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Help with mp3 playback in Kubuntu 10.04

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    Help with mp3 playback in Kubuntu 10.04

    Hello! I'm having such difficulties gettin mp3's to play on my Kubuntu 10.04. I have 3 computers in my house. 1 has Windows7, the other has Ubuntu9.10 and the 3rd had Windows Xp which I changed to Kubuntu 10.04. Now I've had problems before with gettin mp3 to play on Ubuntu, but had it all playin after 5hours of web searchin and troubleshootin. Now its been 3days since I installed Kubuntu, 3days searchin for solutions to this problem and stil I cant get mp3's to play. Before I get too far with this problem let me mention that I have no direct internet connection on any of my computers(meaning I cannot use the terminal or software management to download anything). My only access to the internet is a mobile phone(Nokia N95). I manually download files with it then transfere the files to the computers. Now gettin back to mp3's, I've downloaded the Kubuntu-restricted-extras_39_i386.deb file, installed it successfully, but stil no mp3 playback. I've also downloaded libxine1-ffmpeg_1.1.17-1ubuntu3_i386.deb, failed to install [errorependency not satisfied; libavcodec52(>=4:0.5+svn20090706-3)| libavcodec-extra-52(>=4:0.5+svn20090706-3)].
    Now my question is pretty simple, what files do I need to download in order for me to play mp3's?

    Re: Help with mp3 playback in Kubuntu 10.04

    can u get a direct internet connection to the computer? it will be much easier then manually downloading the dependencies for packages you will need. can you Teather you phone to the computer so you can use its connection, i think your phone will do that with bluetooth, that would do it, after you get a net connection you should only have to open amarok for it to report it needs more files. other wise you will have to get all the dependencies for the packages by hand so that you can install the mp3 codec. once you have a net connection this becomes much easier. if you can not get the computer online, perhaps you can use another one to download the packages you need.. a good place to look is there you can not only download the packages in teh repos but you can also find out want dependencies they have. be sure to get them all or the package will not install.
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      Re: Help with mp3 playback in Kubuntu 10.04

      Thank you very much Sithlord. I will try to connect the phone to the pc via bluetooth and see if I can get a direct internet connection(hopefully I wont have much problems configurin that). Will report back with results. Thanx again.


        Re: Help with mp3 playback in Kubuntu 10.04

        Ok I've tried for days to connect my phones(N95-8GB, N73, 6210nav and Sony Ericsson Yari) to the computer with both usb cable and bluetooth. With cable the computer detects the phones as memory storage. With bluetooth the computer detects that there is a phone connected, but I cant startup an internet connection. Mayb u can help with a tutorial(a link to one will be very much appreciated) for that. So since I couldnt get a direct connection to the computer, I then tried to download the packages manually, but little did I know that u can only download a single file at a time meanin that if a file has dependencies then I'd have to download every dependency one at a time and if those dependencies have their own dependencies then...(this is time consuming and impractical).
        Is there a way to download a package and all its dependencies at once manually?


          Re: Help with mp3 playback in Kubuntu 10.04

 might help with your N95 (seams it has to be usb for that phone)

          as for dl and install of a package and its dependcies in one dl, other then using the package manager i don't know how to do that. hopefully the advice on that page will get you online. also note this is for ubuntu so it assumes you have gnome. thats ok simply, exchange any gedit commands for kate ones and you should be good togo.(also this info is old but should still work to get you online)
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