dpkg --configure -a"

        Your last two questions need to be posted in new, separate posts. This thread was about your problem with update/install, and you say that has been resolved. That's good. Given that, please return to your first post in this thread and click the modify button and add [SOLVED] to the subject line. This lets others who see this post, know that it was solved.

        Again, start new posts for additional questions.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

