I keep trying to let my Kubuntu Update and it keeps stopping for some reason.
Dependency Resolution failed - KPackageKit
A Package Dependancy Could Not Be Found.
More information is available in the detailed report.
The following packages block the update: libqt4-assistant
ummm, what?
ZT INtel i7 920
Kubuntu the M word I cant remember what it means (10,04 I believe it is)
I have read Please read Before Posting Here I can't believe any of the other information is relevant.
Isn't there some command line command that will retrieve all that information?
Dependency Resolution failed - KPackageKit
A Package Dependancy Could Not Be Found.
More information is available in the detailed report.
The following packages block the update: libqt4-assistant
ummm, what?
ZT INtel i7 920
Kubuntu the M word I cant remember what it means (10,04 I believe it is)
I have read Please read Before Posting Here I can't believe any of the other information is relevant.
Isn't there some command line command that will retrieve all that information?