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suddenly monitor shows "no signal"

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    suddenly monitor shows "no signal"

    Hi everyone, im starting to use kubuntu but im about to leave it if i dont solve this problem...

    From time to time my monitor looses signal, sometimes i can keep on working by pressing ctrl-alt-backspace and log on again but sometimes that doesnt work and i have to reboot the computer.
    In ksystemlog i found this after rebooting:

    23/06/06 13:17:57 localhost kernel [4295128.879000] iounmap: bad address e0f32000
    23/06/06 16:29:43 localhost kdm[8214] X server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly
    23/06/06 16:29:43 localhost kernel [4304836.894000] [drm] Loading R200 Microcode
    23/06/06 16:29:45 localhost kdm_greet[8980] Can't open default user face
    23/06/06 16:30:03 localhost ivman Ivman started in system mode

    I hope someone can help me out.

    thanx a lot

    Re: suddenly monitor shows "no signal"

    First some questions. Which version of kubuntu are you using? What kind of a display driver and monitor do you have? What were you doing when the monitor started showing no signal? Can you start up again by rebooting? What happens when you try to start up. If your system comes up properly when you reboot, how long does it stay up? Is there any else you can think of that will give us a clue as to what happened?


      Re: suddenly monitor shows "no signal"

      im using kubuntu ver. 5.10
      monitor: ViewSonic VA902b Black 19" 8ms LCD Monitor. I dont know what display driver...

      I think last time it happened I was opening the package manager. I dont think it happenes only when I do that, it happens while im doing things any user would do. If you want, next time it happens I will let you know what I was doing.
      Can I start up again by rebooting? yes
      What happens when I try to start up? nothing different than the usual.
      The system stays up for about 30 minutes, only once I did leave it idle for a few hours and when I camed back it was ok.

      The only other thing that might be important is that I did a full upgrade in the package manager, and when i rebooted grub was showing 2 different kernels. So what I did was to go to the package manager again, typed the older kernel and uninstalled whatever was installed (1 or 2 things). I would like to know why that happened ....

      update: it just happened again: I was just using firefox and the package manager, both of them where opened, I was about to type something in firefox and the monitor lost signal!
      2 mins later: i had only firefox opened and was browsing the kde menu when linux freezed. I could only move the mouse, this has happened b4 also. I had to log off.


        Re: suddenly monitor shows "no signal"

        I dont know what display driver...
        From a Konsole (K>SYSTEM>Konsole) type "lspci" . There should be a line in the output that says something about "video contoller" or "VGA compatible..." Please post that line. ALSO using konqueror, navigate to the /etc/X11/directory. Look at the file called "xorg.conf". Look for a stanza that says something like this:
        Section "Device"
        identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600]"
        boardname "nv"
        busid "PCI:1:0:0"
        driver "nvidia"
        screen 0
        Post the Identifier line, ONLY.

        So what I did was to go to the package manager again, typed the older kernel and uninstalled whatever was installed (1 or 2 things). I would like to know why that happened ....
        What happened was that when you ran an upgrade, the upgrade manager installed a newer kernel which, hopefully, fixed some bugs in the old kernel. I wish I knew what it was that you uninstalled, that might explain some of your problems.


          Re: suddenly monitor shows "no signal"

          terminal output:
          0000:01:07.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO] (rev 01)
          from xorg.conf:
          Identifier "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9200 Pro (RV280)"

          I think that what I uninstalled was one or both of these:
          kernel-image and kernel-headers for 2.6.12-9

          So I shouldnt have done anything about grub showing 2 different kernels?


            Re: suddenly monitor shows "no signal"

            So I shouldnt have done anything about grub showing 2 different kernels?
            No, but it's probably not a problem. It's a good idea, in general, to keep your old kernel after an update, just in case the new kernel causes a problem. If the new kernel is fine, then you remove the oldest kernel the next time you upgrade, so you always have a new kernel and one you can fall back on if you have a problem and all else fails.

            The next thing to try is to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. Normally, I'd tell you to try a command called "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", but people (including me) have been having problems with that program in Dapper. Whereas editing xorg.conf works in either Breezy or Dapper. So, we'll do this the easy way (from the command line).

            1) Start a konsole (see my last post), and enter the following commands:
            cd /etc/X11/  <-- move to correct directory
            sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak  <--- Backup file (Enter your password when requested)
            sudo nano xorg.conf
            This will start a very simple console based editor. You will need to use the arrow keys to navigate because nano doesn't know about the mouse. In nano, navigate down to the stanza about the ATI Radeon. Go to the line that says driver "ati" or driver "fglrx". Change it to say
            driver "vesa"
            Then type Ctl-O to save the file and Ctl-X to exit nano.

            This will put you back to a video driver that is guaranteed to work with every video card made in the last dozen years. This should solve your problem, he said with his fingers crossed. Obviously it won't take advantage of any of the things you paid for when you bought your video card, but hey, if it works...


              Re: suddenly monitor shows &quot;no signal&quot;

              hi again, I was sick for a few days ...

              I just did what you did you told me, and now it is worst: when the login screen is suposed to show up, the monitor looses signal, the led keeps turning green and yellow.


                Re: suddenly monitor shows &quot;no signal&quot;

                I'm not familiar with the Viewsonic monitor. What does it mean when the led is green and yellow. If the vesa driver is performing worse than the "ati" driver, put the driver back to "ati". Also, are you sure that you're not having a mechanical problem with a loose cable?


                  Re: suddenly monitor shows &quot;no signal&quot;

                  my bad, the led doesnt do that ... what happens is that the "no signal" sign appears and dissappears nonstop.
                  The monitor works fine in windows.
                  I cant log in so I dont know how to change the driver again. I guess i dont need to know because the other configuration aint good enough eather, Im gonna switch to another distro.

                  thanx for your help


                    Re: suddenly monitor shows &quot;no signal&quot;

                    its me again .... I forgot there are some files I need to recover, so can you tell me how to recover them or how to switch back to the ati driver?

                    thanx again


                      Re: suddenly monitor shows &quot;no signal&quot;

                      How to recover files: If you have any kind of removable drive from a floppy (and LOTS of disks) to a zip drive to a usb key to a usb or firewire external hard drive. Start Kubuntu in recovery mode (the second line in the Grub boot menu). This will give you a black and white full screen text console. You don't have to do it this way, but it has a lesser chance of zapping your monitor and your going to be using the command line any way.

                      Enter the following commands (I'm going to assume that the files you want to save are in directories under /home/rastiazul/important)
                      cd /home/rastiazul/important/  <--- navigate to the important directory
                      cp ./file1 /media/removable  <--- substitute the name of your removable drive here and repeat for all files to save
                      Don't miss the (dot)(slash) in the second command. What you are doing is transferring all the files to one or more removable media.

